Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 895: Small accident

He was really impatient and continued to entangle. In order to get rid of the half-drunk young people in front of him as soon as possible, Coulson had to use some small tricks.

What he didn't expect was that these guys not only didn't retreat after the pain, but instead they shouted "so cool" and surrounded them more enthusiastically.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand.

The reason why Team America is liked by so many people is of course his excellent quality has played a big role, but it is undeniable that his personal strength also accounts for part of the reason. In other words, after Coulson showed his force, it actually increased the similarity between him and Captain America himself.

At least in the eyes of these half-drunk young people, he looks more and more like Captain America himself.

"..." If it was just a little impatient just now, then Coulson at this moment is really a little unhappy.

"Man, look, I've offered such good conditions..."

"I'm sorry." There was really no other way, so Coulson had to quietly take out a small prop, and with one move, he stunned the guy who had the most trouble.

Holding the other person with one hand, while pretending to be surprised, he raised his hand and patted the other person's face twice. When the other's two companions noticed something was wrong, Coulson hurriedly pushed the weakened guy into the arms of the two of them: "Your friend is drunk, I think you'd better find a place to rest, Or go home."

"Hey, hey~! XXX, what's the matter with you?"

"You didn't drink much, why did you get drunk?"

The rhythm of breathing hasn't changed, and it doesn't look like he's injured, plus he's also drunk, not 100% sober...

The two of them were completely unaware that their companion was plotted against by Coulson, but simply thought that he was the same as Coulson said, because he couldn't resist the influence of alcohol, and he got drunk.

In this way, Coulson finally got rid of his entanglement and regained his freedom.

"Boss, are you done?"

Hearing the jokes coming from the earphones, Coulson shook his head and replied softly, "Forget it. Where did they go?"

"Turn right at the intersection in front of you, and the target enters the alley." After a pause, his subordinates continued to report: "The third store on the left is where they are shopping for costume props."

"OK, I see."

Just before Coulson planned to end the communication, the tone of his subordinate suddenly changed: "Wait, something is wrong."


"Two guys dressed as death gods went in... Damn!"

"What's the situation?" He couldn't help but feel nervous, and Coulson hurriedly accelerated his pace, rushing over along the path reported by his subordinates.

Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just a very common incident of armed robbery.

Or a small supermarket, or a small restaurant, or other shops of the same size... On the US side, in small shops like this, you often encounter gangsters or mealworms coming to your door with weapons. robbery situation.

Of course, most of those cases occurred late at night, or in low-traffic neighborhoods. Like Times Square, similar cases do not often occur.

As for why this is happening today...

The streets are full of drag players, providing better cover for those who intend to rob. In normal times, if they enter the store with their heads covered, they will definitely arouse the alarm of the store owner or passers-by, and they may even be held down by the patrolmen on the street before entering the door, but today, the same dress will not cause any. Suspect.

Easy to enter, easier to escape.

As long as you dig into the crowd and find a place to take off the drag props on your body, no one will be able to recognize it.

In the final analysis, there are too many people here in Times Square, and it is more convenient to operate the routine of mixing in with the crowd to hide traces. Therefore, these mindless **** have evil thoughts that they should not have.

"Over there." Paying close attention to the movement in the store, the agent in charge of stalking asked Coulson, who came over, for instructions: "Boss, how to deal with it? Do you want to take action?"

Through the glass window, you can see a gangster standing in front of the counter with a pistol pointed at the shopkeeper, as well as the Inhumans who were driven and gathered together on the other side of the shop.

"How many people in total?"


"There's one at the counter, what about the other?"

"The angle here is not good, that guy was blocked by them." The agent pointed to the inhumans gathered together, and the agent gave an answer.

"..." How to deal with it? Coulson thought about it.

It was obviously inappropriate to shoot directly with a gun and penetrate the glass to kill the two robbers.

Not to mention whether it can hit the guy who was blocked by the aliens... There are actually not a few passersby in the alley, and if the shot is fired suddenly, it will definitely cause a chaos. If you accidentally injure innocent passers-by, or cause a stampede, that's not a good thing.

Pretend to be a customer who wants to buy something, go into the store and deal with those two guys?

The feasibility is indeed higher, but in the final analysis, there is still no 100% guarantee that there will be no accidents. The ghost knows what the situation of the two robbers is. If they knock too much, their minds will be chaotic, and they will pull the trigger regardless of whether someone enters the door...

Just when Coulson felt embarrassed.

The situation in the store has changed again.

'what to do? ’

'Lincoln, can you handle them? ’

'The one on the right is fine. On the other side of the counter, a little further away. ’

Among the aliens gathered together, some were very flustered and did not dare to resist in the slightest. There are also a few who are not so are secretly making eye contact and quietly discussing plans for self-help.

Feeling the small movements of Skye and Lincoln, Gordon, wearing a pair of big sunglasses, tilted his head quietly, and participated in the negotiation very quietly: "I can solve one."

"You are in charge of the counter, leave this to me."

The aliens maintained their posture very well, and their voices were so small that they were barely audible. In addition, the two robbers were loudly urging the shopkeeper to take the money. They were shouting loudly, and they were in a panic and were not very focused... The two did not notice the small movements of the aliens, nor did they think that they were premeditating. fight back.

A few seconds later, the proprietress went to the back and took the two stacks of banknotes that had just been counted last night and had not yet been deposited in the bank, and placed them on the counter. She raised her hand and stepped back a few steps. The robber in front of the counter moved. The moment he reached out to pick up the two stacks of money.

Gordon suddenly teleported to the robber's side, grabbed his arm with both hands and lifted it up, and stumbled with his feet.

Although the training received in the next life is very basic, and the melee combat ability that he has trained is also very general, but because it was too unexpected, Gordon's move still achieved very good results.

At the same time, Lincoln, who had gathered his strength, also attacked another robber at the same time.

"Zi La~! Clap~, Clap~!"