Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1004: Truth, seven Shaokeng people

Gu Qi Shao’s follow-up of the broken arm man and the proprietress is credible. However, the thorny vine does not fear the water, and does not fear the fire, purely swearing.

If the dragon does not guess wrong in the night, the thorny vine is just an excuse for Gu Seven to cover up his undead body.

Gu Qi is the body of immortality, so the thorns and vines raised from his flesh and blood should also be immortal, so they will not be damaged by the sword fire.

In this way, Gu Qixiao successfully concealed his secret.

Han Wei now only cares about why the Soul Calibur is absorbed by Gu Shao's body.

"How did the evil spirit sword go to your body? You... are you okay?" Han Yu asked again.

Long Fei’s mouth was sneer, and he waited for Gu’s answer.

Long Fei night has just been pondering this matter. He is tempted to take care of the soul of the sword. It must be because of his special constitution.

He is not dead or immortal, but he is much stronger than the swords of the ancient swords. Naturally, he can withstand the evil spirits.

Long is not suspected at night, there is no power in this world that Gu Qishao can't bear this guy?

If it is the power of love?

Can Gu Qihou withstand it? What about Bai Yanqing?

Long Feiye waited for Gu Qixiao to continue to marry. Who knows, Gu Qixiao pretended to be a confused look and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know why this is happening. Now I feel... I feel so good."

He said that he was looking at the broken arm man. It was very serious and fierce. Hey, what is going on? If you don't want to say it, Lao Tzu poisons you! ”

Gu Qishao, this is cheap and sells!

The broken arm man was suffocated by Gu Qixiao. He really didn't understand why this guy could withstand the evil spirits.

"Accordingly, the human body can not withstand the soul of the sword, I also know why this is the case. You ..." Broken arm men looked at Gu seven less, the more the more difficult to understand.

"Don't love him, isn't he?" The dragon suddenly suddenly came out with cold and cold.

Gu Qi Shao immediately turned to look at him, his eyes were particularly cloudy, he was going to come to the dragon non-night, who knows that the boss who has been silent suddenly suddenly got up and rushed over to him, "return the evil spirits to me! Return it to me. !"

Gu Qi Shao immediately retired, the proprietress still chased the past, the special poisonous curse, "the shameless thing, return the Mo evil sword soul to me! It is mine! My! I want to kill you!"

Gu Qishao saw that there was a problem with the spirit of the proprietress. He did not care about the boss. He always gave up and ducked. Who knows that the proprietress took out the dagger and sneaked at him.

Gu Qishao hid behind the broken arm man, angry, "You catch her, otherwise I will not be polite."

The broken arm man did not stop, but a palm to the boss's neck, and directly stunned the boss.

The boss is kneeling on the floor, the broken arm man looks at her, and the distress in her eyes is like the tears of the surplus, and she will be full at any time.

"She...what is going on? Why do you say that Mo Xun's soul is her?" Han Yu opened his mouth.

Even if the murderer is found, even if the evil spirits of the evil spirits are taken down by Gu Qiu, they are still full of puzzles about this matter.

"It falls in your hands and listens to your disposition." The broken arm man faintly said.

"Then I can only hand you over to the government. A few people can be innocent." Han Yu said coldly. People are killing me

You put her in! The broken arm man said quietly.

"I believe that you are killing people, but the people who converge on the bones are not her? Set fire to Yizhuang, she also has a share?" Han Yu asked.

The broken arm man suddenly looked at Han Yu, and it was a killing, but it was a pity that he couldn’t help Han Han.

"Why did killing people not directly converge the bones, but leave evidence?" Han Yu seriously asked, this is the place she most wants to understand. She does not care if she does not ask, she can not worry.

Han Yu is worried about this matter and there are secrets that they don't know, so they are so questioned. However, after questioning she found that there was no big secret in this matter. The widowed boss is originally a lyrical person. The broken arm man is not the husband of the proprietress, but the friend of the boss and the couple for many years.

The wife of the proprietress strayed into Yinyang Lake and was involved in the bottom of the lake. When the broken arm man was rescued, it was too late. Although he grabbed the hand of his friend, the suction under the nest was very strong. The body of the friend is pulled apart. The broken arm man only helped the boss to save her husband's hand.

The proprietress changed her temperament since then. She carved her husband's hand bone into a necklace, a bracelet worn around, stubbornly believe that her husband's soul did not leave, has been waiting for her reunion at the bottom of the lake.

The broken arm man forgot how many times he stopped, and did not let the boss wife jump into the lake, and every time he could not persuade the boss, she could only stun her.

Under the lake to save people, the broken arm man found the bottom of the yin and yang lake hidden Mo Xie sword soul, in desperation, he can only swindle the boss wife, saying that her husband's soul has been integrated with the sword soul, as long as they get the evil spirit sword spirit, they will Can be reunited with her husband.

