Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 292: Tony's progress

Although it is located in the North American continent and will not be affected by the Siberian cold current, the cold air from the Arctic will still make people living in New York feel the majesty of winter after passing through the Maple Leaf Country.

"There aren't many guests today."

"Yeah, maybe it's because of the heavy snow."

"Yes, it's me, and I won't come out either."

After two o'clock in the afternoon, it was early to usher in the afternoon break. Sitting in the warm front room, enjoying the fragrant tea brewed by 2B, the three of Chappell involuntarily fell into laziness.

In normal times, there may be a few remarks, but today...

Thinking of such a heavy snow, there must be few guests in the afternoon. It is also because there are a lot of materials left at noon, and there is no need to prepare again for the time being. Therefore, Shi Xiaolei pretended not to see it, and let three people and one horse be released regardless of the section.

"Today's snow is a bit exaggerated."

What does it mean to roll up a thousand piles of snow? I only saw it in books before, but now, Shi Xiaolei has really witnessed it with his own eyes.

"After five o'clock in the afternoon, there will be another wave of cold snaps..." Handing the phone to Shi Xiaolei, 2B showed him the cold snap warning notice just issued by the meteorological station: "Locke, why don't we close earlier today."

The number of guests in the noon wave was 40% less than yesterday.

According to this trend, there should not be too many guests in the afternoon. What's more, the weather is still turning to the worse side.

By five or six o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature will become colder, and in that case, fewer people will be willing to go out.

"Yeah." After taking a look at the text message, Shi Xiaolei nodded: "I have no objection, anyway, in such a cold day, there are not many guests in total."

In his heart, he thought, "After using up the materials left over at noon, no matter what time, just close the door and get off work." Looking at the heavy snow of goose feathers flying in the wind outside the window, Shi Xiaolei fell into silence, and his vision gradually lost focus.

Maybe it was a few minutes, maybe ten minutes, just when the dysphagia gradually broke out and the sleepiness struck, a string of crisp music sounded from Shi Xiaolei's pocket.

There was a somewhat lazy atmosphere in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere, which was broken by this string of cell phone ringtones, and Shi Xiaolei, who was half-squinting, was taken aback.

She quickly took out her phone and glanced at it, it turned out that it was Stark's call.

"Hello? What's the matter~." Breaking the quiet atmosphere, he was a little embarrassed to be stared at by the other people. When he answered the phone, Shi Xiaolei's tone couldn't help but contain a complaint.

"Man, I have good news for you." Stark on the other end of the phone didn't notice Shi Xiaolei's tone at all. He shouted excitedly, "I succeeded! Haha~, I succeeded~!"

"Success?" Maybe the heavy snow had affected the signal, and the voice on the phone was a little messy. Shi Xiaolei stood up subconsciously, holding the mobile phone in one hand, pushed open the store door with the other and walked under the shed outside: "What did it succeed?"

A little curious about the content of the call between the two, but feeling the cold air blowing in when Shi Xiaolei opened the door, the three of Chappell immediately restrained their curiosity and gave up the idea of ​​leaning over to eavesdrop.

They never expected that this hesitation made them miss a big news.

"What else could it be, copy dinosaurs~!" During the phone call, Stark's tone became more and more excited.

"Huh?" The voice became a little clearer, but Shi Xiaolei couldn't help confirming it again: "Man, are you serious? Didn't I hear it wrong?"

"Of course it's true, listen."

The next second, there were a few tender and sharp calls from the phone, which sounded a bit like a chick that had just broken its shell, with a hoarseness that a chick didn't have.

If it were someone else, he might not be able to tell which animal made this movement, but for Shi Xiaolei, who owns the ark and often goes in for a stroll, this kind of chirping sounds very familiar.

"Double Jaw Dragon?"

"That's right, it's a double-jawed dragon." Maybe he was interacting with the newly born little dinosaur. There were a few movements about Xia Suso from the other end of the phone, and Stark's delightful teasing: " Wow, what a healthy and lively little guy, don't, that's not food."

Before time travel, when playing "Ark: Survival Evolved", Shi Xiaolei used to hate the dinosaurs such as Bistyracis.

Not because they will actively attack the game characters controlled by the player like the Velociraptor, but because they have a kleptomania. After approaching the player, they will steal the items that the player puts in the shortcut bar.

Moreover, it is often the items that players put in the shortcut bar of No. 0 in priority.

what does this mean? It means that the player is likely to suffer extremely serious losses due to the theft of Shuangyangnathosaurus - in most cases, the more commonly used tools will be placed in the quicker bar in the front. On the 0th position, items that are not commonly used are generally placed. For example, a blood bag that can only be used after being injured, a parachute that can only be used when falling from a height, or a low temperature chamber temporarily dragged to the key of No. 0 shortcut bar when releasing a dinosaur. Compared with the commonly used mining picks and axes, the production process of these things is much more troublesome, and it takes a lot more time to collect materials before making them.

Once, Shi Xiaolei didn't pay attention and was stolen by a double-jawed dragon that had just been dragged to the key of No. 0 shortcut bar.

Just a low temperature chamber is already a big loss. What makes Shi Xiaolei even more painful is that there is still a wind **** pterosaur in the low temperature chamber that he took a lot of effort to catch and has just reached full level.

At that time, it was not a stand-alone, but a character created on the server. For the wind **** pterosaur, even with the training and leveling, Shi Xiaolei spent three full days.

Not the three day and night changes in the game, but three days in reality.

After three days of hard work, the result was lost by a double-jawed dragon... It is no exaggeration to say that at the moment when he was sure that he could not catch the double-jawed dragon, Shi Xiaolei had the heart to smash the computer. .

Even now, in retrospect, he is still a little depressed.

"Man, what's wrong with you?" I don't know Shi Xiaolei once planted in the hands of a double-jawed dragon, and when he heard his tone, Stark was a little dissatisfied: "Hey, this is a breakthrough progress, you won't replace it Am I happy?"

"No, uh, I mean... buddy, you misunderstood. I'm also very happy, just... hiss, it's a little cold."


"It's snowing too much, and the signal in the room is not good. I'm answering the phone outside." While speaking, a gust of cold wind blew over and squeezed two snowflakes into Shi Xiaolei's neck.

With Shi Xiaolei's physique after the fusion of the blood of the barbarians, there is no need to fear the cold at all. After all, the hometown of the barbarians is on the snow-covered Arreat Heights. .

However, Shi Xiaolei is not a real barbarian.

"Hey." Shrinking his neck unconsciously, Shi Xiaolei didn't want to continue talking nonsense: "Tony, I'll come over now. Where are you? Stark Industries' headquarters building?"