Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1000: Human bone sword

Seeing the shocking expression of the dragon's non-night, Han Yu realized that the sword at the bottom of the lake would be a very good thing.

The first seven scorpions have not yet been found, and they have smashed the treasure first?

"What is it?" Han Yu asked urgently.

"It is the evil spirit sword!" Long said not seriously.

"Mo evil sword soul?" Han Hao did not understand.

Mo Xie Bao Jian she had heard, Mo Xie is the wife of the swordsman, and will be the sword of the King of Wu. He took the iron of the Five Mountains, Jinying of Liuhe, with a cast iron sword, but unfortunately it has not been successful for three months.

If he did not hand over the sword on time, Wu Wang would have to do his life. In order to protect his husband's life, Mo Xie jumped into the furnace and the sword was broken. The sword has a male and a female, and they will be named as the evil.

The cadre will hide the Moxie sword, and only hand the "dry" sword to Wu Wang. After being informed by Wu Wang, he will be given a death. The soul of the cadre will be attached to the "dry" sword.

Mo Xie and Gan will be both an ancient sword and a husband and wife sword. Han Yu only knows the legend of Mo Xiegan, but he has never heard of the saying that Mo Xie Jian Soul.

"I heard from Master that the Moxie sword was destroyed a hundred years ago. The sword destroys the soul. Moxie has hidden suffocation. After the sword is destroyed, the suffocation is heavier. If you want to surrender, you must go to the suffocation. "Dragon is not a night."

"What will you do? Is it not destroyed?" Han Yu asked curiously.

"The cadre will be forbidden in the Tianshan Swordsmen, and the three sages will guard." The dragon whispered at night, which is extremely secretive to the Tianshan Mountains. Except for Master, the three respects and him, no one else knows.

"No one in Tianshan Jianzong can surrender to the cadre, right?" Han Hao asked quickly.

Although Long Fei didn’t answer, but he was helpless, can Han Han’s woman be smarter?

It is true that even the three sages can't surrender to the cadres, so they can only hide.

The sword will be dry, and the dragon is not seen at night.

Mo Xie is a female, and the dry will be a male. The swordsman of the dry will be much stronger than Mo Xie. However, because Moxie’s blade was destroyed, hatred helped to increase his anger, and now Mo’s sword is not lost.

"Dragon is not night, Mo Xie only has the soul of the sword, how can he surrender?" Han Yu asked curiously.

"You must first accept the sword body, and then surrender." Long did not answer at night.

“So I have to recast a sword?” Han Wei didn’t quite believe, “Who cast it?”

When this was said, Han Hao was stunned by herself. She seemed to think of something. She suddenly screamed. "Dragon is not night, fast! Go find the broken arm man! His suspicion is very big!"

"Why?" The dragon is not at night.

"Go first, I will explain it to you!" Han Yu urged.

Baili Musk did not dare to delay, and quickly sent them to shore. Long Fei night with Han Han went to the shop of "Love".

"Dragon is not night, Mo Xie jumps into the fire, the sword is cast, it is because the human bone can be used to refine the sword! The phosphorus and calcium in the human bone can absorb the impurities in the molten iron, and the iron will become more pure." Han Wei explained.

Although Long Fei didn't understand the word "phosphorus, calcium" that Han Yu said, he probably understood the meaning of Han Yu.

He immediately thought of the broken arm man in the shop of "Love". They have never understood why the broken arm man forged a dagger in the bone jewelry store. Now it seems that the man forged the dagger must have joined the human bone!

The murderer is both an occultist and a mystery at the bottom of the lake. It is very likely that the murderer would like to use the human bone to forge a sword to collect the evil spirit sword.


As for the forging sword and the seven daggers, what is the relationship between the seven female bones, Han Han would not understand. Her guess is only speculation, and she is not completely sure that the broken arm man and the boss are the murderers.

However, they would rather admit their mistakes and not miss it!

The two are not the murderers, as long as the dragons go to the night to test them.

When Han Han and Long arrived at the shop of the loved ones in the night, they found that the shop was empty, and the backyard was empty. No one was there.

Is it their temptation today that has caused the other party’s vigilance? If this is the case, then the suspicion of the proprietress and the broken arm man is even greater!

Long Feiye told the film guards to trace all the people involved in this store, and immediately took Han Han back to the Yinyang Lake.

They didn't guard the lake like last night, but they found a place to hide.

As long as the evil spirits are still there, the murderer will definitely come to the lake and can't escape!

After the repair of Long Feiye and Han Yu, they continued to guard. This night, the murderer did not appear. On the early morning of the next day, Xu Donglin sent a message.

"His Royal Highness, the subordinates found out that the people in the store never interacted with outsiders. The human bones used in the jewelry were found by the owner himself. They had never had a deal with the converging bones in the city."

"What is the head?" Long asked at night.

"I can't find it, I found that the store is a ten-year-old shop. The boss is a foreigner. I bought the store ten years ago and started to operate. No one has seen the boss." Xu Donglin answered truthfully.

