Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 436: bang in my head

In an environment full of madness like hell, in order to survive, in addition to a strong physique, intelligence is also essential.

Hundreds of millions of years of survival of the fittest have formed a set of incomparably strong evolutionary rules. No matter what race of demons, they cannot bypass this set of rules and go their own way. To put it simply, it is to absorb the energy of the enemy's flesh and blood while fighting each other, and at the same time to strengthen one's own physique, part of the energy is divided to promote the development of the magic core or brain, and then improve one's own intelligence...

The stronger the demon, the wiser it is. The most typical example is Mephisto, who appeared in the plot of "Ghost Rider", who can be called the behind-the-scenes Boss.

"Locke, is there anything that can be used on that guy?" Like a supermodel performing on the runway, Beyonita took a catwalk to Shi Xiaolei's side.

After the battle was over, Bayonetta put away her excited and slightly perverted expression, and once again returned to her usual laziness and softness.

"Huh?" While dismantling the demon that looked like a wild boar in his hand, Shi Xiaolei began to ponder while comparing his memory. After a while, he shook his head: "There is nothing we need... If there is any value, it seems that Those two horns."

"Is that so..." Looking back at the big man who fell 100 meters away, with half of his body buried under the collapsed cliff, Beyonita smiled: "It's just right, I just broke its horns. Others Part of it doesn't need it, so I'm welcome."

"Take it for sacrifice?" Breaking off a piece of armor from the corpse of the demon below him, Shi Xiaolei stood up and kicked away the wreckage that had no value for extraction: "It's all dead, does it matter? "

"Angel Hunting and Witch" has a total of two games, and Shi Xiaolei has played both.

Whether it's the first game or "Angel Hunter 2", you can see the scene where Bayonetta summons a contract demon to prey on her opponent. Without exception, those enemies were hunted and devoured by the contract demons she summoned before they died. Therefore, in Shi Xiaolei's mind, he left the impression that "contract demons only accept live sacrifices".

"They're not picky eaters." Beyonita smiled, and while posing to summon the contract demon, she explained: "At best, they can't torture their prey, and it will be a little less fun."

Following Bayonita's movements, a black and purple magic circle appeared under her feet, and then, the black tights wrapped around her, like a silkworm cocoon, turned into countless black hair strands, as if alive Things rise up into the sky, reconverging and deforming above the magic circle...

In the blink of an eye, a giant three-headed dog made of black hair appeared in front of Shi Xiaolei.

Seeing that the giant dog ran towards the huge demon corpse, the three giant mouths bit the corpse together, and while biting, they retreated, and finally dragged the corpse into the purple-black teleportation array that expanded twice, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but sigh. Get up: "It's really spectacular, how much does a dog of this size have to eat in one meal?"

"A lot, anyway." Putting away Pose, her hair turned into tights and put it back on her body again. A bit of speechless flashed in Beyonet's eyes.

The old lady was almost stripped just now, and her posture was so ecstatic that it didn't attract you to take a second look? Such a big beauty doesn't look, she patronizes the dog, you...

Feeling full of suffocation, and not knowing where to start complaining, and thinking about Shi Xiaolei's usual manners, Beiyunita could only shake her head and hold back the unpleasantness in her stomach.

"Don't you need me to help?" He crossed his hips, walked to a relatively clean open space next to him, and sat on a rock. Beyunita made a gesture to Shi Xiaolei, and lay down on her back: "Show me this magazine. You can clean up slowly, and I won't be involved."

The corpses of demons lying on the ground in the valley, there must be seven or eight hundred if there are not one thousand. Although not every corpse can collect valuable materials, it still takes a lot of time to touch all the corpses.

Knowing Bayonetta's character, to be honest, Shi Xiaolei didn't really think about asking her for help, and he didn't think she would be kind enough to help him.

However, seeing her relaxed expression of "it's none of my business" now, Shi Xiaolei was still somewhat depressed.

"..., you, I also accepted." After thinking about it, there was nothing to say, Shi Xiaolei could only shake his head with a wry smile, took out a box from his rucksack with his backhand, and threw it to Peyonita: "The 'toys' are all in it. You can turn it over by yourself. I'm still busy here. I'll call you later."

The box is quite large, and looking at the movement of it breaking through the air, it has to weigh a hundred or eighty pounds at least.

But for Bayonetta, that little weight really doesn't matter. She just raised her arm gently, and then caught the box with great stability... She didn't even shake her arm, as if it was a small mobile phone the size of a slap, not a big box that weighed hundreds of pounds.

Gently put down the box, snapped her fingers, and flexibly stretched out a tentacle, which was wrapped around Sister Bei's waist, and opened the lock of the box.

Watching Sister Bei lying on the rock, she naturally took a magazine from the magic belt's hand, as comfortable and leisurely as when she was sunbathing on a beach chair...

'Oh, there's still work to be done, don't look at it, let's get to work. ’

He persuaded himself a few words in his heart, and withdrew his gaze, Shi Xiaolei took out the 'ghost flame' again and started to get busy.


Ten minutes of fighting and two hours of cleaning the battlefield.

At the beginning, I didn't feel that, as the number of battles increased, after about seven or eight games, Shi Xiaolei began to feel a little impatient.

The emotional shift took a toll on his fighting style.

Originally, I would also observe before the battle to first confirm whether there are materials that can be collected on the opponent, and then deliberately avoid those parts during the battle to ensure the integrity of the materials.

And now, Shi Xiaolei is too lazy to think about it so much...

Regardless of whether it is within the target range or not, Shi Xiaolei will not be so concerned about whether he can collect complete materials or not. Anyway, **** is very big, and the number of demons is as high as a hair. This wave is not enough to save materials, so I need to find another wave.

The routine of touching corpses has also changed from the first step of plucking every corpse, to ignoring those outside the target range, and simply staring at the kinds of collections that you need.

Before I knew it, seven or eight days had passed.


I don't know how many times in the battle, Shi Xiaolei wielded the axe in his hand very skillfully and chopped off a demon's head again.

Just as he was about to turn around and face the next demon, a loud bang suddenly appeared in his mind.

It's a bit like the sound of armor falling on the ground, and it's a bit like the sound of a hammer hitting a metal plate...

With this loud noise, Shi Xiaolei seemed to be stunned by Medusa, and suddenly fell into a stagnation, standing motionless in place.