Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 501: retreat

Latest website: In addition to being tired, for Shi Xiaolei, the hours-long conversation did not leave him a good impression, and he didn't want to do it again.

But for Stark, whose thirst for knowledge has been stimulated and wants to explore more secrets, the mere hours of 'interview and material' is obviously a little less interesting and cannot satisfy him.

The next day, Stark came to the dock again, wanting to continue yesterday's conversation. In order to better record the "key points" mentioned by Shi Xiaolei, he even brought a small notebook, intending to take notes at any time.

"...Man, can you spare me?" The corners of his mouth twitched, Shi Xiaolei frowned in incomparable resistance.

"Yesterday you said it yourself, 'it's too late, we'll talk next time', didn't you?" Stark raised his eyebrows, opened the notebook on his own, stuck out his tongue, and licked Click the nib.

"I'm talking about the next time, I didn't say tomorrow." Shi Xiaolei cried and said, "Anyway, you will be separated by a few days."

"Is there any difference?"

"It's too much of a brain, I haven't recovered yet." Covering his forehead, Shi Xiaolei said with a wry smile: "Man, I'm not a cow, I can't make you squeeze it every day, OK? And I didn't talk to you yesterday. What did you say, my brain is not as good as yours..., vomit, it's not good, the thought of continuing to chat makes me feel like vomiting."

"..." Both angry and funny, Stark was speechless.

After a few seconds, he closed the small book and spread his hands in protest: "Hey, man, it's not like you. Do you know what you're doing? I'm like a girl who has just been teased by a beauty Like a little virgin, hey, can you understand the feeling of me now hanging in the air, full of energy and nowhere to go?"

It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but Shi Xiaolei became more and more disgusted by Stark's metaphor.

"Go away, what kind of metaphor are you playing, vomit~!"

"Anyway, you have to be responsible for solving it for me." With his arms folded and his chest back, Stark made a fool of himself: "Alternatively, you can also ask a few girls to come over and let them answer for you. Or, give it to me. With a permit, I can go and find out about them myself."

Skip yourself and let Stark go and get in touch with the ship girls? After a second thought, Shi Xiaolei felt that he couldn't do that.

First of all, without their own instructions, not only will the ship girls not answer Stark's questions, but they may be disgusted with him, and thus ruin the relationship accumulated before.

After all, Stark's thirst for knowledge is too strong, and when he asks, he will probably ask some in-depth questions... Even if he, the commander, doesn't mind, but for the ship girls themselves, those questions It can be as rude, if not offensive, as asking a stranger about your monthly salary.

Conversely, if you say hello to the ship girl and let them cooperate with Stark...

Obviously not willing to tell outsiders, but because of his own orders, he had to do it. If you think about it with your toes, you know that while the ship girls obey the order, they will definitely feel dissatisfied with the order in their hearts.

To sum up, it is equivalent to bearing the due consequences for Stark.

Although his brain is not good, he can still analyze this trivial matter clearly. Shi Xiaolei would not be stupid enough to make such a low-level mistake.

Taking a step back, even if the ship girls are not dissatisfied...

There is no dissatisfaction, which means that there is no resistance in the heart. According to such an attitude, it is really hard to say how much the ship girls will cooperate.

Have a question and answer, have nothing to say? It doesn't seem to be a good thing, at least, Shi Xiaolei is more resistant to such development in his heart.

"No, don't embarrass me, OK?" He poured himself a few sips of drink, and suppressed the discomfort that was surging up. Looking at Stark again, Shi Xiaolei waved his hand weakly: "After a while... ...I promise, after ten days and a half months, my spirit has recovered, and I will chat with you a few more times."

"...." Staring at Shi Xiaolei for a long time, he found that he was quite uncomfortable. Stark could only helplessly shook his head and temporarily pressed the idea of ​​'Continue talking'.

However, the burst of curiosity is not so easy to suppress.

"Then..." After thinking for a while, Stark came up with an alternative idea: "Dude, do you think this will work? As for me, listen to you, and stop embarrassing you. On the other hand, you, help me get some Let me study the material by myself, and don't let me keep holding back..."

"Material?" Upon hearing this, Shi Xiaolei's eyes narrowed and his expression became serious.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say I would attack girls." Stark quickly defended: "You know, I never do research that goes against the law of heaven."

"Then what do you mean..." Putting away his warning eyes, Shi Xiaolei scratched his head in confusion.

"Equipment." Stark put down the pen in his hand, picked up a can of drink and pulled open the tab: "In the previous battle to exterminate vampires, I noticed that the equipment used by Yat Sen seems to be a bit special. I thought that her equipment was the same as my armor, it was bound to the owner, and only one person could use it."

"But yesterday, I saw it with my own eyes, and the two little girls also wore similar equipment." Speaking of which, Stark paused for a moment, his body changed from lying on his back to leaning forward, and his eyes were fixed. Shi Xiaolei: "If you guessed correctly, at least part of their equipment is 'universal' No answer, Shi Xiaolei just looked at his friend and smiled weakly.

"Moreover, when they came to report to you, they used the name of the battleship to call themselves." Stark smiled again: "Including the Lexington, Saratoga, Wichita, Missouri and others who came earlier... I It has been checked, and their names have appeared in the US Navy's battleship sequence."

"That is to say, the organization they belong to must be mixed with some elements of the army. Judging from the results of this analysis, I bet that some of their equipment must be like those mass-produced models in the army. Like weapons, 'everyone' can use them."

The more Stark said, the more proud he became, with a confident expression on his face, just like the famous detective who said the sentence "The prisoner is among us".

"Indeed." What else can I say? Shi Xiaolei could only nod to admit it.

However, after giving a positive response, he couldn't help but ask: "Tony, if I remember correctly, didn't you say that you will never study weapons anymore?"