Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 979: emergency

Originally, I thought that if I stayed for another two or three days, I should be able to finish the matter and set off to leave Xandar.


There is a saying that planning is not as fast as changing.

On the third day, the day when he was scheduled to leave.

Shi Xiaolei, Coulson, Missouri and others went to City 46 accompanied by Lilima. According to the original schedule, a large amount of technical materials were purchased from the trading center that Shi Xiaolei called the 'Palace of Knowledge'.

It went very smoothly, and there were no surprises in the process of purchasing technical materials.

But just when the group was planning to return to City 31, a big explosion suddenly occurred in a laboratory somewhere in the city - the space pirates bought by the Kree people quietly sneaked into the city. I don't know what the specific purpose was, but in a word, these pirates who sneaked in launched a very sudden and fierce sneak attack on several key scientific research facilities in the city.

Although the raids of the pirates did not yield much results, only one team successfully blew up their target, and the other teams were either suppressed immediately after starting their operation, or were caught by Xandar before they could act. People discovered the signs and died in the secret stronghold ahead of time, but the chaos they caused had a big impact on the city.

"..., it's not."

A large number of guards appeared on the street, roadblocks were set up at each intersection, and the shuttles that were originally going back and forth in the sky disappeared. At a glance, you can tell that the entire city is switching to a state of martial law, and external traffic has also been cut off.

No wonder Shi Xiaolei showed such a depressed expression.

"Locke." Coulson was also surprised, but as an agent, he accepted the situation at a much faster rate than Shi Xiaolei: "It seems that we need to stay for a while. I suggest that first Find a safe place to stay out of the limelight."

"you said……"

Before he could say the word 'yes', Shi Xiaolei suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky in front of him.

Suddenly, a small spaceship with a small body sprang up, and it was constantly accelerating to fly high into the sky. At a distance of about seven or eight hundred meters behind it, there are several smaller black spots dotted. Although it is a bit far apart, because of the wide visibility in the sky, Shi Xiaolei, who has good eyesight, has already noticed that the small black dots behind him are firing continuously, moving forward to the fleeing spaceship. Shots of luminous energy bullets.

The barrage was quite dense, and the protective shield covering the entire city suddenly increased its power and became more solid, blocking the way of the spacecraft...

At the moment when the direction was temporarily reversed, several energy bombs landed on the spacecraft one after another.

In the next second, a flaming black smoke was pulled from the tail of the spacecraft, and the flight posture became erratic. In the end, it lost its upward thrust and plunged to the ground.

It's so hard to die, the direction of the spacecraft's fall is precisely the square where Shi Xiaolei and others are standing.

To hide in the ark, or to meet and solve the falling spaceship? In an instant, such a multiple-choice question popped up in Shi Xiaolei's mind.

Just after a second thought, Shi Xiaolei made a choice.

Counting myself, there are seven people in total. It was only three or five seconds at most, so even if I had time to say hello, the big guys wouldn't have enough time to gather around me.

Bringing everyone into the ark for refuge is simply not feasible.

"Missouri~!" With a hello, Shi Xiaolei switched to full gear, stepped on Hot Wheels, and greeted the falling spaceship.

"Understood~!" Missouri, Bismarck, and Lion, who were left on the ground, took out their respective ship outfits and set up their muzzles to point in the air.

The cannon sounded, and Bismarck and Lion started the anti-aircraft guns first, setting up a defensive net into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Missouri, which had already been transformed into a missile battleship, also fired eight missiles like a goddess scattered flowers.

Perhaps it was to avoid these anti-aircraft shells and missiles, or perhaps the spaceship was about to fall, and it was about to escape... Moments before the hit, three small boats the size of motorcycles were thrown from the spaceship.

The two ships fled to the left and right sides, respectively, and the third ship that escaped from the bottom happened to rush in the direction that Shi Xiaolei flew from.

I don't know where Shi Xiaolei came from, but his aggressiveness has already made the pirates in the escape pod make a judgment. Without any hesitation, the pirate pulled the trigger on the joystick and fired several bullets at Shi Xiaolei.

No matter how small the escape pod is, no matter how ineffective the weapons installed on it are, the power is much greater than the machine guns on Earth.

Fortunately, Shi Xiaolei's defense is high enough, and his health bar is long enough.

Shooting hard, Shi Xiaolei once again accelerated. At the same time when the spaceship was blown up by the three ship girls, he had already arrived in front of the escape pod and smashed it down with the warhammer in his hand.

I don't want to be covered in blood, and I don't want to be covered in meat sauce. Shi Xiaolei used a little bit of ingenuity when he made his move. Shi Xiaolei's hammer did not directly smash the escape pod, but turned it in a different direction and fell to the ground at an almost vertical angle.

It's a bit complicated to describe, but it's actually a momentary thing.

When Shi Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look down at Missouri and the others, the black dots on the back of the spaceship also came to separated two ships and went to chase the other one. Two escape pods.

The two stopped and hovered twenty meters in front of Shi Xiaolei, aiming at him with their muzzles.

"Don't move, who are you?" In the half-open cockpit, the driver looked at Shi Xiaolei with a solemn expression, and shouted to him very cautiously.

"Uh..." Only then did he notice that he was being pointed at by the other party's muzzle.

Shi Xiaolei shook his head with a wry smile, and quickly put away the warhammer in his hand in order to avoid being misunderstood: "Don't misunderstand, I'm just a passerby."


"The spaceship you shot down just now is falling on our heads." Shi Xiaolei shrugged helplessly: "The situation is urgent, it's too late to avoid... I don't want to intervene, but there is no way, I can only do this. Do."

Although Shi Xiaolei did not show a hostile attitude, his two explanations alone were obviously not enough to gain the trust of the other party.

"I will verify what you said. Now, please cooperate with me. I need you to land immediately."

"No problem." With a promise, Shi Xiaolei turned around, slowed down and fell to where Missouri and the others were.

Patrol boats followed.

Just in case, the driver never dared to move the muzzle, so he pointed at Shi Xiaolei all the way.