Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 844: new life new atmosphere

In fact, Shi Xiaolei doesn't need any special help. As long as Saratoga publishes the news on the 'Announcement Area' and discloses the news to the ship girls, many people will definitely come to her to place orders and support her business.

After all, the ship girls have always been united. Even if they are not from the same country and have different preferences, their relationship with each other is like a family... Sisters will quarrel and bicker, some small conflicts in daily life , does not prevent the big guys from supporting Saratoga.

Wait, what happened to the announcement area? Compared to whether other people are willing to support Saratoga's business, this word is the point~!

The so-called announcement area is actually a new thing that the ship girls have recently come up with.

As early as when they were not summoned by Shi Xiaolei and were still living in the old port area, there was no such thing. In other words, until the ship girls came to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to take root on Nihau Island and began to come into contact with other activities and jobs other than 'destroying the deep sea', because of the many changes in life, communication and communication The requirements of the company increased, which formed the foundation and gave birth to this so-called announcement area.

To put it simply, the ship girls can post information here and exchange some information that they have never had access to before.

Whether it's a life hack that can be used, or some experience that might come in handy at work, you can post it here. Although its convenience does not exceed the internal network most commonly used by ship girls, but because it can be kept on file and it is more convenient to rummage when needed in the future, after this announcement area was created, it was quickly obtained. their praise.

In addition to being used for communication, there is also a 'mutual aid section' on the announcement area.

Anyone who needs help with anything can go to this forum and leave a post.

For example, let's say Saratoga has made a fortune in the clothing design industry, got a chance to hold a solo show, needs the help of sisters, and makes a post in the 'mutual aid section' of the announcement area.

How will the other ship girls react?

With a good figure, it is suitable for people who are models on the catwalk, such as lions, avant-garde, Washington, Missouri. I don't know how much, but there will definitely be some people who will stand up and help Saratoga stand as models.

Entertaining guests, the infield responsible for serving tea and pouring water can be handed over to Yi Ren, Counterattack, Edinburgh, Belfast, Tianlong, Longtian and others.

The job of maintaining order is the responsibility of the German ship girls, which is very suitable. For example, Bismarck, as long as she puts on a security uniform and goes there, no one dares to stab and cause trouble because of her ruthless attitude of not entering.

With the accompaniment of the stage show, you can ask Guam and Alaska sisters to do it.

At the reception banquet after the show, you can also ask Yixian and other ship girls who are good at cooking to help.

It is no exaggeration to say that, except for the venue and equipment that needs to be rented from outside, the ship girls can give strong support for other things. With the help of these sisters, Saratoga's fashion show is half the battle before it begins.

Of course, the ship girls are willing to help. That is their kindness. From Saratoga's standpoint, they still have to give something in return. It is impossible to take advantage of the sisters and let them do their best but empty-handed. Going back... It can be to treat guests to dinner, or it can be to use one's strengths to make some clothes for the sisters. If you really don't have time, you can directly pay for the wages.

Having said that, since 'money' has been mentioned, it is time to talk about the changes in this regard.

Before Gu Xun was summoned by Shi Xiaolei to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the ship girls living in the old port area actually didn't have much money to spend.

After all, they still had to face the pressure from the deep sea at that time, and the focus of their lives revolved around this matter. Whether it was their daily routine or leisure time, they were all full of military style... just Just like when the soldiers live in the garrison, all basic living needs will be met, and there is no place for them to spend money. In the old port area, which is inclined to militarized management, the ship girls rarely encounter the situation that they need to spend money to deal with.

But after coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, things changed.

There is no deep sea here, and the ship girls living on Nihao Island do not need to accept semi-military management anymore.

Just like the veterans who left the barracks and returned to society, there are many other elements in the lives of ship girls. And as the pressure caused by the deep sea dissipated, the nature of the ship girls that had been suppressed in the depths also emerged one after another, becoming more lively and individual.

Some people like to eat delicious food, some people like beautiful clothes, some people like to travel, some people like to listen to music and watch movies...

Just relying on the four basic resources of oil bombs, steel and aluminum, can also make a living. If you want to pursue these colorful fun, you have to rely on money as support.

In the past, whoever needed a report, temporarily drew a sum of money from the public account.

Anyway, there are not many places to spend money, and it will not take much effort to record it down.

But now...

Whether it's an adult battleship exorcist girls, no matter who they are, they will often encounter things they like.

It has nothing to do with how much each money is spent, the number and frequency of viewings alone have increased hundreds or thousands of times compared to the past.

According to the old tradition, let the big guys apply for reimbursement... It will feel cumbersome to think about, and the efficiency is obviously not keeping up with the current pace of life.

Therefore, not long after the ships came over, Shi Xiaolei listened to the opinions of the 'big sisters' and formulated a new plan for giving out pocket money-big sisters with mature consumption concepts can get a monthly $5,000 basic allowance. In addition, they can earn an additional salary and bonus by taking various jobs. On the other hand, it is still the little girl's expulsion girls, because the consumption concept has not yet been formed, giving them too much money will easily make them develop the habit of spending money, and the main ship girls who are sisters will take the initiative to take care of them, and from time to time pay for them out of their own pockets. Money, so the standard Shi Xiaolei set for the little girls should be relatively low, which is almost five thousand dollars a month.

That is to say, not counting what the ship girls earned themselves, the pocket money that Shi Xiaolei gave them every month was about four or five million.

For ordinary families, the fixed expenses of four or five million a month can be said to be very huge.

It is precisely because of such an impression formed in the mind that the ship girls will work so hard to make progress and seize all kinds of opportunities to improve themselves.

Their thoughts are simple and straightforward - they can't take the pocket money given by the commander in vain. As a member of the family, they have to find a way to earn an income for the family.


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