Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 724: bunny so cute

I gladly accepted the recommendation of the driver, and half an hour later, the bus stopped outside a small courtyard with unique decoration.

Perhaps because he often brings guests over for dinner, the lobby manager recognized the driver at a glance. No, the car hasn't stopped yet, she has already greeted her warmly and greeted the driver who is still parking with a smile.

"Yaomeier, get some delicious food for the guests, don't be too spicy." When he got out of the car, the driver made a recommendation for Shi Xiaolei: "This is Boss Shi, Boss Shi, this is Xiao Qian."

"Manager Qian, hello."

"Hello, Mr. Shi, ladies and gentlemen, please come in."

Although a familiar customer, the driver, introduced him on his behalf, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the lobby manager involuntarily.

It's no wonder, first of all, a big guy like Shi Xiaolei who is over two meters tall is not often encountered, and it is even rarer to be called a boss.

And the girls who got off one after another behind Shi Xiaolei were all too beautiful. Even in the land of abundance, it is rare to encounter such a tourist group that gathers a lot of beautiful women.

Of course, what excites Xiao Qian, the lobby manager most, is the extravagance of the girls... Although the big guys don't have any obvious labels on their clothes, at first glance, they can't tell what they are. brand. But judging from the texture of the fabrics and the exquisiteness of the tailoring, the little money that deals with tourists every day can still see their extraordinaryness at a glance.

As a businessman, what I like most is this kind of rich customer.

"Let's have some tea first. This tea was obtained from the stockade by our boss, and it can't be bought outside." While greeting the waiter to serve tea to everyone, Xiao Qian brought the menu and handed it over to Shi Xiaolei: " This is the menu in the store, Mr. Shi, take a look."

"Thank you." Smelling the tempting aroma of tea, I didn't bother to look at the menu... Well, I was mainly worried that other people would not be used to the food I ordered, so Shi Xiaolei handed over the menu to Missouri next to him: "The orderer It's up to you guys to discuss and decide, today I'm only responsible for paying the bill."

"It means... the boss is the best~!"

"What's the matter, let me see~."

"I want to watch too~!"

The few battleship girls were sitting quite securely, but the lively expulsion girls couldn't help but come over and huddled together around Missouri.

Turning the first page, these little girls couldn't help but show their surprised eyes.

"Bunny head???"

"Isn't it, Rabbit Head?"

"Bunny is so cute, why do you want to eat it?" After all, it was a child. Imagining the cute appearance of the little rabbit when it was alive, they all showed a slightly resisted expression.

It is not the first time that the guests have reacted like this, and the driver has long been surprised.

The lobby manager, Xiao Qian, came forward very skillfully and responded immediately: "The rabbits we have here are all meat rabbits approved from the farm. Like the meat chicken and duck you usually eat, it is for the purpose of Specially bred for food. It's not the same as the pet rabbits you know."

"..." Because of this 'it's not the same thing', the expressions of the little girls loosened slightly.

Xiao Qian continued to strike while the iron was hot, and recommended to the girls: "Besides, rabbits are a very common ingredient here. Not only restaurants use them for cooking, but many people go to the market to buy rabbits and cook them at home. eat."


"Of course." Catching the gazes of several little girls, Xiao Qian nodded indifferently: "In our Sichuan Province, rabbit head is a famous special dish. There is a saying that 'no rabbit can walk out of Sichuan alive. "Province", although most of them are joking, but from this sentence, it can also explain some situations."

"Is the rabbit head delicious?" As an out-and-out foodie, Kang Na didn't have the slightest pity in her heart.

Unlike expelling pussy, her eyes were full of anticipation, and a lot of saliva was already secreted from her mouth.

"I'll make sure you still want to eat it." Thumbs up, Xiao Qian strongly recommended: "Our chef, making rabbit heads is a must. I'm not saying that, there are often some tourists from other places who come to the door specially. , just to eat a bite of our rabbit head. How about it, little girl, do you want to try it?"

"Yes~~!" After a moment of hesitation, Kang Na raised her small hand and shouted with great anticipation.

With Kang Na taking the lead... Well, mainly after asking Shi Xiaolei, I determined that rabbit head is really just a very common dish, and got his recommendation. Several other little girls also temporarily pressed their inner uneasiness. Emboldened: "Then... let's taste it too."

"Okay." He glanced around, confirmed the number of people, and Xiao Qian nodded: "Then I'll serve you two plates If it's okay to eat, I'll add more later, okay?"

"Okay, let's have two plates first." Shi Xiaolei took the conversation and made a decision: "One plate of spicy and one plate of spiced. The spicy plate has a slightly lighter taste."

"No problem, slightly spicy, okay?"

"It's just a little spicy... I'm talking about the national standard. Don't make it for us according to the Sichuan provincial standard." Shi Xiaolei said with a smile: "You guys are really good at eating spicy food. I had a worker who came here to travel before. , I ordered a slightly spicy meal when I ate, and I almost didn't get killed by the spicy food."

"Pfft." He covered his mouth and chuckled, and Xiao Qian added a few more strokes to the list: "I understand, the national standard is slightly spicy. The pepper is also a little less, right?"

"That's right~."

After a while, the order was ordered, and the back kitchen started to get busy.

The restaurant is not big, and there is not much distance between the back kitchen and the lobby. Plus it's raining lightly and a little breeze...

A hint of vegetable fragrance floated down the air to the lobby, immediately arousing everyone's appetite.

"It's so fragrant~." The one who couldn't help looking forward to it was the little girl Kang Na. No, as soon as she smelled the strong vegetable fragrance, she couldn't help but change her posture, kneeling on the chair and looking towards the kitchen.

The small appearance that looks around is like a meerkat on the prairie, and it looks very cute.

Maybe they were infected by Kang Na, or maybe they were tempted by the fragrance, and the other expulsion girls also showed their expectant eyes.

After about a quarter of an hour, the dishes from the first round were finally served.

"Cold salad with cucumber, northern Sichuan jelly, spiced rabbit head, spicy rabbit head..."

"Come on, come~!" Without paying attention to the name of the dish, as soon as the plate was on the table, Kang Na immediately stretched out her small hand and grabbed a rabbit head from the plate: "Ah woo~"