Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 647: persuade

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []https://The fastest update! No ads!

The more the merrier.

In just six days, the original dilapidated warehouse was renovated and restored to its glory.

Well, just having a house is definitely not enough. If you want to operate normally, you have to add various equipment and materials.

Not to mention anything else, at least the canopy bed and all kinds of bedding, as well as towels, soaps, etc. that need to be used for washing, must be fully equipped... As for the shelter and rescue, if you even let people wash up and lie down and rest for a while If you can't do it, how can you mention other greater help.

"Thank you for taking the time, thank you so much, May."

"You're welcome, that's what I'm supposed to do." Instead of shaking hands, he responded with a hug with open arms. Maybe it was because she had been working in a charity organization and was very keen on this kind of thing. After being invited to the 'House of Warmth', Mei's attitude was more enthusiastic than Shi Xiaolei imagined.

No, after saying hello, Mei couldn't wait to look at the place that had just been cleaned up.

"Very warm sign." The sign that had just been made and had not been nailed up was placed on a cart in front of the warehouse. Because of the brighter colors, Mei quickly noticed the sign.

"Yeah, hehe." Touching the back of his head, Shi Xiaolei's face showed a bit of pride: "The font template was written by Kang Na, and the background was also drawn by her and her classmates."

Not to mention the original intention of establishing this rescue station, after this thing is built, it is to provide help to people.

People who need help are often more vulnerable, and are more likely to fall into low self-esteem than ordinary people. If the face of the door is made too serious, so that they are afraid and dare not approach easily, this aid station will lose its proper meaning.

Taking this into account, Shi Xiaolei deliberately did not ask an advertising company to help design the door light box, but entrusted this matter to Kang Na and her friends.

And the final result is indeed very good - the signboard designed by Kang Na and her classmates together, without the slightest edge, round and cute... Although it feels a little immature, it may make people feel uncomfortable after hanging it. The trust of the organization itself in the eyes of the seekers has been affected to some extent, but in terms of warmth and harmony, this set of logos is very good, and there is nothing to be picky about.

"It's a very good idea, I like it." After hearing Shi Xiaolei explain the reason, Mei's eyes showed a little more approval.

"When you hang it up, it should be even more beautiful." Shi Xiaolei made a gesture while responding, "Let's go, I'll show you inside. You've been doing it for a long time, and you have much more experience than us. Give me some more advice... To tell you the truth, I'll fix the house and clean it up. I don't really know what it needs to be equipped here."

"I will." Nodding, following behind Shi Xiaolei, Mei also walked into the main warehouse in front of her.

After all, since she promised to give advice, Mei naturally wouldn't hide it.

No, as soon as she entered the room, she immediately gave her first piece of advice: "The light is a little dim. If possible, it's better to make it brighter."

"Well, I also think it's a little dark." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei agreed, raising his arm to point to the roof: "Originally, I meant to open a few holes from the top and make more skylights. After thinking about it, If there are too many skylights, there may be problems in heavy rain and snow, and in winter, the heat dissipation will be faster, which is not conducive to indoor heating..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Shi Xiaolei turned to look at Mei, and then said, "The lesser of the two powers, my current plan is to add more fluorescent lamps to the top to supplement the lighting."

"It's also a way." She nodded first, paused for a while, and then Mei made another suggestion: "For the lighting in the living area, it is better to use natural light. According to my experience, it is more conducive to psychological adjustment and treatment. , it can also play a role in helping people build confidence and regain motivation.”

"Is that so..." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei scratched his head again: "Then, divide this place into two parts. The front is made into a reception area and an office area for daily affairs. The back is divided into a small room. As a temporary treatment point. If there is no problem with your health, you need to use helpers for a period of time and arrange them to go to the other two auxiliary warehouses... The lighting over there is better, and it will be changed to the accommodation department, what do you think? "

"The office area doesn't need to be too big." Mei nodded and continued to suggest: "I suggest dividing this space into two floors. The bottom floor can be a little higher, just according to people's daily habits. For the upper floor, it can be slightly higher. Shorter, as long as it doesn't get in the way of movement."

"What do you mean... use the upper floor as an office area?"

"Yes. Not every rescue station has very good conditions. Sometimes, we have to make some concessions." With a slight smile, Mei's eyes were full of enthusiasm and thoughtfulness: "The needs of helpers~www. is the first. For the rest, it doesn't matter if you deal with it a little. Moreover, the conditions here are already very good. Even if it is separated into two floors, the height of the upper floor can be guaranteed to exceed two meters. Well, maybe a little short for you."

"I'm used to it." Shi Xiaolei laughed: "You know, it's the same no matter where you go, anyway, I have to always be careful about my forehead."

"That's right, not everyone is as tall as you."

"Learn to be good when you bump into it." Shi Xiaolei touched the back of his head, smiled, and asked again: "If it were separated by two floors... In addition to the office area, the area for storing supplies can also be placed here. Son?"

"Yes, at the site where I work now, that's the structure."

"That's alright, I said before that I will build another shed to store supplies. If you do it like you said, it will save me trouble." Having said that, now is a good time, Shi Xiaolei said. Once made a test: "You still have experience. By the way, Mei, why don't you come and help us?"


"Let me do the hard work, or let me pay more, that's fine. Let me manage and operate this site..." Although there are other reasons in my heart, I want to invite Mei over to help. Really. Looking at Mei, Shi Xiaolei's eyes were full of sincerity: "To be honest, I'm really not that material. Haha, since it's started, I don't want it to be a flash in the pan and shut down soon. Mei, you have a lot of experience. If, I mean if ha... that, is it possible, come and help us?"

"Resign from the site where I work now, come over to your side?"

"Hmm~." Looking at Mei more and more sincerely, Shi Xiaolei nodded his big head forcefully.