Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 824: Grading

Remember [New] for a second,! The reason why Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, was able to draw a tie with Thanos who holds several Infinity Stones by herself is because her body has changed under the influence of space gem energy.

To put it bluntly, the power she showed in battle was rooted in her transformed body. It's not like borrowing energy from space gems and using the borrowed energy to fight.

As a mage, Scarlet Witch's performance on the battlefield is certainly no less than that of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, but it is undeniable that the power shown by the two does not belong to the same type.

Perhaps more than once, as an experimental subject, I lay on the experimental bench and was poked by the scientists under Hydra with the psychic scepter, but... It can be seen from many details in the original plot, even if accepted The transformation of the Mind Gem has brought about a leap in his own quality. In the final analysis, the transformed Wanda has not departed from the category of human beings after all.

She hasn't undergone a radical transformation in her life form, as Captain Marvel's Carol Danvers did.

That is to say, when Wanda casts powerful spells, he still has to borrow magic from the outside world, as Gu Yi said. At best, it is less borrowed than other mages.

"If the object of her borrowing power is the Mind Stone..."

The right hand is pinched on the chin, and the fingers are unconsciously rubbing back and forth. Following the hint given by Gu Yi, Shi Xiaolei fell into deep thought.

‘Other times, it’s better to say, in the last battle, when Wanda and Thanos were directly facing each other, the Mind Stone was embedded in Thanos’ gloves… Wait, it seems that Thanos didn’t wear gloves at that time, right? ? ’

‘emmm, can’t remember, forget it. Taking a step back, even without gloves, Thanos himself is strong enough. ’

'If you want to deal with a powerful boss like Thanos... even if you choose the right move, you may not be able to get immediate results. We must work harder and increase the output to ensure it takes effect. ’

'The mind gem is quite powerful, but with the power of one gem alone, can a character like Thanos be suppressed? Hmm, it still feels a little off. ’

After pondering for a while, after clearing the thoughts in his mind, Shi Xiaolei also had a general judgment in his heart.

Looking up at Gu Yi again, another question flashed in his eyes.

"Master, if it weren't for the Mind Stone..."

"Sishorn." Knowing what Shi Xiaolei was going to ask, Gu gave a name straight to the point: "It was He who gave Wanda the talent to perform magic, and it was He who supported Wanda behind her back and provided her with an endless stream of magic."

Although Shi Xiaolei is only a half-bucket of Marvel fans, he is not like those fanatics who will actively learn about and collect all kinds of information. The understanding of the many characters of Marvel mainly stays in the image created by the movie plot, not very clear. Content from the original manga and other derivative works.

But Shi Xiaolei had heard of the name of the great **** Sishorn.

According to the character's earliest character setting, Sithhorn is one of the earliest life forms on earth, and he is also a typical demon - billions of years ago, the natural vitality of the earth's biosphere gave birth to a group of ancient gods , and then they began to kill and devour each other, and some even turned into demons, and Sithone was one of them.

See you, God of the Ancients! Here should be the focus~!

The origin of the white magic, Agamato, Oshutu, and Hoggs, who allied with each other to form Weishandi, are also ancient gods.

In terms of birth order, Sishorn and the three who make up Weishandi can be considered to be born in the same batch. Combined with the ancient gods, they were all created by the **** of life, that is, the creator. Several of them can even be regarded as blood related. Brothers and sisters.

The difference is that Sithone is better at black magic. Therefore, when dividing the position, he stood on the opposite side of the three Agamotto.

"As early as before the ancient gods left, Sishorn had two titles, namely the **** of the underworld and the **** of black magic." Gu Yi introduced while sipping tea.

Supplementing information to Shi Xiaolei, who knew a little but didn't understand clearly enough, was on the one hand, and on the other hand, because there was a Beyoneta beside him... Although he took a job at Kama Taj, he usually didn't. Don't come here. However, until now, Bayonetta has not encountered any abnormal events related to Sithone. And with her usual personality, it was none of her business, and she would definitely not take the initiative to inquire.

I just heard a name, not as much as Shi Xiaolei knows.

If Shi Xiaolei still had some clues in his mind, then Beiyunita was simply confused and confused.

"God of black magic..." Playing with the goblet in her hand, Beyonet looked at Gu Yi: "Is he stronger than Dormammu, the one you care about most?"

"Yes." Gu nodded: "In order to end the mutual slaughter between the ancient gods, the earth girl Gaia combined with the **** of life, and gave birth to Atum, known as the Devil Eater, I hope he can destroy those who have already been killed. Being demonized, he only knows **** and devour other ancient gods. Unfortunately, this Atum was not able to get rid of the curse, and eventually turned into a more powerful God Eater."

"Either the demonized evil god, or the ancient **** who is lucky not to be demonized, has become the target of Atum's hunt. But his power after blackening is so powerful that it is almost impossible to fight. Therefore, he belongs to the evil. Sithone, Set, and others from the **** camp, as well as the uncorrupted Agamotto, Oshutu, Hoggs, and others, all fled this universe and hid in other dimensions beyond the reach of Atum."

"Compared with the earliest group of ancient gods who left this universe and went to other dimensions, the birth time of both Dormammu and the Lord of Hell, Mephisto, is much later. In fact, before the Before growing into boss-level characters, Mephisto and Dormammu also borrowed Sithawn's power."

Speaking of Gu Yi looked at Shi Xiaolei again: "Now you understand why Wanda was able to suppress Thanos?"

Divided by the power level recognized by many Marvel fans, the power of the Infinity Stones is only a single universe level.

And Dormammu and Mephisto, they are all multiverse-level bigwigs.

Even older, Sithone, who once lent Dormammu and Mephisto's energy, not to mention.

"Well, I understand. She borrowed strength from the multiverse-level boss, so she can use her human body to suppress Thanos who has reached the heavenly father level." Shi Xiaolei nodded.

"Multiverse level? Heavenly Father level... Is it your own level? Interesting." Gu Yi smiled: "If the only thing that lent her power was an Infinity Stone, emmm, according to you, the Infinity Stone should belong to A single cosmic level, right? In short, in my opinion, a gem is not enough to increase Wanda's strength so much, to the level that he can fight against the heavenly father level."

"Yes, there are only five grades at present, namely surface grade, interstellar grade, heavenly father grade, single universe grade, multiverse grade... Maybe there are higher grades. I don't know, for the time being I don't even dare to think that far."