Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 688: not over

The incident that happened on the way home was just a small accident.

Everything that follows will be handled by the police station. In Shi Xiaolei's view, there should be no and no reason to involve himself and his family again.

Therefore, from the moment he left the police station, he naturally put this matter behind him, and didn't devote any energy to paying attention to it at all.

But, will things really develop as Shi Xiaolei imagined, without any communication with him?

the answer is.

three days later.

"This is the last box."

Inside the huge cardboard box was a full box of vegetables, at least thirty to fifty catties, but in Shi Xiaolei's hands, it was as light as a box of cotton.

"Thank you." When she came to Shi Xiaolei and handed him a cup of warm coffee, Mei said gratefully, "Thanks for your help, I thank you for them."

"You're welcome, I was the one who started this matter." He waved his hand and took a sip of his coffee, Shi Xiaolei responded with a smile: "Speaking of which, why didn't you see Thor today? Where did he go?"

"I heard that a mare is about to give birth, and he has been watching at home for the past two days."

Under Shi Xiaolei's arrangement, Thor has officially joined the rescue station, and has his first job on earth in a serious way.

Speaking of his performance at work, he is actually pretty good.

After all, that guy is just a little silly, and sometimes he can't turn his head around, but when it comes to personality, he is still very enthusiastic and forthright, he can be regarded as a kind-hearted guy, okay, maybe he works in the rescue station When he was young, he often heard words of thanks from the help-seekers, which to some extent made up for the lack of self-confidence he lost due to being exiled. All in all, when dealing with this job, Thor's attitude is really good and positive.

But having said that, just because he has a positive work attitude does not mean that he will ignore other things in his life and devote all his time and energy to work.

Even Mei, who is enthusiastic about public welfare and has devoted many years to it, will allocate part of her energy to her husband and nephew. What's more, Thor, who just joined the business and hasn't fully integrated into it yet?

"That's right, Hela is not at home now." Hearing Mei's answer, Shi Xiaolei nodded, expressing his understanding: "If he fails to help her take care of her home, with Hela's temper, he will have to deal with him when he comes back." Yes. If it were me, I would also take a few days off to settle things at home first. "

"Indeed." Mei laughed: "Speaking of Haila, she sent some things from Huaguo two days ago, and one of them was specially sent to you. It just so happens that you are here, so take it back later .”

"Huh? And a gift? What is it?"

"Some ingredients? I don't know much about them. She said they are unique to Huaguo." Tilting her head, she motioned for Shi Xiaolei to follow. Mei turned and walked to another shelf, pointing to a box in the corner: "Here, here, take it apart and have a look."

The boxes are quite big, bigger than the ones I helped move here just now.

"Is it so big?" Stretching out his hands to rest on the box, Shi Xiaolei became more and more surprised when he exerted force: "Huh? So light?"

The size is bigger, but the weight is only about a quarter. Combined with Mei's answer just now, Shi Xiaolei was really curious.

He untied the key chain from his waist, cut the seal on the box with the multifunctional Swiss Army knife hanging on it, and opened the lid to take a look. Shi Xiaolei finally figured out what was going on. As Mei said, the box contained All of them are indeed the unique ingredients of Huaguo, dried plums, bamboo shoots, radishes, cowpeas, various sun-dried mushrooms, as well as dried cuttlefish, dried abalone, dried sea cucumber, dried fish gelatin and so on. To be honest, the only ones that can barely be called overwhelming are probably those few cured chickens, ducks, cured fish, and a few pieces of bacon, bacon, and sausages.

"Wow." Seeing these things, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but brows with joy, and smiled: "This is really a surprise."

Unlike Stark, who often goes to Shi Xiaolei's for a meal, his understanding of Chinese food is only limited to the American Chinese food that has been improved according to the tastes of Europeans and Americans. Unlike Shi Xiaolei who was overjoyed, Mei was only full of curiosity after seeing the ingredients in the box.

"Chicken, fish and pork? What about this, a tree root?" Mei picked up a twisted dried bamboo shoot from the bag, and Mei looked at Shi Xiaolei very puzzled: "How do I eat it? Uh, can it be eaten?"

"Of course it can be eaten." Shi Xiaolei laughed, and nodded vigorously: "Not only can it be eaten, but it's also very delicious. Of course, it's not like eating it directly, you have to soak your hair in water first."

"Soaking hair?" Western dishes rarely use dried and I'm not a culinary expert. Mei doesn't understand what Shi Xiaolei said about soaking hair.

"Just take out the amount you want to use and soak it in clean water. Wait until it absorbs water and swells, and it won't be as hard as it is now." After explaining a few words, he felt that it was not intuitive enough, and it was too long-winded. Shi Xiaolei simply changed his mind and proposed directly to Mei. He accepted the invitation: "Just make an appointment. Hehe, when you are free someday, bring Ben and Peter over here, and I will make a meal for you to try."


"It just so happens that Kangna hasn't seen Peter for a while. By the way, the day before yesterday afternoon, she told me that she broke the record again and wanted to show off to Peter." Shi Xiaolei shrugged with a smile: "To be honest, I really don't understand why she likes playing that video game so much. Maybe it's because Peter and Harry are competing with her, which stimulates her desire to win."

"I said"

"That kid Peter is also a virtue?"

"Yeah." Mei shook her head dumbfoundingly: "Every day when he comes home from school, he always spares some time to spend on that game. Every time he gets engrossed in playing, he is always bluffing Hu Xiaohou because of this, I have been scared by him several times."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Although Shi Xiaolei is not Kang Na's father, and Mei is not little Peter's mother, but both of them are parents after all, and their love for the little guy is no less than that of their biological parents.

Parents, when it comes to children, there is always interest in talking endlessly, and Shi Xiaolei and Mei are no exception.

But what was a bit disappointing was that when the two were chatting vigorously, the front desk of the rescue station suddenly came over, and a report interrupted the chat between the two: "Mr. Locke, some police officers are here, they said There are some things I want to ask you to understand the situation."