Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 607: opened

Although in the eyes of Sif and others, Loki is not very popular, but in terms of status, Loki is also the second prince of Asgard.

The status of a member of the royal family at this level is still very important to ordinary Asgardians... Thanks to him, although the customers were a little noisy after entering the store, overall the order in the store is quite good. There were no overwhelming headaches.

Or, it may also be because of the few golden palace maids who are helping in the shop.

After all, they hang around in front of Frigga and Odin every day... As a prince, in his capacity, Loki shouldn't take the initiative to report to those two, scolding a commoner. It can be replaced by the maids, but if Van Frigga turned around and asked 'how is the situation', they would probably tell what they saw.

Moreover, out of the subconscious desire to make Frigga happy, they may even add a little detail to the story and exaggerate the plot a little bit.

Let the incomparably beloved God Empress be crowned, and hear about her terrible deeds? No Asgardian would be so big-hearted and willing to see that result.

All in all, the status quo in the store is busy but not chaotic, and the atmosphere is quite good.

"Is this the egg that can hatch a pet?"

"The patterns seem to be different. Boss, how many kinds of **** do you have here?"

"Hey, isn't this the Queen of God? The one she holds in her hand should be one of them, right?"

Whether it is the various drinks that Stark collected from the earth, or the various raw meat and berries placed on the other side of the store, they are not novelty. Including the blue equipment that Shi Xiaolei took out, as well as various potions from "Diablo 2", similar products can be found in Asgard, at most, there are differences in quality.

For the customers who enter the store, these things are certainly somewhat attractive, but to say how curious they are, that’s what it is... At least, if you don’t taste or experience them yourself, you can feel those things firsthand. Before the actual quality, it is not enough to make guests flock to them.

In contrast, it is obvious that those elf eggs are more interesting. After all, this is the first time this thing has appeared in Asgard, and the elves hatched from the eggs have never been seen by Asgardians.

Looking at the group of curious guests in front of him, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help feeling relieved.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Pointing to the seven or eight photos hanging on the rope with clips, Shi Xiaolei introduced to everyone with a smile: "This is a photo taken the day before yesterday, you can take a look. The one held in the arms of the Queen of God , is a kind of elf named Baby Ding. Although they are small, they are actually very smart...I mean, if you don't talk too deeply, they can generally understand."

"What's the most annoying thing about keeping pets? It's nothing more than pets not being able to understand themselves and doing things that make them disgusted. If you have ever raised a cat or a dog, I believe you must have encountered a similar situation. "

"If you choose to raise an elf, there will be no embarrassing situation like that. Because they are smart enough, they can understand what you say...Of course, I mean when they are willing to obey orders. If you are right It is very harsh, if you make it angry, hehe, it may also deliberately turn against you to make you even more headache."

"In conclusion, if you have an elf, please treat it kindly. I mean, treat it as a family member, treat it fairly, don't need to pamper it, but don't snub it or ignore it. As long as you can Up to this point, trust me, it's bound to bring a lot of smiles to your face."

"In addition to making your family atmosphere more pleasant, the elves can also bring you some extra help when they grow up. Let's take Baby Ding as an example. During the growth of this elf, there will be a total of Two opportunities to evolve. If you cultivate it properly and let it evolve to the next form or the final form, then it is very likely to learn and master some skills through blood inheritance."

"This kind of elf likes music very much, especially singing. And some of the abilities it can develop are related to singing. For example, it can sing songs that are equivalent to hypnotic magic, helping your child fall asleep quickly, When you have a headache because of something, its singing can help soothe your mind and let you restore peace faster."

"In addition, it is also possible to learn skills with attributes such as poison, water, ice, and electricity, and it is possible to master superpower skills such as teleportation, phantom, and clone... That is to say, if you cultivate it well, it can not only As a pet at home, it can also go to the battlefield with you, and help you gain greater military exploits as an assistant."

Whether it's drinks or fresh meat, including the few scattered pieces of equipment, and the counter of various potions, they're all just for fun. In Shi Xiaolei's eyes elves are the main products in the store.

Of course, the introduction should be more detailed, so that the guests can more intuitively understand the excellence of the elves.

Not only did he spend some time introducing Baobaoding, but in the next ten minutes, Shi Xiaolei also introduced Ibrahimovic and Xiaofudan in detail... It should be said that compared to Baobaoding, he is more familiar with these two The introduction of the kind of elf needs to be more careful. After all, they are not like Baby Ding, they have already caught Frigg's halo, but in terms of the degree of attention in the eyes of the guests, they are a little bit worse.

Without a few words of introduction, the guests will most likely choose Baby Ding first.

Although this is not a big deal, from the standpoint of the seller, it is still better to ship more evenly and keep the variety of goods longer... To put it bluntly, if the customers in front put a certain If all the products are sold out, then for the subsequent customers, the choice will be much smaller. After this situation occurs, it may have some negative impact on sales.

"Boss, tell me the key."

"Yes, how much is an elf egg?"

Under Shi Xiaolei's tireless introduction, finally a guest was tempted and asked the key point.

"The two elves, Baby Ding and Little Fudan, both cost 5,500 crowns. Because the evolutionary form is more abundant and the cultivation potential is greater, the price of Ibrahimovic is higher, and the price is 8,000 crowns." After a pause, Shi Xiaolei continued: "No matter what kind of elves, there are countless ones. There are a total of forty-four little lucky eggs. For Baby Ding, there are forty-two more than the two under the queen's crown. And Ibrahimovic …Sorry, the number is less than half of the first two, in my hands, there are only twenty of them.”

"Give me one, I want Baby Ding~!"