Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 311: The bounded world line

Unsurprisingly, Skye did not accept Shi Xiaolei's kindness and rejected his offer to buy new clothes for him.

"Okay, since you don't agree..." Shrugging his shoulders, Shi Xiaolei changed the subject: "Is everything packed up? Can we go?"

"Yeah." Skye nodded.

Perhaps because he felt that rejecting Shi Xiaolei's kindness would make him feel bad, Skye unconsciously touched the corner of his clothes, and the expression on his little face was a little cramped.

"Let's go then."


Following Shi Xiaolei, he left the store. Taking a peek at his expression and making sure that nothing had changed, Skye breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fasten your seat belt." After starting the engine, Shi Xiaolei didn't forget to remind him while looking at the rear mirror.


Skye didn't feel it, and Shi Xiaolei also felt a little embarrassed.

Plus there were only two people in the car...

Wanting to ease the embarrassment, Shi Xiaolei had nothing to say, so he casually brought up a topic: "Well, Skye, are you still used to living in the store for the past two days? Is there anything you are uncomfortable with?"

"I slept very comfortably." It was finally no longer a word, and Skye replied seriously: "The room is very warm, and there is no air leakage. The bedding is very soft, and I can sleep until dawn, no It's like living in a cardboard box, always being woken up in the middle of the night. Also, there's food in the fridge, just give it a spin in the microwave... It's great to not have to dig through the **** heap or go to the bakery to beg There~!"

The little girl said it very energetically, her eyes shining with happiness, but when these words fell in Shi Xiaolei's ears, she felt sad no matter how she heard them.

It is unbearable for a young child to endure this heavy and hardship, just from the perspective of an adult. What makes Shi Xiaolei even more sad is the memory that he recalled because of Skye's words...

Also an orphan, Shi Xiaolei suffered a lot when he was a child.


"That..." Seeing that Shi Xiaolei fell into silence and didn't speak for a while, Sky couldn't help but turn his head and glance.

Looking at this, I found that the expression on Shi Xiaolei's face was not right, and his eyes were red, as if he had entered the sand. The little girl couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "Loke, you don't need to do this..."

Because of Skye's voice, he woke up from his memory.

"No no no." Wanting to hide his gaffe, Shi Xiaolei squeezed out a slightly flustered smile: "Don't get me wrong, it's not because of you... I just recalled the past."


"..." After a brief silence, Shi Xiaolei shrugged: "Okay, I admit, in fact, I was an orphan without a home just like you when I was young."


"But my situation should be better than yours. In our country, the relationship between neighbors...emmm, how should I put it, anyway, there are not so many taboos like the Americans." After a pause, Shi Xiaolei laughed: "I was born in a small village. Although the villagers were very poor, they were very kind... After my parents died, they didn't think about sending me to the orphanage, but kept me there. In the village, treat me like your own child."

"When it comes to dinner, someone will always come to my house, either asking me to go to their house for dinner, or bring me a meal. Seeing my clothes torn, the kind neighbor auntie will always call me there. Her family took the initiative to help me make up for it. And the uncle who lives at the head of the village, every New Year's Eve, he always buys an extra piece of clothes for his children and brings them to me specially."

"Later, when I was at the age when I should go to school, the school waived the fees for me. If I need some expenses occasionally, there will be kind uncles and aunts who will help me... Well, speaking of it, I am also not good enough, I don't know how to study. If I can get into university, I think the kind uncles and aunts in the village will be very happy when they know the news.”

Speaking of going to school, Shi Xiaolei involuntarily turned his head and glanced at the little girl: "Skye, about going to school... Well, don't worry about it, I'm just asking. By the way, do you still plan to go to school?"

"...No." Skye shook his head gently.

I don't know if it was to convince herself, or simply to give Shi Xiaolei an acceptable reason, the little girl paused for a moment, and then said very quietly: "I don't like school."

Maybe it was because of her orphan status that she caused some discrimination? Or do you think you need to spend money to go to school, so you stop thinking about it? As a past person, Shi Xiaolei had a few guesses in his heart.

However, it was just speculation, Shi Xiaolei did not mean to persuade Skye.

After all, I haven't been in contact for a long time, and with my familiarity with the little girl, I have neither the qualifications nor the title to instruct her on what to do.

"Alright then." Sighing in his heart, Shi Xiaolei just reminded: "It's okay not to go to school, but if you have time, you should learn something more... You know, this world is too realistic and ordinary. It's not easy for people to survive, let alone orphans like us without parents."

Other children, when they encounter difficulties that they cannot solve, can ask their parents to help. As an orphan, facing the same predicament, the only one who can rely on is himself.

He is also someone who has suffered and suffered, Skye has a very deep understanding of Shi Xiaolei's warning.

"Yeah." The little girl nodded, with a hint of maturity that didn't match her age: "I know."

"It's good to I will have time in the future, calm down and think about it, and set a goal for yourself." Shi Xiaolei nodded: "I will give you some help, but in the end, What kind of future you can live, after all, depends on you."

He does not mean that.

Shi Xiaolei didn't know that it was what he said in the car today that planted a seed in Skye's heart.

Then, in order to gain more knowledge from the outside world and find a way out for herself, the girl thought of saving money to buy a computer.

Then, with the computer that he saved up to buy, and after he had a deeper understanding of the function of that thing, Skye thought that he could use the computer to search for information on the Internet and find out about his own parents. clues' plan.

In other words, the reason why Skye was able to teach himself to become the computer expert in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

Although a large part of the motivation came from 'searching for parents', the original cause was Shi Xiaolei's current remarks.