Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 685: twists and turns

When the shell explodes underwater, in addition to splashing huge waves, it will also generate shock waves of considerable intensity.

Even if the water splash failed to overturn the speedboat, those people staying on the speedboat would still be seriously disturbed by the dizziness caused by the shock wave.

Either his heels become weak and he cannot stand, or he falls into a coma with a black eye. No matter what the reaction is, his ability to move will inevitably be greatly hindered. If you want to take the road and escape again, it will naturally become a luxury.

Although he is usually careless and does not show the slightest shrewdness, when performing combat missions, Tennessee often erupts with a beast-like self-consciousness. For example, now, in just a split second, she saw the situation and situation very keenly, and selected the most suitable combat plan with great accuracy.

First fired a few shots from a distance, while blocking the way, by the way, the people on the three speedboats were also stunned.

Before the other party slowed down, he quickly approached, and with a punch of a child, he dismantled the three armed speedboats into pieces.

After everyone turned into a drowning dog and threw away their heavy firearms in order to survive, Tennessee finally lifted the alert, took out the elastic rope that was occasionally used for fitness from the ship's loading space, and put the group of people together. One after another, they were bundled into a string and dragged to the shore like escorting prisoners.

"Be honest. Don't play tricks!"

Looking around and making sure that the group of people in front of him are in a state of being overwhelmed and unable to pose any threat, Tennessee clapped his hands and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

A call was made to Shi Xiaolei's mobile phone: "Commander, what should we do next? Leave him here? Or"

"Wait for me in place for a while, I'll be right over." Shaking his head with a wry smile, Shi Xiaolei turned his head away, and first gave instructions to the three people beside him, Oyano, Yubari, and Kang Na.

Nothing else, just let the three of them go home first.

It will take some time later to exchange information with the police who arrived. Maybe, I have to go back to the police station with them to make a record. I can't be sure when the finishing work will be over, and thinking that there is no need for Kang Na and the others to follow along, Shi Xiaolei naturally made a more in line with the present situation. decision in such a situation.

"Okay, come back soon." Nodding obediently, Kang Na stretched out her hand to pull Shi Xiaolei's trouser leg, and reminded with a serious face: "It's agreed to make pudding for me, don't be foolish."

"Got it, got it." Patting the little girl's head, Shi Xiaolei looked at Dadian again, and said with a smile, "Dadian, drive carefully. Also, call me when you get home."

"Yes, Commander."

After sending the three of them back to the car, watching Oyodo start the engine and take Yubari and Kangna on the road again, Shi Xiaolei looked away and picked up the phone that was still on the phone: "Tennessee?"


"Take care of those people, I'll come here now."

"Okay, Commander."

If you turn the time back for a while, that is, when Tennessee was still fighting with those people, it is possible to take advantage of the attention of the onlookers on the water, and find an opportunity to go directly from the bridge without being noticed. jump down.

and now

The situation is over, and the onlookers are gradually dispersing. If you jump over the railing and take a shortcut and jump down, don't worry about it, the scene must be very eye-catching, and it will definitely attract the attention of passers-by again.

It took a while to make a detour, get off the bridge from the maintenance stairs, and walk towards Tennessee, who is playing the jailer.

Gu "Aren't you hurt?" Shi Xiaolei asked first when he was still more than ten meters away.

"No, everything is normal." Tennessee smiled proudly as he bent his right arm and made a s.

"It's fine." Nodding his head, Shi Xiaolei turned his head to look at the group of unknown persons lying or sitting on the ground: "Have you asked who they are?"

"No." Tennessee shook his head: "It doesn't look like a good person anyway, I'm too lazy to ask."

"Hehe, let's go." Guessing such a reaction, Shi Xiaolei was not surprised, but just smiled: "Wait for the police to come later, let them interrogate themselves. We are not public servants, so help us out." It's enough to do a favor and say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, here they come."

While talking, Shi Xiaolei turned his head to look towards the direction of the water surface, the police speedboat that was kicked out earlier had approached the shore at some point.

Almost at the same time, sirens blared from above.

Thinking that the police force had arrived, and that he and Tennessee would be able to leave the scene and go home in a short time, Shi Xiaolei's mouth could not help but curl up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

But what happened next made him a little unhappy.

"Don't move!" The two guys who jumped off the police speedboat actually raised their pistols immediately, and while aiming at Shi Xiaolei and Tennessee, they yelled out the most commonly used catchphrase when police officers perform their duties: "Move!" Hands up! Put your hands where I can see them! Quick!"

It’s fine if you don’t say thank No matter what, you shouldn’t yell at yourself and Tennessee in the same way you treat suspects, right?

Forgot who just rescued you and saved your life?

"Hey, officers." His face turned cold, Shi Xiaolei turned around on the spot, and said back with a word: "Calm down, don't act like a frightened little girl. Look clearly, the danger has been lifted .Besides, these guys on the ground are your enemies, not us, so don't point your guns at us,?"

Maybe it's because he hasn't calmed down yet, that's why he was stimulated by Shi Xiaolei's words in a bad tone. Or maybe it was Shi Xiaolei who was already very vicious in appearance, and he was not easy to mess with at first sight, which brought a sense of threat to the policemen who had just escaped the crisis

"P! I ask you to raise your hand!" The policeman on the left raised his voice and his tone became more fierce.

And the other policeman on the right

This guy went even further, he pulled the trigger directly and fired two shots at the ground in front of Shi Xiaolei.

Although these two shots had no intention of hurting anyone, and were more of a demonstration and warning, the ricochets that bounced off the concrete floor actually landed on Shi Xiaolei's leg.

If it's not me standing here

Looking down at the mark left on his thigh, Shi Xiaolei's eyes flashed with anger, and his face became more and more serious: "You guys"

Before Shi Xiaolei could speak, Tennessee had already taken action.

"You guys really dare to shoot?" Angrily, Tennessee summoned the ship suit again, raised a huge iron fist, and rushed towards the policeman who fired.