Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 281: Birthday

Since it's November 12th for Yat Sen's birthday, the meeting with Norman Osborn can only be pushed back.

Compared with outsiders who have not met, of course, family is more important. Whether in the past, now, or in the future, Shi Xiaolei has such an attitude.

Born in an orphan, Shi Xiaolei has lived in an environment without family since he was a child. Whenever he sees scenes of other people staying with their parents, Shi Xiaolei can't help but feel envious. Year after year, having his own family has become an obsession in his heart. And now, having finally achieved this wish, how could he be willing to ignore these family members around him?

"Tony, can the agreed time be pushed back a day?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I want to celebrate Yixian's birthday." Shi Xiaolei explained on the phone, "Although the cake is eaten at night, but..."

"What?" Before Shi Xiaolei could finish explaining, Stark couldn't help interrupting him: "Saturday is Yixian's birthday?"

"Uh, why are you so excited?"

"Then why didn't you say it earlier, hey, man, don't you forget it?" Stark first complained a few words, and then continued: "Well, I came over with Pepper on Saturday to participate in The birthday party you prepared for Yat-sen. As for the date with Osborn, I'll give him a call in a moment and push it back a day. What do you think about Sunday afternoon?"

"Yes, yes... Tony, are you also here to help Yixian's birthday?"

"Yeah, can't it?"

"No, I mean... If it's my birthday, and you want to come, I can understand. But Yixian... bro, you're not that familiar with her yet."

"Uh~." The sentence stopped, and after a few seconds, Stark laughed twice, and honestly admitted that he had ulterior motives: "Okay, I just want to go to your house for a meal."

"Please." Shi Xiaolei laughed speechlessly: "Yixian is the one who celebrates her birthday on Saturday, do you think I will let her cook that day? It's you, you cook for yourself on your birthday. Dinner?"

"...I don't care, I'm coming anyway." With a hint of anger in his words, Stark began to cheat.

What else can I say? Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but agree, "Okay, okay, come if you want. Let's talk about it first. Since you're coming to dinner, you can't come empty-handed."

"No problem, it's just a birthday present. Don't worry, I'll call Pepper later..."

"Fuck you, let Pepper prepare for you again? Can you be a little sincere?" Shi Xiaolei couldn't help laughing and scolding.

"Let me buy it myself? Hehe, I don't care, but do you think Yixian will like the gift I bought?" I know you're still tender. When it comes to choosing gifts for women, it's best to let women come forward, and don't use our men's eyes to speculate on women's preferences, understand? "

"...As long as you are reasonable. Okay, you can look at the arrangement yourself, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

After chatting a few more meaningless nonsense, Shi Xiaolei hung up the phone.

Looking up, seeing 2B, a thought suddenly arises.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Shi Xiaolei finally couldn't help but knock on the table: "Sylvia."

"Huh?" Raising his head, 2B asked with a question in his eyes.

"About the birthday..." Looking left and right, he made sure that the three of Chappell were staying in the staff lounge, and they were not in front of him at the moment. Shi Xiaolei asked, "Well, what I want to ask is, Have you ever considered celebrating your own birthday?"

Although I don't know what day my birthday is, I still chose a date as my birthday when I applied for the certificate.

In other words, if you have thoughts, you can still find a specific day.

"emmm..." After thinking for a moment, 2B gently shook his head: "I didn't think about it."

It's not that I have scruples in my heart, so I didn't admit it. In 2B's tone, there is a sincerity.

Such an answer made Shi Xiaolei feel a little guilty and some inexplicable sadness—this means that deep in 2B's subconscious, she still does not regard herself as an independent life, which means that she continues to be an intelligent machine. Human instinct sees itself as a machine.

"Why don't we set a date." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei persuaded from the bottom of his heart, and his words were full of sincerity: "Sylvia. You have been by my side for so long, you should have been there long ago. I feel it, I never thought you were a robot, I always treated you as family..."

Obviously he didn't see any changes, but in Shi Xiaolei's own feelings, he seemed to see a spreading starlight in 2B's eyes.

For a while, it's nothing, but after watching it for a long time, Shi Xiaolei suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Anyway, I think a person should have his own birthday, so as my family, you should also have one of your own. Birthday. Well, Sylvia, can you see what I mean?"

Dingding looked at Shi Xiaolei, his eyes flickered for a while.

Just when Shi Xiaolei was getting more and more embarrassed, 2B suddenly showed his face and showed a surprising smile: "I understand. Locke, thank you."

"Eh? No..." Shi Xiaolei scratched his head crampedly: "Forget it, I don't know what to say, anyway, think about which date is more important, and choose a date for yourself. Well, I'll have to do it tonight. It's open, I'll go and prepare the dishes later."

Which day is more important?, who stayed behind the counter in front, put down the ballpoint pen in his hand and fell into memory and thinking.

Even if he crossed the crystal wall of the world and came to another world without Yulha's troops, as an intelligent robot, 2B still clearly remembers which day he was in the production line, which day he was activated, and awakened his own. consciousness.

However, after thinking for a moment, 2B still gave up the two dates for the production line or the activation of consciousness, and did not choose one of the two as his birthday.

‘At that time, I was just a robot without self. ' While thinking, a faint smile appeared on 2B's face unconsciously: 'Let's choose the day when he came to Locke. For me, that was the day to let go of the past, to be reborn, to find the meaning of my existence. ’

While thinking, 2B stretched out his hand and picked up the desk calendar on the counter.

As if fascinated, he turned back several pages on the desk calendar. Finally, when he turned to the May page, 2B finally picked up his pen and drew a circle in a certain grid.