Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 972: impromptu cameo

Business is of course very important, but looking back at the original intention of coming out this time, it is not for making money.

Taking advantage of the holiday, take Kangna and her family out to have fun, let them experience the fun of space travel, and open their eyes to an alien planet whose customs and customs are completely different from the earth. This is why Shi Xiaolei will prepare this event. The main reason to travel to the stars.

And the secondary reason is to increase the knowledge of the Inhuman race headed by Jia Ying, help them broaden their horizons, and at the same time pull out the ungerminated seedling deep in their hearts, so as not to cause any trouble in the future. If you make trouble, you will add unnecessary trouble to yourself.

As for how many credits you can earn this trip...

Although a lot of preparations were made for this matter before departure, but one thing to say, deep down in Shi Xiaolei's heart, he didn't really pay much attention to this matter.

It's not about making money, more or less is naturally not that important.

What's more, most of the goods I brought were exchanged for the boarding quota with SHIELD. From the perspective of cost, they were almost the same as picking up for nothing.

"That's fine, just do as you said." After pondering for a while, Shi Xiaolei made a decision: "How long will it take to make arrangements?"

"Soon." After Shi Xiaolei made his choice, the negotiation of this business also advanced a lot. Thinking of earning a large amount of credits immediately, Bonas became more energetic: "I will contact other people now, and I will reply to you by tomorrow morning at the latest."

"Can you go to the warehouse tomorrow morning?"

"That's right." The fruit wine brewed with the spring of life played a role. But more, because of mental stimulation. At this time, Bonas's face no longer showed the sluggishness when we first met: "I will contact you as soon as the arrangements are made. In this way, I will start to do this right now. What about you, while there is still a little Time, go back and sort out the goods. The classification that should be classified, the packaging that should be packed, wait for my arrangement here, and send the things to the warehouse earlier..."

"It's a guarantee, but in essence, it means that you have already sold the goods to the market manager. Do you understand what I mean? The type and quantity of the goods must match those listed on the list. Then, you Only then can we get the credit points in advance.”

Things are not complicated and simple to understand.

"I see." Shi Xiaolei nodded and stood up: "Then I'll go back and sort it out now. If there's any news, please contact me as soon as possible."



It is said that it will be tomorrow at the latest, but in fact it has only been seven or eight hours.

Not long after dinner, while helping to wash the dishes, Shi Xiaolei received a contact signal from Bonas.

"Okay, I see. Where to meet?"

"...Okay, I'll call Lilima later and ask her to show me the way."

"You guys go there first, I'm leaving now, and I should be there soon."

"Okay, that's it, see you later."

After finishing the conversation, Shi Xiaolei put the communicator back into his pocket, wiped his hands and took off his apron, and greeted Missouri not far away.

"Commander, what are your orders?"

"I got a call, we should go. Missouri, call the big guys and tell them to come and gather quickly." Seeing Missouri walking towards him, Shi Xiaolei waved his hand and gave an order.

"Okay." He has already informed him before, so there is no need to ask more questions at this time. Nodding, Missouri immediately sent a notice to others through the communication network between the ship girls.

At the same time, Shi Xiaolei also contacted Coulson and others who had gone back to the house, and passed the news to them.

In less than five minutes, the ship girls who were called by Missouri, as well as five people including Coulson, all came to the open space in front of the main building and gathered in front of Shi Xiaolei.

"Is there anyone else who hasn't arrived?" Missouri stepped forward, stood beside Shi Xiaolei, and took out a small notebook: "Then start the roll call, and those who are called raise their hands. Fusang, Yamashiro, Ise, Hinata, Bismarck, Tirpitz..."

From Zhan Lian Niang to Zhan Xun Niang, to Zhenghang and Qinghang, these ship girls named by Missouri are all capital ship girls without exception.

It's not that they are more capable in combat. It's just because they have a larger tonnage and more volume in the ship's loading space.

That's how it happened.

In order to send the goods to the warehouse rented by Bonas and others more conveniently, on the way back from the market, Shi Xiaolei sent a message to the ship girls who were playing outside, asking them to temporarily suspend their trip and return to the warehouse. Waiting for myself in the manor.

When Shi Xiaolei returned to the manor, the battleship girls who had received the summoning order also arrived. He immediately took the girls back to the ark and asked them to move all the goods they brought from the earth to their respective ships. in space.

To put it simply, it is to borrow the more spacious ship space of the capital ship girls, and let them temporarily act as a transport team member for transshipment cargo. In this way, there is no need to rent a spaceship for transshipment, which saves a lot of trouble. At the same time, it can also avoid exposing the existence of the ark, and keep an extra card for yourself.

Of course, the scene where the shipwives took the supplies with them and took them out as if they were created out of nothing, inevitably attracted some surprised looks, which surprised Bonas and his friends, and might even be incomprehensible.

As for why Shi Xiaolei didn't shy away from this...

It's not that he didn't expect it, one thing to say, he just occasionally loses his nerve, but it's not so sloppy.

This is because compared with other methods, it can save a lot of tedious steps, save a lot of time and energy. From the perspective of various factors, it can be regarded as the current the optimal solution of .

Secondly, Shi Xiaolei also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to show off his wrist a little bit.

It is not just one person who demonstrates ability, but a group of people all possessing the same ability. What does this scene mean to those who don't know the truth? Obviously, whether it is Bonas and his friends, or the representatives sent by the market management, they will inevitably have unconscious associations, while viewing the ship girls as a very special race, and taking it for granted that they are just ' Representative', there are still more companions behind who did not show up.

Maybe tens of thousands, maybe more, Bonas and the others who were caught in surprise would never have thought that the total number of ship girls was only a few hundred, and all of them were brought by Shi Xiaolei.


Assume that among the friends Bonas called, there are one or two who are not peaceful. So, what will they think after seeing the abilities displayed by the ship girls and having that misunderstanding? Or to put it more bluntly, will they continue to think wrongly?

In Shi Xiaolei's view, nine out of ten they will be deterred and put away bad thoughts.

After all, the "space storage" ability displayed by the ship girls can not only be used to store goods, but also can be used to store various dangerous goods. To put it bluntly, the ship girls can easily pass various inspections, bring dangerous goods into any area without warning, and launch terrorist attacks without warning.

Who would want to have an enmity with someone with this ability?

Maybe there are only those rotten guys who have nothing so they have broken jars. As for profiteers with rich net worth, they are obviously not among them.