Therefore, the proprietress is no longer born, she began to work with the broken arm men to find ways to conquer the evil spirits of the sword, they learned that to collect the evil, need to destroy the spirit of the sword, you need to cast a sword. Forging the sword that can receive the evil spirits must be the ultimate gold, so they spent a full five years and found the daggers.

With the swordsmanship of the broken arm man, with the skill of the boss's bones, they could have easily destroyed the dead. However, the sword fire will burn seven seventy-four forty-nine days, for the forty-nine days to go smoothly, not to be disturbed. They deliberately created a sinister murder case and wanted to use the power of the mansion to block the Yinyang Lake.

The Yin and Yang Lake was the place where the people of Qingchuan City were jealous. In addition, the women who went to the lake were assassinated in succession, and the blood was stagnant and the death was terrible. Naturally, everyone dared not come to the lake again, and the government could not break the case, it would prohibit the people from approaching this place.

They went to Yizhuang to gather the bones of six female corpses, set fire to Yizhuang, and destroyed the corpses, concealing the bones, and the second was to use the Yizhuang fire to make rumors.

They have all planned, after burning Yizhuang, they will rob the son-in-law of Fu Yin, and then find a few goddess to release rumors that the fire will be punished if there is disrespect in Yinyang Lake. As a result, the government will not dare to continue to investigate the case, only to send people to hold the Yinyang Lake.

When the sword fires up, no one dares to approach, and no one dares to interfere.

After they planned to find seven female bones, they began to look for life-threatening people, but they did not expect Gu Qixiao to suddenly appear at the lake. The broken arm man saw that Gu Qi was born in July and July, and his life was a fire.

July 7 is not a bad day. There are many people born in July 7. However, those born on this day who have a bonfire are few.

less. The broken arm man immediately hijacked Gu Qishao and placed him under house arrest.

In the past two months, because of the female corpse, few women have come alone to the lake. On that day, they found that a woman appeared alone at the lake.

The broken arm man saw that Cuiyun was not an ordinary woman, and he also found two guards lurking next to Cuiyun. He didn't know Cuiyun's coming, worried that Cuiyun was coming to the bottom of the lake. So he did not endlessly, killing Cuiyun to kill two guards, and let the boss take the bones of Cuiyun. I plan to start casting swords that night.

However, when they killed Cuiyun, the two guards sent a signal of rescue, and they knew that Cuiyun had accomplices.

In desperation, the broken arm man and the proprietress can only escape first and wait and see. Later, Long Feiye and Han Yu found their store. The proprietress did not find anything unusual. The broken arm man was very alert to suspect that Han Yu and Long Fei were not selling jewelry, just to test.

When Long Feiye and Han Yu left the store, the broken arm man immediately left the boss and removed everyone. They didn't go anywhere, they lurked in the Yinyang Lake and kept them.

The dragon is not a night to bring out Mo Xie Jianqi, the boss wife can not hold their breath, the broken arm man helpless, can only throw Gu Shao Shao, let go. But who knows, Gu Qi has long known about the evil spirits of the sword!

After listening to the explanation of the broken arm man, Han Yu looked complicated, and when she looked at the boss, she was not as disgusted as before. She frowned and didn't talk for a long time.

However, Long Feiye and Gu Qixiao are indifferent, and the face of Long Feiye is always indifferent. Gu Qixiao is still a gesture that has nothing to do with Laozi.

"Why are you so good to her? Are you coming to the evil spirits?" Gu Qi asked disdainfully.

The broken arm man faintly explained, "She was a woman who loves to be in her hand. I can't bear her from being alone."

"This has nothing to do with the evil spirits of the sword, whether it is a good deceit or a lie. There are many reasons and excuses. Why do you choose the Moxie sword soul? You should know that even if you receive the evil spirit sword, she has no ability to control it!" Finally opened your mouth.

"Why is your arm broken?" The dragon is also a night.

The broken arm man smiled bitterly. I didn't expect him to say that this was actually the eyes of these people. He asked, "Who are you?"

He looked at the dragon night, "Your disciple of Tianshan?"

In fact, if you are a man in the rivers and lakes, you can see the sword of the dragon and the night, and probably guess the identity of the dragon and the night. This broken arm man seems to have no understanding of what happened on the rivers and lakes recently.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Long asked the night.

The broken arm man sighed and confessed his selfishness. "I practiced the internal strength of the evil sword door. Although it can be quickly completed, it is very easy to be countered, and it is ruined. My arm is just a fire." If I can't find a sword that can shake my inner strength, after three months, my internal injury will recur, the other arm... I can't help it. I was a swordsman, Xuewu was a master. Granted me, I have never been involved in martial arts, even more unintentional martial arts, just want to keep this arm..."

The broken arm man looked at the boss, and the voice was extremely low and low. "I just want to protect her for the rest of my life."

The dragon was not an accident at night. This guy suffered an internal injury and he did not even come out. He pulled the man's hand to the pulse...

(End of this chapter)