Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 728: Characteristics of Sichuan Province

After eating and drinking enough, he slept soundly all night.

After waking up, taking advantage of the nice weather, I went out for a walk.

It took one night and half a day to adjust the time difference to almost the same level. In the afternoon of the second day, Stark finally freed up some time, and together with Shi Xiaolei, met with the official working group.

It's not a formal meeting yet, it's just a meeting and exchange of intentions. In addition, with Shi Xiaolei acting as a bridge in the middle, no one will ignore his existence... Generally speaking, the atmosphere of this meeting is quite relaxed. Including the intentional results from preliminary discussions, they are mostly harmonious.

"Go slowly, we won't be far away."

"Stay here, both of you. We will seize the time to hold a meeting to discuss and come up with a charter as soon as possible." Stretching out his hand, the leader of the working group shook hands with Shi Xiaolei and Stark respectively with a smile on his face: "I hope we can come up with an agreement that both parties are satisfied with." As a result, this cooperation has been reached.”

"Me too."

"See you next time." His attitude was not as positive and enthusiastic as Shi Xiaolei's, but Stark also had a faint smile on his face, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

After exchanging a few polite words, those in the working group went back to the car.

As the other party left, Shi Xiaolei withdrew his gaze and turned to look at his friend standing beside him: "Thank you, buddy."


"To be honest, I really didn't expect you to have such an attitude." Opening his right arm, Shi Xiaolei grabbed Stark's shoulder: "I thought you would refuse."

"Why did you refuse?" Stark raised his eyebrows, and walked towards the courtyard together with Shi Xiaolei: "Although the specific agreement has not yet been drawn up, the promises and conditions they made verbally are already very favorable , isn’t it? I’m a businessman, as long as there are enough interests, hehe, you understand.”

Although that is what he said, but from Shi Xiaolei's point of view, he would not understand it directly.

A carefree personality does not mean a low IQ. After observing the conversation between Stark and the working group, Shi Xiaolei knew very well that he changed his previous difficult attitude and showed a 'willing to cooperate' attitude so easily for his own sake.

"I get it. I get it. In a word, thanks, man."

"Should I just say it?" Stark raised his eyebrows: "At any rate, we should show something."

"You say, as long as I can do it, it will be absolutely unambiguous." Patting his chest, Shi Xiaolei immediately expressed his opinion.

"Well..." For a while, Stark couldn't think of any good ideas, and sighed: "I haven't thought of it now, let's save it first. When I think of it later, I will tell you. Let's talk about it first, and when the time comes You can't go back on your word."

"Am I the kind of person who doesn't accept what I say? No problem. When you think of it, tell me anytime, and I promise not to refuse."

Walking while talking, in a blink of an eye, the two of them had already returned to the yard.

Unlike the first few days when I came here, not only did it not rain today, there were not even a few clouds in the sky.

Through the extremely clear sky, the bright sun shines down, bringing some rare warmth to the cold winter day.

In other provinces, if you encounter such good weather in winter, you may arrange some outdoor sports trips. For example, go fishing by the river, go to the grass to bask in the sun and play ball, go ice skating on the frozen lake and so on.

But here in Sichuan...

"The weather is so nice, don't waste it." Before he could sit still, Shi Xiaolei heard someone calling in his ear: "Missouri, let's bring out the table and play mahjong in the yard!"

"That's right, it's a pity not to play mahjong when the sun is so good."

"I agree!"


Before the words fell, Nevada's proposal received the support of several people.

I really didn't expect to hear such a sentence, let alone so many ship girls echoing it. Looking at the girls who had already got up and were about to enter the house to move the mahjong table, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but burst out laughing: "You're a quick learner, have you been infected after only a few days?"

"Hey." Hearing Shi Xiaolei's words, Nevada stopped and touched his head with a smile: "Isn't it okay to be idle?"

"That's right, who told you to call you Nevada." Recalling that the famous casino Las Vegas is in Nevada, Shi Xiaolei suddenly realized why she jumped out and made such a head.

"Commander, are you coming?" Without the slightest bit of embarrassment, Nevada smiled, but instead extended an invitation to Shi Xiaolei.

"Me?" After thinking for a while, Shi Xiaolei shook his head: "I'll forget it. You are all newbies, so I won't take advantage of you. By the way, after a while, the bet is destined to be smaller, you know? Don’t make it too big, just play with it.”

"I know, we're just having fun, and we don't really want to Come on, come on, Commander. Let's play together."

"Underestimate people, hum, I'm lucky."

Nevada stopped trying, but that doesn't mean others gave up too.

After being entangled by the ship girls for a while, there is really nothing I can do... Well, the main thing is that Pepper and Bayoneta are also interested, want to play, and dragged Stark to get enough cards, As a result, under the entanglement of the few of them, Shi Xiaolei had no choice but to give up his own ideas, and went to the table as an accompanying guest.

The yard is quite big, and there are plenty of mahjong machines.

Not long after, three mahjong machines have been set up in the courtyard. The originally peaceful atmosphere has become bustling and noisy like a mahjong hall in the streets and alleys.

After the power supply is connected, press the button to shuffle the cards, and the three mahjong machines start running at the same time.

The splintering and crackling sounds joined together, not only attracted the attention of the little girls who were playing games in the room, but also the monkeys who were basking on the roof also lay down on the eaves one after another, casting curious glances at the courtyard. eyes.

"Xiaolei, Xiaolei, what are you playing?" Kang Na asked curiously as she opened the window and leaned on the window sill.

"Um." Sensing the eagerness in the little girl's tone, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help feeling a headache... Although most people in Sichuan Province don't mind their children being exposed to mahjong, as a person from other provinces, Shi Xiaolei is somewhat taboo, and doesn't want children to play mahjong too early. Exposure to this 'game'.

The momentary hesitation made the little girl even more curious.

As a result, before Shi Xiaolei could give an answer, Kang Na excitedly withdrew her head, stepped on padded slippers in the shape of a doll, and ran out of the room with a patter.

While running, the little girl shouted excitedly: "I want to play too!"