Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 970: confident

According to Coulson's personality, no, it should be said that in the style of S.H.I.E.L.D., after getting enough credits, how will he use them?

There is no doubt that they will copy the routines they used last time to purchase various technical materials, mainly military technology, and bring them back to strengthen their own strength.

For this point, Shi Xiaolei had already expected it before he set off.

Some people may ask, isn't Shi Xiaolei worried that after Nick Fury gets those advanced technologies, he will use them against his family? After all, Nick Fury has always been suspicious. Except for a few people such as Peggy Carter and Carol Danvers, he will not give others 100% trust. According to his division of enemies and friends, Shi Xiaolei's family is obviously Has not yet been included in his trustworthy list.

It's not that Shi Xiaolei didn't expect it, he just didn't care.

Putting aside Nick Fury's personal style, let's just talk about the agency of S.H.I.E.L.D. As a secret organization whose mission is to maintain world stability, it has been endowed with a rather positive meaning since its inception. Although a series of troubles were caused by improper employment and wrong way of doing things, many people complained that it was the source of the troubles, but it is undeniable that the original intention of SHIELD was good.

From the standpoint of movie audiences, it may be better to disband S.H.I.E.L.D.

But after traveling to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and living here in person for several years, Shi Xiaolei has a completely different feeling—if there is no S.H.I.E.L.D. The information related to various supernatural events is covered up, and the general environment on the earth will definitely not be like it is now.

Superheroes are not omnipotent. They may be the best candidates to deal with the same powerful super criminals, but in the matter of maintaining law and order and maintaining social stability, official agencies still need to come forward.

Gotham City in the DC universe next door is the most powerful evidence against it.

It is true that Batman's principle of not killing people has encouraged the villain's arrogance to a certain extent, and it is one of the reasons why Gotham City cannot restore peace and harmony. But in-depth analysis, the reason why people say that Gotham City is "simple and simple", are they just complaining about those super criminals that have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain?

In fact, it is not the case. The ubiquitous ugliness caused by the villains and bad guys at the bottom of every corner of the city is the main reason why Gotham City is used as a benchmark for hell.

In other words, unless Batman goes on a killing spree and becomes like the Punisher, treating all criminals equally in the severity of countless crimes, and beheading them all, otherwise, it is impossible to let the brother Tan City regained its tranquility.

Can Bruce Wayne do that? It is somewhat possible to kill those super criminals, but just like the Punisher, kill all the low-level gangsters...


Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Bruce Wayne can harden his heart, he can reach the same level as the Punisher.

The city may not be able to truly calm down.

After all, the practice of killing to stop killing can not only eliminate bad people, but also cause huge psychological pressure on honest and good people. For a while, it may be nothing. After a long time, people will definitely not be able to stand the harsh and high-pressure atmosphere, and they will inevitably resist Batman just like they resist a dictator.

In the final analysis, it is still up to the official forces to truly control the situation.

Can superheroes do it all? If it is possible, it only existed in the feudal era when the power of the monarchy was higher than that of the people.

It's a bit far off.

All in all, in Shi Xiaolei's view, SHIELD still has its meaning.

Especially now that the latent elements of Hydra have been weakened, gradually lost their influence, and gradually began to come into contact with alien civilizations.

Even if Nick Fury is no good, at least, he will not adopt the action policy of "to fight against the outside world first, to secure the inside" like the Hydra.

I have seen the power of the Cree early on, and in recent days, I have experienced the events related to aliens, such as the visit of the queen and princess of Asgard, the Lorelei riot, and the invasion led by superstars. Incident, from Nick Fury's standpoint, after he gets the cross-age military technology brought back by Coulson, he will only give priority to dealing with those aliens who will threaten the earth.

As for Shi Xiaolei and other special characters who live on the earth and have extraordinary strength...

Under the current situation, it is too late for Nick Fury to win over, how could he be easily hostile.

Anyway, Shi Xiaolei was not worried at all that he would do that.

Bringing Coulson and others to an alien planet, knowing that they will inevitably report to Nick Fury after they have opened their eyes, and then have some influence on Nick Fury. After determining that with the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., he cannot fight the threat of aliens alone, it is impossible for him to have any misconceptions about his family. This reason analyzed from a rational point of view is the first reason why Shi Xiaolei is so relieved.

Second, from a perceptual point of view...

Since Carol Danvers and the Skrulls can get along well with Nick Fury, why can't their own family?

Although he did not participate in the original "Kree invasion" incident, in the recent major incidents related to aliens, his family has already used actions as proof, showing their position very clearly .

Coupled with the fact that I never cause trouble on weekdays and am enthusiastic about daily life...

Shi Xiaolei firmly believes that unless Nick Fury has lost his mind, he will definitely not come here to get ideas for his family.

As far as this is concerned, only the motivation is analyzed, and the result of the comparison of strengths is not considered.

'Fifteen million, compared to the fifty-five million in my hand...Don't say who was strong and who was weak in the past, but just look at the current income, how dare you mess around? If he can buy it, so can I. What I can buy, he may not be able to afford. Elementary school students know the truth here, hehe, a person as shrewd as Braised Eggs should not fail to see through this point. '

Thinking of this, Shi Xiaolei looked at Coulson with a relaxed face: "When I get the money, I will take you to the 'City of Knowledge'. There are all kinds of technical materials over there, and there are as many types as you I can't imagine...By the way, you'd better take advantage of the gap in these few days to discuss with Simmons and Fitz as soon as possible, and think about what to buy in advance. Believe me, it is still necessary to do your homework in advance. "

"I will, thanks for reminding me."

"If you need help, please greet me at any time." Patting Coulson's thigh, Shi Xiaolei looked at Bonas again: "How many credits did you say you have raised?"

"Not counting the payment for those coins, it's 8.7 million."