Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 668: dryad

In terms of combat ability alone, even Ramiris in her peak state is only at the level of a superior monster.

Comparing horizontally, it is probably a little bit stronger than the three beast warriors, the big snake yellow horned Arvien, and on the same level as Akamaru, Shuna, Shion, Souei, Shirao and others of the Ogre clan.

From the perspective of ordinary people, it can be said that she is already very powerful, but if compared with the other demon kings, her combat power is still not as good.

Even Fleur, whose strength has reached the disaster level, considers herself unworthy of the title of Demon King, and voluntarily relinquishes this identity. Then, why was Ramiris, whose strength was slightly inferior to hers, recognized by other demon kings and accepted her as a member of the demon king?

On the one hand, it was because Ramiris was old enough.

Just like the top ten demon kings became eight-star demon kings, in the different world where Limuru lived, the number of demon kings was not constant.

It has been changed countless times. During this period, there are some old demon kings who fell due to various accidents, and some new demon kings who came from behind and won the title by virtue of their extraordinary strength.

In the council composed of demon kings, only three people have remained from the beginning until now.

The three are from the demon family, and their identity is the original red among the seven original demons. Because the summoner could not pay the price, Qikulim Thorn awakened as the devil king after massacring the country in one fell swoop.

The so-called tyrant of destruction was originally a descendant born of the combination of the first dragon species among the four dragon species and humans. Later, when his companion was killed, he turned the murderer and his country into scorched earth in grief and anger, and then awakened as a demon king Milim:

And Ramiris, who was reincarnated into Nirvana again and again, and lived for an unknown period of time, was known as the Labyrinth Fairy.

That's right, although she has never slaughtered a country, nor used the method of killing people and absorbing energy from the soul to improve herself, but when it comes to seniority, Ramiris is much older than those new demon kings who joined halfway. Much more.

what does that mean?

To live longer is to know more. Even if the personal combat power is very good, but when it comes to the understanding of various histories and secret techniques, no one has more say than Ramiris.

Knowledge is also power. This is a truth that everyone knows, and the demon kings in high positions will not understand it.

The knowledge that Ramiris knows alone is enough to make other demon kings put aside their prejudices and accept her to keep pace with themselves.

What's more, Ramiris also has the unique skill of creating summoned spirits.

You must know that even Primordial Red, who was born in the demon race, can only summon low-level demon race from the demon world, and cannot create something out of nothing.

And what about Ramiris? Even though she doesn't have much combat power, she can borrow some secret methods to collect the magical energy that permeates everywhere, and use it as a material to create elemental spirits of all levels lower than her own.

You must know that monsters like goblins, ghost men, and lizard men need to be upgraded step by step before they can finally be promoted to superior monsters. However, the existence of elemental elves will be classified as high-level monsters from the moment of their birth.

It's true that I have some hips, but Ramiris's subordinates can easily gather a large number of powerful younger brothers. With this unique personal ability, coupled with the huge hidden potential of high-end combat power, Ramiris has no fewer chips than other demon kings.

All in all, Ramiris is indeed a bit special among the demon kings, but considering all the conditions, she is not worthy of that title.

Well, it may also be because every time the Nirvana period is reached, some moths will always be made because of the childish character, just like the name of Milim, the big devil, part of which is to complain about her frequent destruction . Ramiris will be called the devil, and it may be partly because of her periodic unreliability, which leads to things going in a bad direction.

Like this moment.

I was worried that I would be too busy alone, so I thought of summoning a tree elf

Just talking about the method that Ramiris thought of, there is actually nothing worth questioning.

The point is that she didn't say hello to others to explain the situation before she started to act!

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Avoiding the attack of the vines, 2 took out his long knife without hesitation, and set up a posture very vigilantly.


Maybe it was summoned just now, and the mind is not clear enough, or maybe it was to protect Ramiris who fell into a coma due to the dryness of magic power, and did not dare to face 2's question carelessly. Instead of answering, after a brief silence, he launched an attack again.

Well now, things that could have been explained clearly have become unclear.

Determined that the person in front of him sneaked in maliciously, 2's eyes narrowed and finally set up the long knife.

In terms of close combat skills, the tree goblin is definitely not the opponent of 2. But don't forget, Ramiris has just finished the ceremony, and there is still a lot of unused magic power in the maze.

Seeing that several vines were cut off by 2, the dryad raised his hand, and summoned more vines, strangling 2 from all directions.

In a confined indoor space, tossing and moving is very discreet, not to mention that it is underground, and behind the big rocks are all soil that can provide nutrients for plants. Following Shi Xiaolei's instructions all along, 2 finally chose to fight and retreat.

"Sister Sylvia, what's the matter?" Seeing that 2 exited from the entrance with a knife in his hand, and his expression was not as peaceful as when he entered just now, the expulsion girls waiting outside were all surprised eyes.

"Stand back, there are enemies!"

As if responding to the reminder of 2, a few thicker tree roots sprang out from the entrance of the maze.

Even without 2's words, seeing the scene in front of them, the expulsion girls would subconsciously deploy their ship outfits, not to mention hearing 2's warning just now.

Without any hesitation, the Destroyers put on a serious face, unfolded their ships one by one, and pointed their guns at the exit of the maze.

After feeling the heavier deterrence from the ship girls, the tree goblin also responded. Under her control, the brown tree roots protruding out began to twist and twist. After a while, at the entrance of the maze Then there were several tall wooden puppets.

Perhaps it was because they were worried that the attacks of the ship girls would damage the maze and hurt Ramiris who was still in a coma.

After a brief stalemate, under the control of the tree goblin, the huge wooden puppets attacked first.