Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 933: 2 more requirements

It can only be selected within the scope of his own delineation, and no other candidates are accepted. This is only the first request made by Shi Xiaolei.

"Didn't you say there are three requirements? What are the other two?" Nick Fury continued to ask, remembering Coulson's previous words.

"The second one is very simple." Coulson smiled: "Locke's original words are 'you need to buy an air ticket to fly, and you need to buy a boat ticket to fly, so if you want to take a spaceship to visit an alien planet, of course you have to buy according to the number of people Tickets will do'."

"Specially listed as a separate request..." Nick Fury also smiled: "What is his asking price, shouldn't it be cheap?"

"It's really not cheap. He asked for 10 million, er, 10 million for each person." Coulson shook his head helplessly: "According to what he said, the original plan was to ask for 20 million for each person, and the five places will be combined. That's enough for 100 million. It's because I know him very well and can be regarded as a friend, so I discounted it in half and reduced it to 10 million per person."

"...It's really a bit expensive." Nick Fury nodded: "But considering the significance of this trip, it's still affordable. Okay, I'll get someone to send the money in a while, and you remember to call him Give me a call."

"I will."

"Okay, I've finished talking about two things, what about the last one?"

"The last one may be a bit troublesome." Coulson showed a wry smile on his face: "He asked us to provide a set of living plant samples."

"Plant samples?"

"Yes." Coulson nodded: "I asked, but he didn't say why, he only said that the number of samples should not be less than 2,000. Moreover, every phylum must be included, and the more differences between samples Bigger is better."

Not a scientist, nor a collector, the reason why Shi Xiaolei asked for plant samples was obviously not for research or collection.

Just like earning credits last time, his purpose of asking for these plant samples was just to exchange them for money.

Poor family and rich road, there are not many credit points left on hand, and it is only one aspect to plan to exchange more credit points for expenses during the trip. On the other hand, I also want to save more credit points, and see if I can buy some valuable things to bring back.

Like spaceships.

Bayonetta once suggested getting a bigger spaceship for the family. And when he met Stark last time, he also said that he wanted to get himself a spaceship. Although usually careless and forgetful, Shi Xiaolei still remembers these things that happened recently.

If you want to buy something, you can't have credit points. Combining the previous experience, Shi Xiaolei first thought of a way to make money, which is to sell various living samples that are only found on the earth.

As for why only plant samples were requested, no mention of animals...

That's because the day before meeting with Coulson, Shi Xiaolei happened to see a piece of news - somewhere in Africa, another large-scale epidemic broke out. As of that day, more than a thousand patients had lost their lives due to infection life.

Although he knew it was not the case, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help thinking of the word 'biochemical weapon' after seeing the news.

If someone uses the animal samples he sold as experimental materials to develop a biochemical weapon specifically targeting the people on Earth... Thinking of this possibility, Shi Xiaolei's scalp can't help but tingle, and goose bumps all over his body.

It is for this reason that animal samples are abandoned and only plant samples are chosen.

"...No less than two thousand kinds."

"I suggest contacting the botanical garden directly, or a scientific research institution that specializes in plants." Looking at Nick Fury who was frowning unconsciously, Coulson smiled wryly with deep empathy: "Although the exact date of departure has not yet been determined. , but it is not difficult to see from Locke's words of "taking advantage of the holiday" that he should choose to leave after the winter vacation begins. In this way, there is not much time left for us. Director, I think we'd better start early Take a little action."

"you're right."

Nodding his head, Nick Fury got up and went to the desk, picked up the landline receiver on the table, and dialed the intercom call.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D., there are many scientific research scholars from all walks of life, including experts who specialize in plants.

"I found three experts for you, and they will meet you at the National Center for Genetic Resources Protection of ncgrp, also known as the National Laboratory of Genetic Resources Protection nlgrp."

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

"The contact information of the three of them will be sent to your mobile phone in a while." Nodding, Nick Fury waved his hand: "Go and do your work. If you need anything, feel free to contact me."



In order to fulfill the agreement with Shi Xiaolei and prepare the plant samples he needs before departure, Coulson had to become a buyer and travel around the world.

In just one week, he visited more than a dozen world-class plant research institutions. Its action routes not only include the continental United States, but also spread to northern Europe in the frigid zone and tropical South Asia, including the Amazon rainforest known as the lungs of the earth, the South American plateau with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, and the Sahara desert where drought-tolerant plants grow. The Verge has left his footprints.

Even with the help of Kun-style fighter jets and the full assistance of agents stationed in various places, Coulson was exhausted after running in such a large circle.

In contrast, Shi Xiaolei, who stayed at home and made preparations, was much more relaxed.

With Ark here, there is sufficient guarantee in terms of ingredients. It can be said that there is nothing special to prepare except for some seasonings as reserves.

The most important item of 'food' is almost nothing to worry about.

And the clothing, housing, and transportation that are second only to food...

"Lock, is this enough?" Standing tall on the back of a Diplodocus, Beunita greeted Shi Xiaolei who was busy on the construction site from a distance.

Hearing the movement, Shi Xiaolei who was staying on the roof turned his head and saw a large pile of boards placed on the ground by Bayonetta.

"This side should be enough." After estimating how much is needed to complete the roof, Shi Xiaolei raised his hand and gave Beunita a few tens of meters away: "Next, send it to the other side of the river. There is still a lot of materials missing there. By the way, tell Bania and the others to produce more logs that are strong and long enough to be used for pillars and house beams."

"Okay, I see."

With a promise, Bayonetta urged Liang Long under her feet, turned around and walked towards the 'forest farm'.

The rumbling footsteps were not far away, and there was another cry of pterosaurs in the sky.

Looking up, Shi Xiaolei saw three pterosaurs flying from the north. Without exception, they all had a big net bag hanging on their paws.

"This way, this way!" There was a crisp greeting from the ground, which was the shout of the expulsion lady who was a guest on the ground and commanded the pterosaur to land.