Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 812: yue~

As a small spaceship, the Minerva is not large.

In Stark's underground research center converted from a vampire's lair, several rooms that are spacious enough can be found to store it in its entirety.

"Let's put it at the dock." Stark shook his head lightly, rejecting Shi Xiaolei's proposal.

"Huh?" Shi Xiaolei was a little surprised: "I don't care, don't you think it's troublesome? You know, there is nothing in the dock. If you plan to do research there, you have to spend a lot of effort to move the instruments there. "

"How much trouble does it take to move around. Besides, there are still girls here." Pointing to the ship girls who are playing in the sea, Stark said with a smile: "Well, it's mainly because I have a little heart Itchy. That's a spaceship, do you think I'll be satisfied just by putting it in the laboratory as a material?"

"What's the matter, you still plan to find some time and drive it to go around in space?"

"You still understand me." Stark smiled shyly: "When I figure out how to operate it, let alone travel to the moon or Mars, hehe, it must be very interesting."

I was going to remind him, "Be careful, don't mess around", but thinking that with Stark's ingenuity, he should be able to learn the skills of flying a spaceship soon, so that he won't get lost in the starry sky, so Shi Xiaolei didn't bother to persuade him anymore. Just shook his head with a wry smile.


It is said that time is like a woman's clitoris, as long as you have the heart, you can always squeeze some out.

Putting this on Stark, it can be said that it couldn't be more appropriate.

No, even if it takes a lot of time and energy to analyze the eight sets of alien technology brought back by Shi Xiaolei, even after the analysis is completed, it will take a lot of time and energy to convert it into a technology that can be transformed into a technology that can be obtained with the current level of technology. The type of smooth integration and utilization, Stark couldn't help but squeeze out some time from his busy schedule to start research on the Minerva.




Shouting twice in a row failed to distract Stark's attention. Looking at Stark standing facing the 'screen', Pepper, who was pushing the dining car, couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Luckily Stark had a headset on his ear.

"Sir, Miss Pepper is here." Seeing that Stark didn't respond, Jarvis, who helped him, reminded him in time.

"Huh?" The voice from the earphones finally interrupted Stark's thoughts, making him notice Pepper walking behind him: "Pepper, you are here."

"Let's continue in a while, it's time to eat." Putting on a smiling expression, Little Pepper pretended to smile briskly: "I know you're craving Chinese food, Locke specially fried some side dishes for you."

"It's great." He raised his eyebrows, took a wet towel from the box and wiped his hands, Stark turned and walked towards the 'rest area': "Let me see, what's delicious."

Mapo tofu, roasted eggplant with beans, stewed beef brisket with tomatoes, fried pork slices with mushrooms... It’s not really rich, but just a few delicious and appetizing home-cooked dishes.

For Stark, who has become accustomed to the taste of Chinese food and has evolved to "everyday", the big fish and meat in restaurants have lost their charm. What he likes more now is these home-cooked dishes full of a sense of life.

"Would you like a drink?" I followed Stark every day and knew all the changes that happened to him. No, while Stark picked up the chopsticks, Pepper took out a bottle of medicinal wine from the grid under the dining car.

"Well." There was a flash of hesitation in his eyes, and after thinking about it, Stark finally shook his head: "Forget it, we have to continue in the afternoon. I mean, these projects are not more difficult than usual. , I have to concentrate 100%. So, for drinks or something, let’s wait until the evening to drink.”

"Didn't you say that drinking a little bit can make your mind more active?" Although she said so, she put the wine bottle in Pepper's hand back.

"Hey." He didn't answer, but just smiled embarrassingly.

Maybe it was a little embarrassing and wanted to relieve it, or maybe it was just a habit formed, Stark reached out and handed Pepper a pair of chopsticks: "No need to set it up, just order whatever you want, come, let's eat together."

"No need, I've already eaten just now." Shaking his head, Pepper didn't reach out to pick up the chopsticks.

We usually eat together, what's going on today?

Looking at Pepper, Stark confirmed with some confusion: "You are in the company..."

I thought it was because I took some time to eat during the work break, but until now, Stark's heart hasn't fluctuated too much, it's just a little accident.

But what happened next far exceeded his expectations.

"Hmm." Just as he was about to answer Stark, suddenly, a feeling of nausea and nausea surged up. Pepper subconsciously raised his right hand and covered his mouth: "Ouch."

Although the action is not big the reaction is not too strong. But as an elite in the workplace, Pepper has always had a dignified image... Well, she may cry because she is worried about Stark, but it is undeniable that she seldom shows such an expression because of her own discomfort. gaffe reaction.

"...Pepper, what's wrong with you?" Stark knew something was wrong at a glance, and quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks, got up and came to Xiaojiali's side: "What's wrong with your body? Is it something you ate before..."

Feeling Stark's concern from the heart, Pepper felt a warm feeling in his heart. However, because Stark couldn't control the strength in his hands in a hurry, Pepper still couldn't help shaking the upper arm he was holding: "Tony, you scratched me."

"Uh, oh oh oh."

Quickly let go of his paws and switched to hugging, Stark still had a worried expression on his face: "Pepper, sit down quickly. Wait a minute, I'll check you right away."

Pressing the little peppers on the chair, Stark immediately raised his head: "Jarvis, put my..."

"No." At this moment, Pepper raised his hand and grabbed Stark's arm, interrupting his order to Jarvis: "Tony, calm down. I'm fine, just a little nauseous. "

"you sure?"

"Well, really..." Before he finished speaking, another wave of nausea surged up.

Unconsciously raised his hand to cover his mouth, Pepper retched again: "Nah."

"...Jarvis, send the 'medical kit' here." The heart that had just slipped down a little bit lifted up again. Not daring to hesitate any more, Stark gave the order very seriously.

"Yes, sir. The medical kit is already on the way, and it is expected to arrive in a minute and a half."
