Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 758: energize

Relying on his thick battle armor and thinking that it would be impossible to instantly kill him with the opponent's weapon, Stark smashed through the window without hesitation, and broke into the building from a certain position on the fifth floor.

The International Bureau of Weights and Measures is in charge of the standards of weights and measures. From the perspective of its scope of authority, it has a decisive weight.

But look at it from another angle, because after the various units of measurement are formulated, they are almost never changed. On weekdays, apart from tourists and students who come to visit, few people come to the door for official business, so this institution seems to be very leisurely, unlike other important institutions that can always see a busy scene.

To put it bluntly, it is more like an exhibition hall.

"That's all."

When he came to the display stand and looked at the samples in the window, Roman the Kree picked up the energy gun in his hand and shattered the nearest counter with one shot.

The toughened glass that can defend against live ammunition cannot withstand the attack of energy rays at all. With just one blow, it was blasted into pieces.

The 'Standard One Meter' sample cast from precious metals fell to the ground with a clang, like an ordinary metal pipe that fell from a shelf in a hardware store, and rolled to Roman's feet with a series of crisp metallic sounds.

"It's quite heavy." Bending down to pick up the solid metal rod, Roman raised the muzzle again and pointed at the second counter.

"Hey, interrupt." A shout came from above, interrupting Roman's movements.

He and his companions looked up at the same time, and at the courtyard in the middle of the building, a golden and red steel battle armor appeared at some point.

"Friends from extraterrestrials, please put down the weapons in your hands, okay?" Stark spread his hands, revealing the muzzle in his palms, and Stark descended slowly while facing the three people below provocatively. He issued an ultimatum: "To be honest, I really can't figure out why you suddenly came to this place where you don't shit. Can you tell me, what are you thinking? Of course, if you don't mind, I will I think we can talk about this matter on another occasion, emmm, what do you think of the interrogation room surrounded by iron fences?"

As interstellar pirates, the three Kerrys have encountered various resistances during plundering and robbery, and some of them are powerful rebels.

Stark's steel armor is not enough to deter them, making them too scared to resist.

No, before Stark finished speaking, one of the three had already controlled the small energy cannon mounted on his shoulder and fired a shot at him.


If he raises his hand to shoot, Stark may be able to detect the attack in advance through the opponent's movements, and suppress it before the enemy makes a move. But this shot came from the launcher on the shoulder... because the opponent didn't raise his hand at all, and the movement of the launcher's muzzle was very small. As a result, Stark was caught off guard by a momentary oversight.

Fortunately, this set of steel armor was upgraded not long ago. The outer armor module originally made of gold-titanium alloy was eliminated and replaced with a new module made of Ulu alloy as the main material.

After eating the cannon head-on, Stark lost his balance, smashed through the wall, and smashed into a certain room.

Fortunately, the upgraded armor is strong enough and has excellent defense against energy attacks... If it was the gold-titanium alloy before, this gun might have made Stark incapacitated, but now, only A blob of inconspicuous black marks that didn't have any impact on performance.

"It doesn't seem to make sense." Floating out from the gap that I hit, the expression hidden under the visor revealed a wave of anger. Without saying much, Stark raised his arms and launched a counterattack without hesitation.

They were mentally prepared when they shot, and the three Kree people responded very quickly.

The one who had hit Stark with the shoulder cannon before jumped to the right rear immediately, and quickly grabbed behind a thick pillar.

The one on the left squatted down and rolled, and went behind the marble pedestal that served as the platform.

As for Roman standing in the middle of the zigzag formation...

Without dodging or evading, he raised his left arm and moved diagonally upwards in the direction of Stark. Before the golden energy cluster could hit, a green energy shield between an ellipse and a rectangle unfolded instantly.

"Biu, biu!" With two soft sounds, the two energy bombs fired by Stark did not achieve any results except for two sparks that exploded on the energy shield.

This development surprised Stark somewhat, and further aroused his competitiveness.

"There are quite a lot of means." A thought dodged two meters to avoid the counterattack from the Stark adjusted his body shape, continued to shoot, and dived down: "Then let Let me see if you have any other tricks."

It's a bit long-winded to say, but in fact, from the time Stark broke into the building to the exchange of fire between him and the three Kerrys, only a dozen seconds passed in total.

"Hey, buddy, do you want to help?" Stark entered the building ten seconds later. Seeing the scene in front of him, Shi Xiaolei also whistled and joined the battlefield.

"Where's Sylvia?" Without answering Shi Xiaolei's words, Stark asked casually while shooting with Roman.

"I asked her to wait outside." Putting up the tower shield on his left arm and blocking a few energy bombs, Shi Xiaolei rushed towards the enemy while giving an answer: "It's enough for the two of us inside, and she's in charge outside." Cut off their retreat."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Xiaolei had already rushed in front of the enemy.

Instead of swinging the ax in his right hand, he directly maintained a charging posture and slammed into the enemy like a battering ram.

The energy gun was completely unable to break through the tower shield Shi Xiaolei was erecting in front of him, and the energy cannon on his shoulder could not hinder his advancement in the slightest. When he wanted to dodge, it was already too late... only a muffled 'bang' was heard The Cree pirate who fired first to open the battle was hit by Shi Xiaolei's shield and flew several times in the air before hitting the hard and thick concrete load-bearing wall.

Even Stark, who was wearing full body armor, was not much better after taking this blow. What's more, this Cree is only wearing a set of combat uniforms with far less coverage than steel armor...

"Ugh." Falling down from the cobweb-like depression, he curled up and knelt on the ground. The severe pain made the Cree unconsciously let go of the energy gun in his hand, and tightly hugged his stomach.