Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 662: some regret

I thought that Stark should not have had time to save multiple templates in the database. After Pepper activated the metal plate, the suit that Stark had shown before should be switched out. I want to make a joke. Pepper, that's why Shi Xiaolei didn't ask Stark what he meant, and directly suggested that she try it.


"Huh?" The original dignified and elegant formal attire suddenly changed, and Pepper was startled at first.

It can be noticed that the style and shape of the new clothes on her body are very similar to a certain ready-to-wear that she saw at the fashion conference not long ago, and Pepper couldn't help showing a happy smile: "Wow, this is really a surprise Ah! I said before that it was a pity that I couldn't buy this dress."

"." It wasn't Stark who passed through the set just now, Shi Xiaolei held back the corner of his mouth, and clicked his tongue softly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that." With a teasing smile, Stark raised his finger and pointed to the ceiling: "Have you forgotten? Jarvis has always been there."

There are indeed no redundant templates pre-stored in the database, but with Jarvis, adding a new template is just a matter of moments.

No wonder Stark didn't interrupt just now, but the old **** just stayed aside to watch the excitement.

"Jarvis, can't you cooperate? Don't you think this is boring?"

"Personally, Ms. Pepper's experience is more important." Jarvis's response came from the speaker hidden in the dark: "I'm sorry, Mr. Locke. If there is another chance, I will definitely cooperate with you .”

"What if the person I want to prank on is Tony?" Shi Xiaolei snapped back angrily: "You know, I don't know many friends who are close enough to be pranked on, and there are not many people in total. "

"What about this?"

"Look, I knew you were unreliable." Giving up on continuing to argue with Jarvis, Shi Xiaolei withdrew his attention and looked at Pepper again: "As a lady, Pepper, what do you think of this thing?"

"Great!" Nodding without hesitation, looking at Stark with sparkling eyes, Pepper's face was full of excitement: "Tony, among so many things you invented, this is my most One of my favourites. You are simply amazing!"

"Actually, apart from changing the shape, it can also be used." Although Pepper's praise is very admirable, as the inventor, Stark is still unwilling to see the main function of this invention being ignored.

"Come on." Before Stark could finish speaking, Shi Xiaolei interrupted him first: "I said it earlier, girls will definitely care more about the function of changing clothes. Here, you also saw Pepper's reaction buddy , you are an adult now, you have to learn to admit your mistakes. After all, you are not God, and it is reasonable to occasionally make some misjudgments, what do you think?"


Looking at Shi Xiaolei, then at Stark, Pepper also realized that there was something else going on here: "What's going on? Who will explain it to me?"

"That's how it happened." Seeing that Stark was still a little depressed, Shi Xiaolei took the initiative to take over the conversation, and explained the conversation between the two of them to Pepper.

When it was over, he asked again casually: "Pepper, what do you think? Is the protective cover more important, or"

"Hmm." I didn't want to embarrass Stark, but I couldn't get over the hurdle in my heart. After struggling for a while, Pepper finally replied: "From the perspective of business development, these two functions have great potential, but the customer groups they focus on are different."

"Huh?" To be honest, Shi Xiaolei really didn't expect Pepper to answer like this.

"The protective cover is more suitable for those customers who want to strengthen their own security conditions, such as heads of state. Although there are relatively few applicable objects, considering the identity and status of customers, I think that every product can sell very well. Price." Pepper smiled and expressed his analysis: "As for the function of changing clothes, it should be a good choice to take the civilian route. I am sure that there will be countless female customers who are willing to pay for this product. Open your wallet."

"Unfortunately, this thing is limited in quantity and cannot be mass-produced."

"Eh?" Looking at Stark, Pepper's eyes flashed disappointment, and there was deep confusion.

"Without the function of the protective cover, the energy consumption will indeed be reduced a lot." He reached out and took back the metal plate from Pepper. Glancing at Pepper, who had changed back to the previous shape, Stark smiled apologetically: "However, because some special materials brought back from Asgard are needed to make this thing, so"

"Ulu Alloy?" Shi Xiaolei asked.

"It's just one of them. A small amount of Uru alloy is used in the energy supply components. Also, do you remember that I brought some gems and crystals back from Asgard? In the built-in optical components of this thing, a small amount of Dust made from gemstones and crystals.” At this point, Stark paused for a while and then shrugged helplessly: “Although they are not in Asgard It is expensive, and the selling price is much cheaper than Ulu alloy. But on the earth, I have not found raw materials that can completely replace them.”

"If it's just like this, I don't think it's a big problem." Shi Xiaolei gave a suggestion: "You also said that those things are quite cheap in Asgard. Since they are not expensive, it means that they shouldn't care too much. What I mean is , when Sif and the others come over next time, you can mention this matter to them and ask them to help bring something."

"Like helping you bring the goods this time?" Stark raised his eyebrows.

"That's right." Shi Xiaolei nodded: "I'll figure it out later. Well, maybe it's only a month, and all the things I ordered from the craftsmen should be completed and delivered. If there are no accidents, they It shouldn't take too long, maybe a few more days? It lasted for a week and a half. It should help me bring my things over."

"Look, you can't be sure when they will come, can you?" Stark shook his head, not agreeing with Shi Xiaolei's words: "If you just make it yourself for fun, the materials will arrive sooner or later, and it's nothing. But if it is sold as a commodity, the supply time is not stable, which is a very difficult problem. Besides, you don’t know how long this supply chain can last. If one day it is suddenly cut off, there are still some orders on hand Not finished, hehe, what kind of consequences do you think will happen?"

After all, what Stark said meant that things that might get stuck in the neck should never be done.

After thinking about it carefully, the truth is indeed correct.

However, thinking of the girls at home who really wanted to have new skins, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help asking: "Then how many finished products can we make out of the materials we have on hand?"