Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 891: more outsiders

Stark and Pepper were not the only ones who came to the door.

When night fell, the little spider Peter Parker called Connor again.

On the eve of Halloween, going out together to neighbors in the town and knocking on the door for candies, for Connor, Peter and Harry, it has been a routine that has lasted for two or three years. Therefore, neither Kang Na who received the call nor Shi Xiaolei, who was the parent, felt that Little Spider's call was so unexpected.

But unlike the previous two years, Kang Na had no plans to go out today.

After all, there are a bunch of expulsion girls and submarine girls in the house. For Kangna, they are all friends who can get along well with each other. It is more interesting for everyone to get together and play than to go to the town to ask the neighbors for candy many. In addition, Shi Xiaolei has arranged some interesting entertainment activities in advance for this Halloween, and even booked a fireworks show at night...

"Why don't you come to my house to play with me?" Kang Na actually called the little spider to the house.

Called Peter Parker, how could Harry Osborn be missed. In this way, about half an hour later, the Parker family, the Osborne father and son came to Shi Xiaolei's house, and together with the Stark couple who had already arrived earlier, they joined the Halloween party planned by Shi Xiaolei .

When it comes to parties, of course, the more people there are, the happier they are.

Not only the big guys gathered at Shi Xiaolei's house thought so, but also the young people who flocked to the streets to participate in the cross-dressing parade after nightfall, also had the same idea.

Since dusk, some impatient guys can't wait to change into the cosplay clothes they prepared early, dressed themselves up in a completely different look from usual, and ran out of the house excitedly to meet up with friends who had made an appointment in advance Together, they headed for a popular spot that was destined to gather a large crowd.

In the whole New York City, where has the largest flow of people, which is most suitable for the preferences of young people, and where will gather the most drag players on Halloween?

If you think about it with your toes, you know that the answer will only be the famous Times Square.

Although there are no stage performances and countdown sessions during the New Year, and there will be no grand parades like Thanksgiving, it is undeniable that Times Square on the eve of Halloween is also full of hustle and bustle. Not much less than New Years or Thanksgiving.

This is Times Square, after all, a popular spot that attracts the attention of the world. And those lovers who are willing to dress themselves up as monsters, one counts as one, must be the type who are willing and looking forward to getting the attention of others. Therefore, as the best stage to show yourself, this place will never be missed by fans.

There are a large number of enthusiasts gathering here, and of course, more people will follow to watch the excitement.

This has always been the case in previous years, and this year is no exception.

The slight difference is that among the onlookers this year, there are a bunch of slightly special guys.

"Tsk tsk, it's really lively."

"Indeed, I estimate that there are at least 20,000 to 30,000 people down here."

"It must be more than that. It's such a big area. Well, if you look over there, you won't be able to see the end."

"It's the same at the other end. It's so dark that there's no end in sight. It's full of people."

The restaurant that Sharon Carter helped arrange was in a building next to Times Square. Although the location is a little bit off, it is more than a hundred meters away from the intersection, but because the building is the tallest nearby, and the restaurant is located on a high floor, standing behind the floor-to-ceiling glass wall on the side of the restaurant and looking down, the angle of view is still the same. not bad.

The venue is reserved, so there is no need to make room for other guests. Therefore, after enjoying the sumptuous dinner, the aliens did not leave immediately.

Some people are chatting while drinking tea to digest food, and some younger people have been attracted by the bustle below the building, and they all gather by the glass wall where they can have a panoramic view.

Interestingly, Skye was not included in this group of young people.

It's not because Skye is a housewife who is not interested in the bustling scene on the street below, but because she has another more important identity today—as the initiator of this entertainment event, and also responsible for paying the bill Proprietor, she still has some things to do now, and she can't spare time to watch the fun here.

"Miss Skye, here is the dinner bill, please look over it."

"Thank you." Taking the receipt from the waiter, Skye glanced at the total at the end first.

After confirming that this number did not exceed my budget, I was greatly relieved. Recalling that Sharon Carter helped arrange today's dinner, she turned her head unconsciously and gave Sharon Carter who was by her side the whole time a thankful look: "Thank you, Miss Carter."

"Just as long as you are satisfied." Sharon Carter nodded with a smile, and said in a measured manner: "Since I have taken over this task from Mr. Locke, I should do it well. This is my duty. You're welcome, Miss Skye."

"Thank you, boss, and thank While talking, he handed the receipt to Sharon Carter, Skye smiled a little embarrassedly: "I'll give you the money now, or Give them directly? "

"Just let me pay in advance." Sharon Carter replied: "When the matter is over, I will sort out the accounts and send them to you."

"That's it..."

"Borrowing the name of Mr. Locke, you can enjoy a lot of discounts." While talking, Sharon Carter winked at Skye: "Do you remember what I told you the day before yesterday? The room is also…”

Hearing this, Skye showed surprise eyes: "Huh?"

"Yes. Considering that you may have needs in this regard..." Sharon Carter nodded, and replied with a little embarrassment: "Well, in fact, I was a little worried after we parted that day, so I couldn't help but ask I asked my superiors for instructions. The vice president instructed me to do this."

"He said, 'regardless of whether the customer has made a request or not, from the standpoint of our bank, we must prepare in advance'. Then, according to Mr. Locke's due share, I contacted the **** hotel, which is also located in this building, I have won fifteen rooms for you, for you to entertain your friends."

Through Sharon Carter's tone, I probably had a guess in my heart.

Gulu swallowed, and Skye asked tentatively, "For free?"

"Yes, it's free." Meeting Skye's gaze, Sharon Carter nodded seriously: "Because you just mentioned something casually that day, and you weren't sure if you needed this service, so...sorry, it's me If you made a mistake, I should have given you an affirmative response right then."

"No no no, don't be sorry, it's too late for me to thank you. Really, thank you so much, Miss Carter."