Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 754: each has ghosts

My own strength is not strong enough, and I want to live a very nourishing life, what should I do?

The method is very simple, find a thigh and hug it.

Crazy Titan's name, that's not to say. The 'population pressure reduction plan' of killing half and leaving half has been implemented for a long time, and Thanos has already left a splendid name in the vast universe.

In the eyes of the peaceful race, he is a fierce **** that people can't avoid, but in the eyes of the same black villain, there is no doubt that the tyrant who no one dares to offend easily can be regarded as the best refugee. .

The three Kree cosmic pirates contacted by the superstar all came from a mercenary organization that was only recently established. In terms of the size of the organization, let alone the Chitarians and Vanguard Guards under Thanos, even the Marauder organization to which Yondu belongs is far inferior. To put it bluntly, if I hadn't stole two warships when escaping from the mother planet, and stole a batch of powerful standard weapons, armed myself into a porcupine with little oil and water, so that they could commit crimes in the universe. The evil deeds that followed are simply impossible to live up to now.

It's not really desperate, but it will be a matter of time if it continues like this.

So, after several internal meetings... well, to put it bluntly, it's infighting, the surviving cosmic pirates finally unified their opinions and decided to find a reason to accept the vassal's thighs.

Speaking of which, their first choice was not Thanos, but Ronan, an accuser who was backed by the Kree Empire and who was also a well-known accuser.

After all, after several internal fights, 80% of the remaining members of the organization are Cree people, and the other messy aliens only account for less than 20%. Combined with the fact that Ronan is an authentic racist, several leaders in the organization agreed that he would definitely accept his side.

But the development of things was beyond the expectations of these people.

After receiving the news that this group of people wanted to take refuge, Ronan was not disgusted by the fact that there were still a few aliens of his race in their team, but as a Kree lord with a 'root red seedling', Luo Nan, however, has his own pride and despises this group of people who have been reduced to pirates.

I feel that letting this group of people join me will only lower my worth and image... Well, the main reason is that these stragglers don't have much use value and are not enough for Ronan to value. In short, he almost refused without hesitation. The trust of these people.

It was also at this juncture that the superstar came to the door with a mission, and during the meeting, he used his psionic power to sense the eagerness of the pirate leaders to find a force to surrender their allegiance.

In this way, the two sides hit it off - according to the needs of the superstar, the pirates will send people to help her complete the task. As a price, after things are done, the superstar is responsible for referrals to ensure that the pirates will be recruited by Thanos.

Seeing this, someone may ask.

Now that you have decided to give a nomination certificate, as usual, shouldn't you be more active? Just three people, even if their combat effectiveness is strong, so what? With such a small number of workers, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be very sincere.

It's actually quite simple.

Getting used to being a scout, the routine of 'set up a battle as soon as you come up, and direct the army to overwhelm the realm' doesn't fit the character of a superstar. It was her proposal that the pirates first selected a few elites to accompany them. As for the vast majority of the remaining people, she had arranged them in another place, waiting to be summoned at any time.

To put it bluntly, I felt that there were too many people and I was not used to it, so I deliberately made the current routine of 'sneak in and decide the follow-up action plan according to the development of the matter'.

As for why the Frost Giants were not treated equally, and a representative was not selected among them, all four of them were brought by their side...

Anyway, there are not many people, so in batches, only one or two people can be reduced, and the difference is not big.

Don't bother to bother.

Moreover, when four people get together, if they have to betray them, they can sell them all at once, so as to avoid future troubles for themselves.

Of course, the biggest key is that after getting the psychic scepter from Thanos, his self-confidence has skyrocketed, and he thinks that it is enough to control these frost giants, and he is not afraid of them going out of the sky.

"Follow me, you must obey my orders, otherwise, you will know the consequences." Chong Frost giant waved his hand, who had just recovered his freedom, and the superstar instructed him: "You guys go down and get some more by the way. Come here, Er Chai. I'm going to rest for a while, and I'll talk later if I have something to say."

Not as strong as a superstar, let alone begging her...

Although their hearts were very depressed, the frost giants still swallowed this and left the barn according to the superstar's instructions.

The latitude is further north, and the snow is still falling outside the barn now that New York has returned to clear skies.

For others, the cold climate may not be so pleasant, but for the frost giants who love the cold, this kind of weather is the most comfortable.

Even so, there was no trace of joy or joy on the faces of the four frost giants who came outside the barn.

"Boss." Quickly walked two steps to the head of the frost giant, the frost giant with a pitchfork in his hand couldn't help complaining: "How about we do it ourselves~!"

"Yeah. I'm fed up with her lofty face."

"..." Although the last one did not agree, but in his expression and eyes, there was an undisguised meaning of approval.

The three companions all have this idea. As their trusted boss, how could the frost giant headed by them not have the slightest wave in their hearts?

You know, it was none other than himself who was despised by the superstar just now. Compared with the three companions, he also felt the most humiliation.

Gritting his teeth, his resentment was palpable. From this reaction, it is not difficult to see that this man is indeed very angry, and his heart is full of dissatisfaction.

But after a while, the man who was called the 'chief' shook his head slowly: "No, now is not the time."

"Timing? Boss, how long do we have to wait? I can't live a day like this~!"

"Wait until we find our way home." Stopping, looking at the three companions, a light flashed in the eyes of the 'boss': "There is news that we brought back, and the treasure, the king's strength is at least It can be half recovered. By then, we will definitely wait for the right opportunity.”