Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 537: role is not small

Just like the big Iron Armor family created by Stark in the movie, in the original comics, the Hulk also has a "giant family" of his own.

The members of this family can be roughly divided into two types.

One is based on Bruce Banner as the main body, corresponding to different personalities, or transformed into various giants under different conditions.

For example, the savage Hulk that appeared in the Marvel series of movies; the gray hulk who is very cunning, flirtatious, smart, selfish, and will use any evil conspiracy to obtain his desires; two personalities of savage hulk and gray hulk The sculpted Hulk formed after the merger; the lost Hulk who is always in a state of vigilance and fear; the green war who can be called the strongest state, that is, the world destroyer Hulk...

Plus Fit Hulk, Dark Hulk, Apocalypse Hulk, Devil Hulk, Guilty Hulk, Captain Universe Hulk, Composite Hulk, Boundary Breaker Hulk, Green Doctor, Ke Hao, Immortal Hulk, Ultimate Hulk Gram, Zhan Zun and so on. There are as many as ten or twenty kinds of Hulk images corresponding to Bruce Banner alone.

The main body is not Bruce Banner, simply put, it is a giant transformed by other people, and it is classified into another category.

These include Jennifer Susan Walters, Bruce Banner's cousin transformed into the Hulk, Thaddeus E. Ross transformed into the Red Giant, and Betty Ross transformed into the Hulk Red Giant.

That's right, in the plot of the original comics, Betty Ross also gained the ability to transform into a giant.

It also has superhuman strength, endurance and durability; the skin, like Hulk, can withstand extreme pressure and temperature. Whether it is a fall from a high place, a shell bombing, or a powerful energy explosion, it cannot cause any damage to it; it can also create a shock wave by flapping its palms; it also has a strong regeneration ability and can quickly recover from injuries, thanks to its high efficiency Metabolism also makes her immune to all drugs, poisons, and known diseases...

The red giant transformed by Betty Rose in the comics is not much inferior to the Hulk in terms of ability. From this point of view, the CP formed by her and the Hulk can be said to be a match made in heaven.

But in the current world of movie plots, there are far fewer bright spots in the role of Betty Ross.

That being the case, why did Stark invite Betty Ross to join the Stark Group with Bruce Banner?

Definitely not because of how pretty Betty Ross is.

Although this girl is really good-looking, with a figure and appearance above 80, but don't forget, she is the woman Bruce Banner values ​​most. How could someone as smart as Stark risk the Hulk's anger by going after Betty Ross? Besides, for the well-informed Stark, Betty Ross is not beautiful enough to make him lose his mind.

Nor will it be because of how much Betty Ross can contribute to academic research.

Bruce Banner has a total of seven doctoral degrees. Obviously, like Stark, he is the kind of genius who "scored 100 points because the full score of the paper is only 100 points". And as his girlfriend, Betty Rose doesn't have such an outstanding talent. With a Ph.D. in biophysics, she can rank in the middle of the field in this field, and can't even make it into the top ten. bit.

In fact, being able to become Bruce Banner's assistant and assisting him in those experiments was also because Betty Ross had connections that no one else had... To put it bluntly, if she wasn't Bruce Banner's girlfriend, or General Ross's Daughter, it is impossible for her to beat so many competitors, and she is fortunate to participate in a project with such a high level of confidentiality.

In the eyes of Stark, who can be called a monster, Betty Ross can provide no more help in scientific research than a graduate student who has not graduated. There are as many as hundreds of scientific researchers at her level in the Stark Group... Let alone Stark himself speaking, under normal circumstances, it is probably just an invitation letter sent by the recruiting department, Not even Pepper is likely to show up.

The reason why Stark would invite Betty Ross to join was entirely because of two other reasons.

One is that she took a fancy to her status as the daughter of General Ross.

Although I have collected a lot of information, I have a more detailed understanding of General Ross's character, and I know that he is a paranoid who puts his career ahead of his family, and he will not give up his stubbornness because he cares about his daughter.


Having been in contact with Shi Xiaolei for a long time, Stark has also learned a Chinese proverb - if there is no date, there are three shots.

Winning Betty Ross over, whatever, was better than keeping her with General Ross. At the cost of an extra one more move in idle chess, even if it is useless, it is not a loss...But on the other hand, if it comes in handy one day, the rate of return, But it's not that big.

The second is to take a fancy to her status as Bruce Banner's girlfriend.

The research on Bruce Banner has not yet been carried out, and it is not possible to determine the reason why he turned into the Hulk, but through the dialogue with him, Stark has grasped a very crucial point-whether he is calm or not is the key to determining Bruce Banner's life. The key to Banner's transformation. Only when he is very angry, or in a state of anxiety, will Bruce Banner be unable to control himself and transform into the Hulk who is called the master of demolition.

If you want to guide Bruce Banner to transform, you just need to provoke him. Conversely, if you want to control him and prevent him from transforming, then you must find a way to keep him calm.

What is the best way to soothe a man's heart? Thinking about it carefully, there are probably only a few of them, such as the company of best friends, the guidance of elders, the comfort of partners, and the comfort of children.

There is no way to conjure up a pair of parents for Bruce Banner, nor is it possible to conjure him a son or daughter out of thin air. From Stark’s point of view, there are only two ways left that are feasible—either get off the stage in person, and Bruce Banner draws closer and becomes his best friend. Or, find his girlfriend and let him immerse himself in the gentle village.

If you choose the former, with Bruce Banner's IQ, Stark will not resist interacting with him more.

However, it takes a lot of time to make friends, and it is not easy to upgrade from ordinary friends to best friends.

And if you choose the latter... there is a ready-made Betty Ross, just poach her and place her next to Bruce Banner. Either way you look at it, things are much simpler.