Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 768: Ship Girl Attacks

"Everyone, unfold the ship outfit~!"

"Sail straight, fly lightly, release the carrier aircraft and help the commander clear the enemy from the sky~!"

"Expulsion, light patrol, priority to the air. Help the aircraft carrier fight for air supremacy~!"

"Battleline, battle cruiser, heavy cruiser, free team, five people, rush to the base ahead~!"

"Submarines, heavy artillery, build defenses along this river, and be sure to intercept all enemies within the encirclement~!"

The air force base, which is under the control of the superstar, is located twenty kilometers south of Washington. It is said to be in the suburbs of Washington, but you can really look at the map... The top is Washington, the left is Virginia, the right is Maryland, the Y-shaped river is the state boundary, and the air force base on the right should be more accurate. Only in Maryland.

The width of the river is about one kilometer. Although it is far from the vast and boundless sea, it is enough as a stage for the ship girls to display their skills.

"Yes~~!" Qi Qi responded, and the ship girls who came out of the portal one after another unfolded their ship outfits according to Missouri's orders.

One by one, they jumped onto the river without Missouri's name. With the tacit understanding formed during long-term coordinated operations, the ship girls quickly found sisters they knew each other and formed teams one by one.

The battleships, battlecruisers and heavy cruisers who were on the assault mission moved quickly along the water, dragging waves of waves, and rushed towards the base on the other side of the river in small groups.

The various aircraft carrier groups headed by Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Akagi, Kaga and others lined up on the river and released a large number of carrier-based aircraft.

Accompanied by the roar of the carrier aircraft when it took off, the little guys who were guarding the aircraft carrier in groups of threes and fives also deployed their carrier equipment to adjust the orientation of the muzzle, and started the first round of anti-aircraft bombardment.

It is worth mentioning that the most dynamic attack came from the youngest submarine girls.

"Target~! Enemy river bank fortifications~!"

The main guns installed on the battleship girls are not only powerful, but also have great recoil. At this moment, their first task is to break into the local position as soon as possible... Although it is not impossible to fire while traveling, it will always delay some time. So, in order to save time and improve efficiency, Missouri transferred the task of destroying enemy fortifications to submarine girls who had nothing to do for the time being.

"The torpedo is ready~."

"Fire~!" The big mackerel, whose whole body was immersed in the water with only one head exposed, gave instructions to attack the little sisters who were ready.

A lot of bubbles appeared in front of every submarine girl. In the next second, dozens of wave marks appeared on the water surface, passing over the battleships in the assault, and quickly rushed to the concrete embankment on the other side of the river.

At a speed of more than 50 meters per second, it only takes 20 seconds at most to cross a river that is one kilometer wide.

After a few breaths, the torpedo hit a concrete embankment on the river bank.

"Boom boom boom~~~!" Like the firecrackers set off during the Lunar New Year, the loud noises formed a string.

The sturdy concrete river embankment was blasted into **** under the attack of this string of torpedoes, and even the fortifications built on the embankment were all blasted to the sky.

After a while, the battleship girls came to the bank of the river that had collapsed.

The dam, which was originally almost vertical, has collapsed and it has become a **** that is easy to log in. The irregular cross-section formed by fragmentation is also very suitable for foot pads. In addition, the soldiers who were originally stationed in the fortifications fell silent in the previous round of attacks, and no one shot to intercept...

"Sisters, go ahead~!"

Perhaps it was because she was in Maryland, and she was in a particularly excited mood. Maryland, whose speed was not outstanding among the sisters, actually ran at the forefront and was the first to board the river bank.

Following Maryland's side were her two closest sisters, the same-sized ships Colorado and West Virginia.

The other two in the group of five are the heavy cruiser Wichita, and the heavy cruiser Quincy, who often makes trouble.

"Yo~~~!" In response to her sister's greeting, Quincy happily raised her left hand and jumped onto a piece of broken rock with a ship outfit with two turrets.

Before taking the second step, the guy staggered, fell from the loose concrete block, and fell into the pile of rocks with a squeak.

Rough ship girls like Quincy are only a few after all. The other ship girls went ashore without any problems.

"Hmm~." By the time Quincy got up, the sisters had already started. Looking at the scene where the fire had been exchanged in front of him, Quincy couldn't help but feel depressed for a while, and quickly followed up: "Wait for me, save me a few~."

Using tigers to enter the flock is not enough to describe the suppression of the soldiers in the base by the ship girls.

After all, this is an air force base. In addition to all kinds of fighters for air combat, there are only light weapons and equipment left.

If it is replaced by an army base, or a marine corps base... with heavy equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles, and self-propelled artillery, it can pose some threats to the ship girls. The efficiency of their breakthrough into the base will not be as fast as it is team pays attention~. "Clearly judged the intensity of the enemy's firepower. After landing, Missouri gave instructions to the sisters again: "The Japanese go to the left, the Germans and British go to the right, and the American ones go forward. The rest of the people, guard us." The direction of landing~! "


"Act separately, encircle them from four directions, and circle them. Unless absolutely necessary, don't fire, and try to leave as many openings as possible."


Missouri's command is very organized, and there is no doubt about the strength of the ship girls. With them in charge of the ground attack, the soldiers in the base are no longer a threat.

But can the situation really be brought under control so easily?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

When the ship girls launched the attack, on the other side of the base, the US team also took a group of people to break through the defense circle of the soldiers and attacked the base.

Among this group of people, the one rushing to the front is naturally the Hulk who is not afraid of bullet attacks after his transformation.

The US team with the shield is not as good as the Hulk, and the speed is half a beat slower than him. Wearing tight-fitting combat uniforms, the defensive power is several steps inferior to that of the US team. Natasha, who will be injured after being shot, and a dozen SHIELD agents are located further back than the US team.

It is this formation that leaves a big hidden danger.

After a few big jumps, the lone army went deep into the base. After frantically dealing with the group of soldiers in front of him, the Hulk began to look for the next target. At this moment, a missile flew from somewhere in the sky, and it happened to land on his side.

The air wave lifted the Hulk up, and under the action of inertia, the Hulk landed on the roof of the house where the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was, broke through the ceiling and fell down.

When the smoke cleared, a group of figures appeared in the eyes of the Hulk. Among them, supergiants happen to be included.