Long did not ask more questions in the night, only confessed, "Stop all investigations, don't be amazed."

They are three days.

In the third day, no one has ever opened another, and no one has returned.

If it was only suspected before, then Han Han and Long Fei are very sure of the night, and the proprietress and the broken arm man have something to do with this murder!

They continued to wait, but unfortunately, they waited for another three days, but there was still no news. There have been no further homicides in the city. The house in Yizhuang’s fire has been under investigation and has not yet given a clear statement. There is no way to check the house, because they still don't know that the deceased has been confined.

"Dragon is not night, we can't wait any longer! Gu seven is very dangerous!" Han Yu said seriously.

On the sixth day, the murderer did not have any action and things did not progress. After the silence of the dragon was not a night, he only said a word of "good".

He immediately rose from the sword, and several of them turned up and flew up to the sky above Yinyang Lake.

With a wave of swords and a surge of wind, the calm lake raised a circle of water, like a curtain of water, hanging high and rushing upwards.

Everyone who was lurking around was shocked. No one expected that the martial arts of His Royal Highness had reached this point.

With only one sword, you can wind up!

It was Han Hao who was also shocked. She doubled with him every night, but she could not understand his real martial arts. His martial arts is so great, what about her?

In addition to the double repairs, Han Wei has never really touched her hand. She is really not very clear about her strength.

At this point, she couldn't care more about these things. She immediately told Xu Donglin to arrange and let all the guards be on guard.

The dragon's non-night trick is a ruin.

When he did this, he told the murderer that they already knew the secrets of the lake and were eager to compete. If the murderer is also staring at Yinyang Lake, it will definitely appear.

Long non-night will be flat

The quiet Yinyang Lake stirs up the waves, the water waves rise and fall, the water curtain falls, and the other side rises.

The entire Yinyang Lake is like an earthquake. It makes people feel that the lake will be dumped at any time and drown around.

This scene is thrilling!

This scene is magnificent!

This scene is beautiful!

Just when everyone couldn’t bear to look away, the dragon suddenly held the sword in both hands, and the sword stabbed the sky, and a powerful sword broke out in an instant.

The shadow guard and the Baili Musk are very strange to this force, but Han Yu knows that this is the power of love.

After the Tianshan, the dragon has never used the power of love.

The entire lake seems to be drawn by this force, and countless drops of water jump from the water, dense, and the entire lake.

Gradually, these water droplets became bigger and bigger, and they became water pillars. They all went up to the sky and gathered all over the night.

Han Han’s hand is not consciously clenched. Although it is clear that Long Fei can control this power, she still can’t help but worry.

Sure enough, all the water columns have gathered on the sword of the dragon and the night, and the dragon is not high at night, and the gods are handsome and handsome. Until the dragon was seen at night, Han Han’s heart was put down. At this moment, she couldn’t help but fear the man.

The dragon is not cold at night, and between the moments, the Xuan Han Bao Jian will carry all the water columns to the center of the lake!

And at this moment, something unexpected happened!

At the center of the lake, the water dragon suddenly burst into a water dragon, and it was so powerful that it suddenly slammed into the dragon that the dragon was not smashing at night.

At the moment of the collision, all the water solidified in the air for a while, and then the collapse was generally all sprinkled, and the yin and yang lake surface was like a heavy rain.

The water waves fell, but they left two forces. One is the sword of the dragon and the night, and the other is the evil spirit that is provocative and arrogant. The two forces are contending, and soon, the dragon is not dominant in the night, and there is a tendency to be countered.

Mo Xie is an ancient sword, and its own sword is very embarrassing. In addition, it has its own suffocating spirit. The dragon is not able to surrender its power until it has not broken its suffocation, but it will be defeated by its suffocation. And go into flames.

The reason why the dragon is not swaying the evil spirits of the sword is not the meaning of surrender, but just wants to lead the murderer. Han Hao saw it and immediately asked for help.

Who knows, just as Han Han stood up, a red shadow suddenly flew over and flew between the two swords.

what happened?

Everyone is very surprised. If the murderer appears, the murderer will not be so stupid to find death!

The strength of the two swords is so powerful that it is impossible to estimate. Why did you look for death?

"The man seems to have been thrown away?" Xu Donglin muttered.

"It seems... it seems to be Gu seven less..." Bai Lixiang was shocked.

"Gu Qi Shao!"

Han Hao shouted and flew out. However, when Gu Qishao was excited to be close to Jianqi, the lake suddenly took out a few thorns and vines and pulled him.

At this time, everyone can see clearly. I saw that Gu Qi was **** by the five flowers, and the body was tied with human bones, and seven bones were hung on the waist.

This...this...how is this going on?

The dragon was stunned by the evil spirits while watching the eyebrows. He didn't care what happened to Gu Qixiao. He just wanted to know, the murderer?

(End of this chapter)