Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 783: bottom of the box

"Wait~, get used to it."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Shi Xiaolei raised his hand, intending to throw the monster corpse in his backpack again.

After all, this is the first time I have encountered this thing. Before testing the specific ingredients, Shi Xiaolei did not dare to open his mouth and fill his stomach with its meat.

I'm staying on an alien planet right now, without a doctor or medicine, if I eat a bad stomach...

It gives me a headache just thinking about it. In Shi Xiaolei's heart, the corpse of the monster in the backpack was immediately labeled as "useless for eggs".

However, just before he started to throw away the monster corpse, another thought popped into his mind-although it was not yet known when he would be able to return to Earth and see his family and friends again. But from an optimistic point of view, I got a very special opportunity. Then, as a proof of this adventure, it seems that I should collect a little "souvenir" and bring it back to show everyone.

"Well, let's keep it. Besides, after taking this thing back, maybe Tony will like it?" Dragging his chin for a moment, Shi Xiaolei nodded unconsciously, and gave up the idea just now.

As for how to keep it, it still needs to be carefully considered.

The reason is very simple, the backpack obtained after activating the occupation in "Diablo 2" is the type of "how many things can be stored, regardless of the weight of the object, only affected by the volume".

It can usually hold so many daily necessities and sundries because those things only occupy one grid and can be stacked in the same type. But now, the body of this monster is a bit big. It was placed in the backpack, occupying six grids at once, and it has only one end... No matter how I think about it, Shi Xiaolei shook his head and decided to move it to another place. , transferred from the backpack to the ark.

"Yes, Ark!" Thinking of Ark, Shi Xiaolei's face showed an excited smile again.

What is the first appeal of people when they suddenly come to an unfamiliar environment? Not how to leave, but how to ensure their own food and clothing.

Make sure you don't die of hunger and thirst, and then you can spare some extra time and look forward to the day you leave. Whether it is a plane or ship crash, passively living on a desert island, or actively signing up for field survival training or programs, the behavior of the parties perfectly fits this rule.

Compared with those who died on the isolated island, or those who participated in training or programs, Shi Xiaolei's current environment is obviously not only worse. Of course, the importance of maintaining food and clothing to him is far higher than those of those people.

I didn't realize it just now, but now I suddenly think about it... To tell the truth, Shi Xiaolei felt very fortunate that he had an ark in his heart.

No matter how bad the environment is, it really can't be done, just hide in the ark.

There is no food or drink to be afraid of, there is food and water in the ark.

As long as there is an ark, even if it drifts in the universe for decades, it will not be in trouble because of insufficient living conditions.

‘As long as you are patient enough and don’t lose the chain mentally, you will be able to wait for the opportunity to go back sooner or later. ’

Thinking of this, the unease that was hidden deep in my heart was weakened by most of it. With a move of spiritual sense, Shi Xiaolei jumped into the ark with anticipation and excitement.

He hadn't come in for a while, and the pets who had been staying in the ark were missing his master somewhat.

No, as soon as Shi Xiaolei appeared in the square in the base, several pet dinosaurs immediately surrounded him.

Touch this, touch that, because of the active closeness of these pet dinosaurs, the loneliness caused by being transported to an alien planet has also been greatly relieved.

What made Shi Xiaolei even more delighted was still behind.

"Huh? That's right, why did I forget there's another such thing!"

In order to find an vacant storage box and transfer the monster corpse in the backpack for storage, Shi Xiaolei came to the warehouse, and checked the boxes by rummaging through the boxes.

As a result, before finding an empty box specially used to store 'interstellar travel souvenirs', he first found a good treasure that he had forgotten for a long time in another box - when he opened the blind box in batches, unexpectedly The 'Single Spaceship for Saiyans' opened from the blind box.

Recalling that when he first opened this thing, Shi Xiaolei once had an idea - give this thing to Stark and let him study it well.

You must know that Dr. Brives in "Dragon Ball" is also Bulma's father. He can analyze the technology on the Saiyan spaceship and create a ship for Sun Wukong that can fly in the universe and the space is large enough A spaceship that can exercise in the cabin. And what about Stark? Not only is he the protagonist of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he also possesses the ingenuity of being 'cursed by knowledge'. In Shi Xiaolei's view, he can definitely accomplish the same feat as Dr. Brives.

It's just not a coincidence that Stark didn't have extra time at that to carry out another research topic with such a huge workload.

So, Shi Xiaolei gave up his idea and kept the spaceship in his hands.

Think back now...

"It's fortunate that Tony wasn't free at the time, really lucky~." Shi Xiaolei rubbed his hands excitedly, and took the spaceship out of the storage box.

Not caring to save the monster's body, he turned around and walked, and Shi Xiaolei returned to the square outside the warehouse again.

The spaceship is the focus. The most urgent task is to see if it can be used normally and whether the internal energy is sufficient.

He opened the hidden compartment next to the hatch, pressed the button to open the hatch of the spacecraft, turned around and sat inside, Shi Xiaolei reached out and pressed a few times on the dashboard.

One thing to say, for Shi Xiaolei, who is over two meters tall, the interior space of this single-person spacecraft is slightly smaller.

Fortunately, the interior of it is the same as the Saiyan's battle suit, and it can adjust its shape according to the user's body.

A dwarf like Vegeta can use it, as can Napa, who is much bigger than Vegeta. Horizontal comparison, Shi Xiaolei's size and body are similar to Naba. It's for him to use... I squeeze a little bit, and it won't cause the embarrassing situation of 'inappropriate body, and it can't be used directly'.

It can sit down and the energy is full.

However, just satisfying these two points does not guarantee that Shi Xiaolei will be able to return to Earth on this thing.

When driving to other places, you still have to use a navigation system. Flying in the boundless universe, without a star map to guide the way, is much more dangerous than a self-driving tour without map navigation. To be more serious, it is not too much to describe it directly with the word 'to die'.

So, in this spacecraft, is there a star map that is enough to point the course?

the answer is……