Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 861: forget it

If it were Nick Fury, or any agent who worked in a secret organization, the first thought that came to mind at this time was probably to 'do the trick'. Taking advantage of Daniel Whitehall's misunderstanding, let Bismarck pretend to be nine heads The Snakes approached him, trying to wring more information out of him.

Not being an agent, Shi Xiaolei's reaction was not that sharp.

However, because he watched some episodes with his family, he had seen similar plots there before, and he was somewhat reminded. After a while, the same routine came to his mind.


Should this idea be put into practice? Shi Xiaolei thought seriously.

After pondering for about five or six minutes, he made a decision in his mind.

"Bismarck." Looking up again at Bismarck who kept silent so as not to disturb his thoughts, Shi Xiaolei smiled: "As for that guy, you just need to complete the task I gave you and take good care of him. The rest , don’t think so much.”

When Shi Xiaolei lowered his head to think, Bismarck's mind was not idle. After some analysis, she also thought of what she could do in this situation.

So, after hearing Shi Xiaolei's order at this moment, she was somewhat surprised: "Commander, I really don't need me..."

"No need." Shi Xiaolei shook his head, interrupted Bismarck, and smiled at her: "There is no need for that. Whether it is Hydra, or the backbone elites in other terrorist organizations, including agents like Coulson , One counts as one, they are all patients with advanced hypochondria. It is not an easy task to truly gain their trust."


"There is nothing wrong." Shi Xiaolei continued: "As an old fritter who has lived since World War II, how could he casually give his trust to someone he has never met? Now this misunderstanding can only provide It’s just an opportunity. If you want to pretend to be a member of Hydra to win his trust, you have to show him more evidence. Hehe, what kind of evidence do you think is needed to make him truly believe in you? Think you're with him?"

"Help him escape?"

"This is the bottom line. I think this alone may not be able to meet the standards in his heart." Shi Xiaolei shook his head: "Because of his paranoia, you should at least stay by his side for a while and do things for him a few more times. Only by doing this task can we truly gain his trust."

"..." Hearing Shi Xiaolei's words and thinking for a while, Bismarck couldn't help showing a very disgusted expression.

Sitting opposite, Shi Xiaolei saw the change in Bismarck's expression at a glance.

Shrugging his shoulders, Shi Xiaolei smiled again: "It seems that you have already figured it out. With his inhumane behavior style, the tasks assigned to you will most likely have something to do with murder and arson."

Hydra members hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D., in order to conceal their identities, will not hesitate to kill other Hydra colleagues who have revealed their identities. In the same way, if you want to gain the trust of Whitehall, then you must stand on the side of Hydra and kill the good people who want to protect peace.

Maybe it only takes one or two times, maybe more. All in all, if you don't submit a heavy enough nomination certificate, you will definitely not be able to impress an old fritter like Whitehall and truly gain his trust.

Can Bismarck do it?

In terms of ability alone, there is no problem. But from a psychological point of view, doing that kind of thing against one's own three views will definitely cause great pressure on Bismarck.

Knowing that the girls are kind and pure like children, they despise those evil things the most.

He is very concerned about the mental health of the ship girls, so whether as a commander or as the head of the family, Shi Xiaolei will not go against their own wishes and order them to do evil.

"I understand." Sensing Shi Xiaolei's love and care, Bismarck's calm face showed a touch of emotion, and a gleam flashed in his jewel-like crimson eyes: "Thank you, Commander. "

"There's nothing to be thankful for. If you really want to say it, I should say it." Shi Xiaolei laughed: "Anyway, I've worked hard for you these past few days. That guy is very cunning, maybe you need to put more thought into it."

"It's not hard." Shaking his head vigorously, Bismarck looked at Shi Xiaolei very seriously: "I will be very careful."

When Shi Xiaolei ordered to "arrange a few more people", Bismarck had already selected candidates in his mind, and decided to pull a group of sisters who were also German ship girls to carry out this guarding task together. But now, after receiving another reminder from Shi Xiaolei, Bismarck was also extremely vigilant.

Before starting the mission, you must first ventilate with the sisters and remind them well, lest they be fooled by Whitehall's nonsense... Thinking of this, Bismarck stood up and ended the conversation: " Commander, I'm going to tell them now."

"Well, you go."

Watching Bismarck leave, he got up and went to the window, and looked in the direction of the 'cell' where Whitehall was being held.

It was a solid enough concrete room, originally used to store some tools. Because there is no need to consider comfort, there are no windows on this small house with a size of about ten square Only a small opening of 20 cm square is left for ventilation.

‘There is a fence made of steel bars blocking the air vents, and the walls are also made of cement, emmmmm, you shouldn’t have to worry about being escaped by him. '

'It's just that the environment is a bit worse. Not even a latrine. '

'The cement house doesn't dissipate heat, and the weather hasn't cooled down yet. If it's been exposed to the sun for a long time.... '

After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei suddenly realized: "...Huh? Why are you thinking about this, anyway, that guy is not a good person."

Shaking his head dumbfounded, Shi Xiaolei withdrew his wandering thoughts, turned and left the window.

"Since the person has been sent over, next, we should think about how to hand him over." Sitting on the chair, he picked up his cup and took a sip of tea. After closing his eyes and pondering for a while, Shi Xiaolei raised his hand and picked up the mobile phone on the table.

He dug out the number book, found the phone number of the rescue station chief's office, and pressed the dial button.

The notification for waiting to be connected sounded three times, and ten seconds later, May Parker's voice came from the phone: "Hello?"

Instead of calling the front desk, naturally there will be no clichéd response of "this is the **** rescue station, what do you need?"

"Hi, it's me, Locke." After saying hello, Shi Xiaolei asked straight to the point: "Mei, is Dr. Zabo in the station?"

"Doctor Zhabo?" Although Shi Xiaolei didn't know why Shi Xiaolei suddenly asked about his whereabouts, Mei responded immediately: "He is receiving medical treatment below. Locke, do you have anything to do with him? Do you need to ask him to come up to answer the phone?" ?”

"No, no, I just want to make sure that he is there. I have something to do to find him, but it's not convenient to talk about it on the phone. In this way, you say hello to him and ask him to wait for me in the station. I will go to find him now .”
