Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 286: Minions construction team


While Shi Xiaolei and Stark were in the conservatory enjoying the services of the maids, in the other room, Pepper and Beyonita were soaked in the pond with the scent of medicine, and their faces were also leisurely and comfortable.

Whether it is cupping or medicinal baths, they are all new projects developed after the arrival of Yixian.

In addition to the improved diet quality because of her arrival...

I have to admit that although Yixian's force value is not high, the impact on the family's life after her arrival is the most obvious among the women.

Even the Minions who liked things completely different from human beings were captured by several cakes that Yixian designed with bananas as the main ingredient, and fell to her cooking skills.

No, seeing Yixian's cart coming from a distance, the little yellow man in charge of keeping the wind whistled immediately and shook the small flag in his hand vigorously.

"Beep, beep, beep~!"

Hearing the greeting from the 'Foreman', the little yellow people who were digging holes under the earth pit stuck their heads out like gophers.

Then, as if smelling the aroma wafting from the gap under the lid, these little guys hurriedly jumped out of the cave and ran towards Yi Xian who had just stopped.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Looking at the small yellow people gathered in front of him, Yixian squatted down with a smile, took out a small basin from the grid under the trolley, and poured half-warm hot water: "Wash your hands first, Talk about hygiene."

"Ha~~!" Without Yixian's orders, the little yellow people all saluted and lined up in front of the small basin.

Wash your hands one by one, then go to Yixian to take a small cake made of bananas in turn. Because of this sudden snack, the Xiaohuang people completely forgot the fatigue accumulated from digging holes, and they all felt as if they had just hit adrenaline.

Speaking of which, why did the minions dig holes? What is the purpose?

Actually that's what happened.

After seeing the huge 'maze' hidden in the ground on the farm where the vampires left, Shi Xiaolei also had an idea and wanted to dig a few basements in his manor for emergencies.

It was also a coincidence that on the day he came up with this idea, the little yellow people applied to him, wanting to dig a hole under the six-story building.

As for the reason...

Since receiving the instruction from Shi Xiaolei to 'continue to develop new projects', the Xiaohuang people have devoted themselves to the research work. Over time, they have sorted out more than a dozen topics.

Although there are not so many people, it is impossible to start the research of so many projects at the same time, but, thinking of Shi Xiaolei's requirement of 'be quiet, don't make a big noise', I think that all these projects have been developed, only based on the existing experiments. There may not be enough rooms and manufacturing plants, so the little yellow people got together and held a meeting to discuss the plan of 'need to find another place to build a new research center and manufacturing workshop'.

Simply put, the Minions just want to make another hole under the underground parking lot to build their new R&D center and manufacturing workshop.

Of course Shi Xiaolei wouldn't agree to this application... It's not that he doesn't agree that they want to build a new laboratory and a new factory, but that they don't agree with them drilling holes under the six-story building.

After all, it is Manhattan, and the underground is full of all kinds of pipelines. If the minions are allowed to do it, with their head-disregarding style of behavior, it is almost inevitable to make trouble.

In addition, I just thought of the idea of ​​digging a basement in the manor...

All in all, Shi Xiaolei circled a few points in the manor, and allocated one of them to the Minions to build their own new laboratory and manufacturing workshop. The other points were temporarily entrusted to this group of little guys to help them explore the underground conditions and confirm whether they are suitable for building basements or even larger underground structures.

Speaking of which, it may be because they like to live in underground or mountain caves. Minions are not only good at digging holes, but also like to do it.

It is precisely because they have such hobbies that they feel that handing over the exploration work to them is not a squeeze, but it will make them have more fun, so Shi Xiaolei will arrange it this way.

Of course, considering that the Minions really helped him, Shi Xiaolei didn't omit the rewards for them because they liked to do this kind of thing.

For example, now, the snacks that Yixian sent are a reward for the hard-working Minions... I originally planned to do it myself, but Stark and Pepper suddenly came over, and Shi Xiaolei was taken by Stark himself. He couldn't walk away, so he had no choice but to hand it over to Yixian.

It's okay to change someone else, because compared to the desserts made by Shi Xiaolei, Yixian's recipes are obviously more refined and taste better.

Just look at the enthusiasm of the minions after eating dim sum.

As these little guys were extremely active in their work, in just a quarter of an hour, they dug the tunnel down by more than two meters.

Although the diameter of the tunnel is only a little over ten centimeters, don't forget that the height of the little yellow people is less than twenty centimeters... This is equivalent to human beings digging out a strip of more than one meter wide and nearly one meter in a quarter of an hour. One hundred and fifty meters deep tunnel.

No machinery was used, shovels and picks were used to dig the soil, and hanging baskets were used to clear the waste.

The efficiency is so high that it explodes!

It's not enough to describe it as "beating chicken blood", it's just like Popeye who drank spinach.

" clean up the mess left by the minions after eating their snacks, and then look at the little guys who have already put in their work, Yixian stepped forward and squatted down, poked and stood on a rock. The 'foreman' on the board: "You are busy first, I will come to see you later. "

"Well, um~!" The little yellow man wearing a hard hat turned around and nodded vigorously, his big eyes full of happiness.

Knowing this, Yi Xian pushed the cart again and turned to leave.

At this moment, there was a slight movement from the ground, which caught her attention.

His eyes fell unconsciously at the entrance of a certain hole, frowning, thinking about what the situation was, but before Yixian could come up with a reason, a jet of water suddenly burst out from the small hole, and More than a dozen minions screamed and were sprayed out together with the water column.

Is this dug into the underground waterway?

I don't think it's a big problem, and my first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief. But when the water splashed down and felt the temperature on the back of her hand, Yi Xian involuntarily widened her eyes again, showing an expression of 'this matter seems to be a little important'.