Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 515: tough battle

The situation came so suddenly that Shi Xiaolei and the others were caught off guard.

Coincidentally, General Ross, who had already arrived in Brasilia and was about to lead a team to capture Bruce Banner, was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the Hulk.

"What? Hulk has appeared?"

"Yes, General." Handing the tablet to Thaddeus E. Ross, the soldier straightened his back and reported: "The images sent back by the vanguard show that Hulk is fighting people."

It wasn't an aerial shot of the helicopter sent by the TV station. The angle of view of the camera was a little bit poor. Through the image on the tablet computer, General Ross could only see a large puff of smoke and dust rising in the distance, and the occasional blur when the Hulk took off. figure...

But it was enough for him to make a decision.

"Let's go! Let's go now~!" Throwing down the tablet, Rose gave the order without hesitation.

The heavily armed soldiers got into the car quickly, and they were in charge of contacting the Brazilian official communication soldiers, and also sent a signal to the other party immediately. After General Ross gave an order, the troops stationed on the outskirts of Brasilia immediately launched operations.

"How long will it take for the vanguard to arrive at the scene?" Sitting in the speeding jeep, General Ross asked the adjutant beside him.

"At the speed of an attack helicopter, it takes at most five minutes to arrive at the battle location. General, need to..."

"Tell them, when you get there, attack me immediately!" Rose ordered without hesitation: "I don't want to know who is fighting the Hulk, and I don't care if anyone will be accidentally injured. One goal, you must catch that damned big green guy for me~!"

"Yes, General!"

I didn't know that a heavily armed army was coming quickly from the suburbs.

Well, even if they knew about it, Shi Xiaolei and Bayoneta are not in the mood to worry about those side details.

There is no way, Hulk, who is in a state of rage, is really difficult to deal with. What's more, Shi Xiaolei and Bayunita have to save their hands, so it's not good to greet him with any tricks...

"Bah bah~!" After eating Hulk's heavy punch, it crashed into a small building on the side of the road like a cannonball. After finally crawling out of the ruins, the disheveled Shi Xiaolei looked really embarrassed.

"Lock, are you okay?" Captain America, also covered in dust, greeted Shi Xiaolei from a distance.

"I'm fine." Shaking his head, then twisting his neck, looking at Hulk who was fighting Beunita, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but smiled wryly: "This savage, it's really hard to deal with."

No matter how difficult it is to deal with, you have to bite the bullet and push up.

After all, Hulk has been completely irritated. If he is left alone, with his current temperament, it is not impossible to demolish the city before he calms down.

"Tsk, what kind of casserole-sized fist, today, I know what a heavy punch is." muttering, Shi Xiaolei moved his shoulders twice.

After sorting out his mood, he yelled again. In a blink of an eye, Shi Xiaolei had already soared into the sky, and rushed towards Hulk again like a hungry tiger.


"哐~!" With Shi Xiaolei yelling angrily, the huge hammer actually hit Hulk on the head.

There is no way, the situation is quite special, and it is possible that the bladed weapons that Hulk lacks arms and legs cannot be used.

As a last resort, Shi Xiaolei could only change into the sledgehammer that he seldom used... One thing to say, although the control skills of various weapons are integrated in the blood, but because they are not commonly used, the two hammers are somewhat awkward when playing together. Don't take advantage of it.

But the fighting intensity is so great.

'It's disgusting. ’ Realizing that his hammer didn't seem to have any effect, Shi Xiaolei once again slandered in his heart while avoiding the Hulk's counterattack.

In fact, in terms of taste, Hulk is more tired of the two hammers in his hand than Shi Xiaolei.

The damage is not high, and it doesn't hurt to hit the body, but the key is that these two hammers have special effects-the one in the left hand will slow down after being hit, and occasionally freeze. The one on the right hand is disgusting, as long as it is hit, it will be blinded for several seconds, and occasionally there will be a situation that violates the laws of physics, making yourself take a few steps back uncontrollably as if being dragged by something...

"Hey~!" Giving up on Beunita, Hulk poured firepower on Shi Xiaolei without hesitation.

"Oh, ha~, yo."

When fighting other opponents, even if Shi Xiaolei dodged, his movements would not be too large. But in front of Hulk...

But if you rub it, you have to fly a long way. Because the price of being hit was too high, Shi Xiaolei had to increase his range of movements to ensure that he wouldn't be hit by Hulk's fist as big as a washbasin.

Normally, he would bully others because of his height and strength, but now, Shi Xiaolei was jumping up and down in front of the Hulk like a monkey, without his usual ferocity.

In contrast, Bayunita's greeting is more out of the way~! "No, with Beunita's greeting, a circular magic circle with a diameter of two meters appeared in the air.

Before the words fell, a big hand with a blue body and bright red nails clenched into a fist and shot out from the magic circle, like a battering ram, hit Hulk's body with a bang.

This heavy punch from Madame Butterfly sent Hulk flying horizontally.

There was a series of rumbling sounds, and in an instant, another row of houses was knocked down by Hulk.

"Sister Bei, this won't work." Taking advantage of the Hulk being buried in the ruins, Shi Xiaolei finally found a chance to discuss countermeasures with Bayonetta: "In my opinion, we have to find a chance to open a portal behind him, and then ..."

"Hammer him through the door?"

"This is an urban area, so it's not suitable for prolonged battles." Shi Xiaolei nodded: "Anyway, let's change the battlefield first and get him to a place where no one is around."

"you're right."

Just after discussing it, a concrete slab the size of a door slammed down with a roar.

You dodge this piece of cement left and right, and then look at the ruins, the Hulk has lifted the broken roof that is pressing on him and stood up.

"...Did that guy grow up again?"

Gulu swallowed, Shi Xiaolei nodded with a wry smile: "It seems so, sister Bei, be careful."

"I know." Agreeing, Bayonetta raised her hand and stuffed a lollipop into her mouth, posed for a pose, jumped high with her feet, and threw herself at the Hulk from the air.

Not to be outdone, Shi Xiaolei buffed himself with a 'war howl' to increase the stun effect, picked up the two hammers in his hand, and rushed towards Hulk from the ground.

In response, Hulk also stretched out his arms, arched his back and drooped his shoulders: "Roar~~~!!"