Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 555: Trial opening (7)

On the morning of the second day on the island, Anne Wein experienced what it was like to ride on the back of a dinosaur.

Although it is only a not too big thick-nosed dragon, it is far less powerful than the velociraptor. Although the passengers on the dinosaur's back are not alone, and it only takes ten minutes to ride down, I have to admit that this The experience of riding on the back of a dinosaur and walking through the streets still brought an extremely novel feeling to Annie Wein.

In the afternoon, Anne Wein, accompanied by her boyfriend, went to a venue at the northern end of the island to experience the project of hand-feeding miniature dinosaurs up close.

Several dinosaurs the size of poultry do look a little out of line with the aesthetics formed in daily life, and the action of swallowing meat strips when feeding them is also a bit scary, but it is undeniable that this kind of participation is quite impressive. Feeding activities are quite fun.

On the third day, because Eddie Bullock had business to do, Anne Wein had to return to the main force again and traveled around the island with her group of tourists.

According to the original plan, during this day's play, the fun should be less than the previous day... After all, the activities on the second day were arranged by Eddie Brock. As a VIP guest, he can contact The items on the tour are definitely more interesting than those that can be experienced when traveling with a group.

But, it was a coincidence.

When Anne Weiyin's group visited the "Dragon's Nest", which is a venue dedicated to cultivating young dinosaurs, it happened to catch up with the moment when a nest of small dinosaurs broke out of their shells. As a result, they were not only lucky to see the wonders that other tourists could not see, but also met Tony Stark himself who heard the news... I don't know that the birth of the little dinosaur made Stark feel good. , or something else that made him very happy. In short, after noticing the existence of Annie Wein's group of tourists, Stark actually took half an hour and the guest commentator took them for an extra turn. for a while.

In short, after playing this day, not only is the fun not less than yesterday, but it is greatly exceeded.

On the fourth day, the last day of the trip.

Thanks to her boyfriend Eddie Bullock's VIP customer status, the two got the opportunity to go to sea for recreation.

Although I had to leave at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, I only had five or six hours of leisure, but because I was fortunate to talk to the 'lifeguard' during snorkeling, and exchanged two glasses of freshly squeezed juice for a good impression, As a result, with the generous return of the 'lifeguard', Anne Wein was honored to experience a different joy of riding a megalodon in the water.

Let's put it this way, after the four-day and three-night trip, except for not being able to experience the fun of riding a giant eagle or a pterosaur, Anne Wein played almost all the items that she could experience.

If you count the food you tasted in a few days, the accommodation you enjoyed, and the souvenirs you got for free...

"It's so worth it, if I have the chance, I'll definitely do it again." While packing her luggage happily, Anne Weyin looked at her boyfriend with a sigh of relief: "Eddie, when we have a child..."

"It's a good idea." He put away the Polaroid photos in his hand and put them in a small book. Eddie Brock moved his **** and rubbed against Anne Wein's side from the other side of the sofa: "Yes. But I think the conditions can be relaxed a little bit, and it doesn't have to wait until the little guy is born, what do you think?"

"Are you sure?" Anne Wein laughed: "The tickets here are not cheap."

"Indeed." Eddie deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, then suddenly relaxed, and hugged his girlfriend's shoulder with a smile: "But it's not a problem. You know, I'm on the rise now, I believe it won't take long , I will have my own titled show. At that time, I can make a lot of money from any commercial I just pick up... It's just two tickets, it's nothing, isn't it?"

"I believe in you. Eddie, you are the best."

"I think so too." Touched by the love in his girlfriend's eyes, Eddie Brock lowered his head and kissed Anne Wein's forehead gently: "I love you, dear."

Snuggling together, Eddie Bullock and Annie Wein are not the only couples who are still unfinished about this trip.

The four-day and three-night trip left a deep impression on every tourist. To say who had a bigger reaction, the pair of Eddie Brock and Anne Weiyin were obviously not as good as those high rollers who made a decision on the spot and paid a check to express their 'renewal'.

Let's turn the camera to the main control center a few kilometers away.

"Missouri, where's the feedback you've sorted? Take it out." Sitting down on the sofa, Shi Xiaolei turned over a glass and poured wine, while greeting Missouri who came with him.

"Here." With a promise, Missouri turned over and took out a folder from the ship's space.

"You don't need to give it to me." Shi Xiaolei shook his head and pouted at Stark, who had just opened the stainless steel cover and was greedily enjoying the aroma of the food: "Give it to this guy."

"Mr. Stark."

"What?" As he used a fork to pick up a piece of stewed tender beef, Stark pulled the folder flat on the table in front of him, and gently opened the cover.

"When the children provide services to customers, they occasionally hear some feedback. After a few days, I have saved a lot." Glancing at Shi Xiaolei, Missouri smiled and explained to Stark: "The commander thinks that maybe he will The improvement of the park has played a role in promoting some, and I was asked to organize the feedback. Mr. Stark, you can take a look, it may be of some help."

"Really...Thank Putting the meat in his mouth, Stark raised his head and responded vaguely: "I'll watch it after I finish eating, don't you mind? "

"Anyway, just remember to read it, don't take it seriously." Shi Xiaolei took over the conversation and handed Missouri a glass of whiskey with ice: "The girls are very serious, and Missouri spent a lot of money in order to sort this out. a lot of time."

"No problem, I promise, I will look carefully." With a gesture, Stark smiled: "As for now, let me enjoy the food first. You know, there are too many things these days, I'm too busy to have a serious meal. By the way, Pepper is in the Docklands right now? Did she have lunch?"

"With me here, can I still starve her? Don't worry, Pepper will eat with us at noon. The luxurious meal is much more abundant than what you have now." Having said this, Shi Xiaolei gave a bad smile: "The fact Come on, the one I brought to you is the one left over from lunch. How about it, does it taste okay?"

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