Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 641: abandoned warehouse

May had been in the business for almost ten years as an employee of the charity.

With the experience she has accumulated over the years, it is enough to manage a charity relief site well. But because she has been on the front line for a long time, she usually comes into contact with some specific affairs at the grassroots level, and she doesn't know much about other aspects. If she is asked to manage a large organization, she still lacks a little ability and cannot do it. to ease.

No matter how good the stationmaster of a gas station is, he cannot be directly promoted to the position of president of a petrochemical company. Although they are both in the same organization, there is a huge difference in the content of the two jobs, and the accumulated experience may not be able to be used in these two positions. The reasoning here is actually very simple.

Therefore, this time, there is no need to make a big fuss and make the scale too large.

With a fund of two to three million yuan, it is almost enough to set up a site-style rescue center. On the contrary, if a large sum of money is directly invested to form a multi-station chain public welfare organization, with Mei's self-knowledge, she is likely to refuse the invitation of Shi Xiaolei or Hela because she cannot bear the heavy responsibility.

If May hadn't come to help, Ben wouldn't have followed either. In this way, wouldn't the plan of letting Thor approach Ben to learn the truth from him be in vain?

Everything is arranged to achieve the goal. If it deviates from the goal in the end, the so-called arrangement will lose its due meaning.

He took off the big lock hanging on the door and pushed open the rusty iron door.

With a toothache creaking sound, several crows inhabiting the abandoned warehouse flapped their wings and escaped from the broken window.

"Please come in." Patting his sleeves and brushing off the rust, the young man named Toby turned his head and gestured to Shi Xiaolei.

"It's really broken enough." While muttering, he lowered his head and went through the iron gate. When we came to the courtyard full of weeds, and looked around, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but shook his head: "Man, tell me the truth, how long has this place been deserted? It should be more than the seven or eight years you said, right? I think it will take ten years anyway."

"It's really only seven years." Toby smiled helplessly. In order to prove this fact, he opened the small bag under his ribs and took out a document: "Here, look. This is the lease agreement signed seven years ago. According to our company's regulations, when the contract expires, After that, a buffer period of half a year will be given."

Or before moving, you need to find a place to temporarily store your belongings or collectibles too much to fit at home, so you have to find a warehouse outside or when doing business, you need a warehouse as a transit to meet people's needs , There are many merchants in the United States that specialize in warehouse leasing business.

According to the local laws of the United States, after the warehouse is leased out, its use and management rights will be transferred to the lessee. Unless the lessee has illegally remodeled the warehouse, or violated the regulations in the contract and used it for other purposes, even a leasing company with property rights cannot casually enter the leased warehouse.

It is a good thing to respect the personal privacy of users. But on the other hand, because the leasing company cannot supervise the whole process, it also leaves some disadvantages. Not every leasing customer understands the truth and will take care of the rented warehouse in an orderly manner. Among the tenants, there are always some people who will use the rented warehouse as a garbage dump and stuff all kinds of messy things into it. Then, due to subjective and objective factors, it was not dealt with until the lease contract passed, and the warehouse full of garbage was directly transferred back to the leasing company.

It takes a lot of manpower and money just to clean up all kinds of garbage accumulated in the warehouse. If you add the cost of repairing the warehouse, one or two rooms may not be a problem. not come down.

As a result, an industry called warehouse auctions was born, as well as a profession called warehouse treasure hunters.

To put it simply, the warehouse leasing company will take out the warehouse whose contract has expired and conduct a public auction. Bidders who make a living hunting for treasure in the warehouse will get everything left by the previous owner in the warehouse, and as a price, they must clean up other garbage in the warehouse, and the funds delivered during the auction will also be used as Warehouse repair costs.

If it is a warehouse for storing garbage, of course you can't find any good treasures. But if you encounter a warehouse used by collectors to store collections, you may have forgotten that there is such a warehouse, or you died suddenly during the lease period, and you did not have time to tell your relatives and friends the news, which led to the confiscation of the collections in the warehouse. In short, there are often some warehouses with high-quality goods that appear at auction. For warehouse treasure hunters, this kind of warehouse is like a gold mine, a treasure waiting to be excavated, which makes them flock to it.

Of course, not every warehouse that has passed the lease period will be put on the auction table by the leasing will refuse. After all, if they are cleared and rented out earlier, they will be able to receive the rent earlier.

For example, the room that Shi Xiaolei came to visit now.

"This is the main warehouse." Standing on the open space in front of the building, Toby first pointed to the one in front of him, and then pointed to the two smaller sheds next to him: "Those two are the auxiliary warehouses. .Of course, I'm talking about the situation before renting out, according to the records, the previous client seems to have converted them into workshops, I don't know very well."

"That is to say, this piece is all together?"

"Yes. This is a combined warehouse. It includes a main warehouse, two auxiliary warehouses, and a temporary dormitory made up of two containers." Speaking of this, Toby raised his right hand again , pointed to the back of the auxiliary warehouse.

Looking in the direction of Toby's finger, behind the treetops, a dark red corner was exposed. Looking at the shape, it really looks like the outer wall of a container.

"Well, I see." After understanding the layout, Shi Xiaolei asked again: "What about the occupied area and the usable area?"

"The area of ​​the main warehouse is equivalent to an indoor basketball court, but the height is a little lower, only 5.5 meters. The two auxiliary warehouses are both ten by thirty in size, with an area of ​​about 300 square meters. The temporary dormitory has two The total area is 12232, which is 552 square meters.” Taking out the drawings, Toby introduced enthusiastically: “The total area of ​​several warehouses is about 1550 square meters, plus the exterior Space, the total floor area of ​​this warehouse is 2100 square meters."

"Two thousand and one?" Calculated in his heart, Shi Xiaolei nodded: "The size is about the same."