Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 309: confirm


Although the situation is slightly different, the situation is no different from Skye... Fundamentally, Cinderella and other girls who were rescued from vampires were also homeless.

Not the first time, Shi Xiaolei has accumulated some experience from the maids.

Therefore, he still has some ideas in his mind about 'how to control the distance between him and Skye'.

Well, it's actually not that complicated when talking about 'ideas', it's nothing more than 'I can't reveal the special features of my family to Skye for the time being, at least, not until she adapts to her current life'. To put it simply, there is only a general direction. Regarding the specific operation, Shi Xiaolei is not as detailed as he thought.

As for why such a general direction is set...

It's not that she is worried that if she finds out, she will leak the news and cause some trouble to her life.

Not to mention that Skye was still a child, she ran out to talk nonsense, others would believe her. Even if her revealing behavior really caught the attention of some people, and there is a S.H.I.E.L.D. that specializes in dealing with this kind of thing, those people who are idle and have nothing to do can't really cause too much trouble to Shi Xiaolei's family.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't stop it, it might give Shi Xiaolei a headache. And with the strength of those people or institutions, if they want to collect information about Shi Xiaolei's family, there is no need to inquire about the news through Skye, who is still a child.

To put it bluntly, I didn't want Skye to come into contact with the secret so quickly, just because Shi Xiaolei didn't think it was appropriate.

After all, she is still young, not the big girl in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Although I haven't inquired carefully, I can tell from her size that she is now at an age where her three views are gradually taking shape. If this juncture makes her suddenly come into contact with something beyond common sense, then it will definitely affect her spirit. The world has brought a great impact... The Skye in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." is pretty good, but Shi Xiaolei doesn't want Skye to be crooked because of his own intervention.

Speaking of which, when did Shi Xiaolei determine Skye's identity and believe that the little girl in front of him was the Skye in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."?

Just the third day after meeting Skye, December 26th after Christmas.

"Hey, Coulson." After waiting in a coffee shop a few steps away from the six-story building, Shi Xiaolei stood up and said hello when Coulson opened the door and walked in, "Although it's a day late, Merry Christmas, man."

"Merry Christmas." Coulson stepped forward, took off his gloves, and gave Shi Xiaolei a fist bump.

"I'm sorry, but I have to trouble you for a trip at this time." Greeting Coulson to sit down, Shi Xiaolei gestured to the waiter and asked, "How was your Christmas?"

"A cup of condensed Italian." The waiter who rushed over said, Coulson unbuttoned his windbreaker and sat down opposite Shi Xiaolei: "You know, in our business, holidays are never fixed. In fact , if it wasn't for your phone call, I might be in the deep mountains and old forest with bugs."

"Haha, to say that, you have to thank me?"

"At least this is New York, and I can still feel some Christmas atmosphere." Coulson shrugged, picked up the handbag he just put down, and took out a kraft paper bag from it: "What you want."


Before Shi Xiaolei reached out and picked up the kraft paper bag and opened it, Coulson glanced around with his peripheral vision.

After confirming that there were not many people in the store, let alone noticing this corner, he withdrew his gaze and put his head closer: "Locke, there is something I need to tell you. You asked me to help you with the identification. That little girl, actually..."

At the end of World War II in 1945, S.H.I.E.L.D., which was still the Strategic Science Corps at the time, broke through the last known Hydra fortress, seized a large number of technological items, including a Rubik's Cube energy laser gun, and put these things together. label, seal, and take away.

Although there is a great inventor, Howard Stark, with a super IQ in the organization, but with his ability alone, he is still unable to analyze all the technological items researched and manufactured by Natry scientists.

Those who can understand the principle or use are classified into one category, and those who Howard can't figure it out, or have no time to figure it out, are marked with a code name of 084 and are classified as 'unknown mysterious items' category.

At the beginning, the ones marked as 084 were still real objects.

For example, the first 084 item obelisk, which is the thing in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." that had a great influence on the direction of the plot.

With the passage of time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been exposed to more and more unknown and mysterious events, and the objects that cannot be analyzed have expanded from a single physical object to include items, energy, creatures and even humans.

"According to your rules, these people in my family will not be marked as 084, right?" Shi Xiaolei raised his eyebrows and made a joke.

I was joking to hide the emotional changes in my heart... I guessed it, I guessed it, and now that the little girl who lives in the store is the Skye from Coleson's mouth, Shi Xiaolei's heart is still somewhat fluctuating.

"Of course not." Feeling that Shi Xiaolei's question might be hiding some dissatisfaction, Coulson didn't notice the change in his eyes, but quickly explained: "We will only label the 'internal containment'. Moreover, the principle In general, it will be marked as 084 only when it is completely unclear. The ability of your family... Although we do not fully understand it, we have more or less some records. "

"Just don't mind. By the way, if you want to give us a code name internally, try to choose something nice, don't use numbers, ok?" Shi Xiaolei typed Haha, while continuing to look at the information brought by Coulson: "I don't want to be like this unfortunate little girl, and I'll just get rid of it with a 084. To be honest, don't you think this code name is too bad?"

"No way, this has always been a tradition." Coulson shook his head dumbfoundedly, and then he brought the topic back: "Locke, are you sure you want to adopt this child?"

"Adoption... I don't mind. Skye may not accept it." Shi Xiaolei smiled: "Let's do it for now, and then consider it when you're familiar with it. As for the ones you're worried about... an underage kid. It's just a girl, where can she be mysterious? Dude, don't think I'm being straight. Compared with our family, no matter how mysterious she is, she's just an ordinary little girl."

"That's true."

"So..." Shaking the document in his hand, Shi Xiaolei raised his head and looked at Coulson with a smile: "Does this mean you have agreed?"

"I think so." Coulson nodded. "With your family looking after you, there shouldn't be any problems."