Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1007: No way and looking for death

Although it is better to plan for the poison of gold than in the plan, but this winter, Han Hao still can not go back to save Mu Linger.

In order to stabilize Jun and evil, they can only wait during this time. Ning Jiajun also has a heavy responsibility, that is to tame the 30,000 war horses!

Long Fei didn't ask for 30,000 horses, but Han Hao had enough power to ask. She has left the three-way black market so far, and she has asked twice. Now, Xue’s deputy has basically fixed the horse trainer from the monarchy, and will soon start the horse-raising operation.

There is another very important thing, that is Bai Yanqing. It is often said that no news is good news, but this sentence does not apply to Bai Yanqing. Because Bai Yanqing has no news so far, it does not mean that he has no action. Han Yu and Long Fei are not obsessed with what Bai Yanqing wants to do.

If I wanted to leave the East and West Qin before, now he is lurking and wanting to do something? Why does Bai Yanqing hate the East and West Qin?

Bai Yanqing has too many doubts, just like the mysterious person who banned the poison, so that Han Han and the dragon have no clue, but they can't ignore it and forget it.

They can't prevent anything from Bai Yanqing, and they can only find the poison of the poison!

There are Gu Shaoshao this guy, waiting to find the poison of the poison, the dragon will not mind to bring Bai Yanqing out of the night, a painful battle!

"Okay, then wait." Han Han recognized the plan of the dragon non-night.

Gu Qixiao seems to be distracting and has no opinion. It wasn't until the dragon was watching him at night that he was slowing down. "Okay, no problem."

In fact, he really did not hear what Long Fei had just said, and he agreed.

"You have a news of a poisonous fire recently?" Long asked again.

"There is no news at all." Gu Qishao did not start looking for it recently. He started looking for it a year ago, but it was a pity that there was no news.

In fact, this time, looking for the gold of the poison, if he has heard of the first seven, they may not have a clue.

Long Fei night also sent a shadow guard to inquire, but helpless, the result is the same as Gu Qixiao.

"Will the poison of the poison is the flame? Or is it other heat?" Han Yu asked inexplicably, she couldn't think of the poisonous fire in the form of such a form.

As far as the "fire" in the five elements is concerned, it is not a fire but a general term for heat.

Gu Qi Shao shook his head. If he said that the four kinds of poisons before him, he still had some ideas, then he had no clue about the poison of the poison.

Is the fire of the poisonous fire a fire, or a fire, or a fire? Is it a burning flame, or a flame that has not yet been ignited?

If it is a burning flame, it is still easy to find. If it is not a flame that has not yet been ignited, or a fire that is not in an open fire state, it is really difficult to find it.

"A few days off, let's ponder over it." Gu Qi is so hard to be so serious.

"Good." Han Han is also serious.

In this way, Han Yu lived in Qingchuan Shuicheng, and inquired about the news of the poisonous fire, while watching the Beili battle situation, but also inspecting the whereabouts of Bai Yanqing.

On this day, Han Han suddenly received a letter from Yao Yao. After reading the letter, she immediately ran to find the dragon in the yard.

"Dragon is not night, good news! Good news!"

Han Hao’s excitement is like the fall of a poisonous fire.

Long Qi night has not asked, Gu Qi Shao jumped from the roof

Come, laugh, "Poisonous girl, what good news makes you happy like this?"

"Our doctor Gu is saved!" Han Hao is really happy, happy than finding a poisonous fire.

"Really? Where is the news?" The dragon was also excited at night. He asked a lot of people to look back to Longdan, I really can't guess who sent the good news.

"Who is looking for medicine? It's faster than me, the ability is not small!" Gu Qixiao also smiled.

However, Han Han’s next words made him suddenly stiff.

Han Wei said, "The old man of Dan furnace, he did not find a return to Longdan, but he got the prescription for refining back to Longdan, and he has already found a few herbs, it is a thing of the same thing, let us help send it!"

Gu Qixiao’s smile instantly stiffened on his face, and Long’s night asked, “What?”

"Wine! To remanufacture Longdan, you need to brew a hundred years of snow wine." Han Yu smiled and said, "This thing...Ning Cheng should have!"

The so-called snow wine is made from snow water.

After more than ten years of snow melted into water, after depositing the sediment, take the upper layer of clear water to make wine, which is ordinary snow wine. And a hundred years of snow wine, not only requires more than 100 years of snow melt water to brew, and must be sealed for more than 100 years.

Many centuries of aging in the market are actually fake. It is really not easy to find a bottle of real century-old alcohol. Not to mention snow wine.

To drink good tea, find dragons and nights; to eat good medicine, look for Gu seven less, to drink good wine, you must find Ning Cheng!

"Xu Donglin, write a letter to the Wanshang Palace to ask." Long non-night ordered, except for Han Han's things, he was rarely so excited.

"Xu Donglin, by the way, tell Gu Beiyue!" Han Hao quickly added.

She began to look forward to seeing another Gu Beiyue's film, and the once white man is coming back! If the little things know this good news, they will be very happy!

"Yes, this is the case!" Xu Donglin also followed the excitement. Once Gu Beiyue resumed, His Royal Highness and the Princess added a boost.

After Xu Dong left, Han Hao looked back and found that Gu Qi was gone.

"What about people?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Long Fei didn’t notice that Gu Qi Shao slipped away. He looked at the roof and didn’t see Gu Shao’s figure.

Han Hao remembered one thing, she murmured, "Is it..."

Long Fei Li immediately understood what Han Han said, he only said two words, "follow him."

What Han Han thinks of is nothing else. It was the old man who asked her to find an apprentice. The old man of Dan furnace said that if Han Han can help him find an apprentice, he will give the entire Dan furnace to Han.

At the beginning, there was an agreement in black and white, and the contract Han Han had been collecting it. At that time, Han Yu suspected that the "little madman" that the Dan furnace old man was looking for was Gu Shao. She tried two times, and Gu Qi rarely avoided, and she did not try again.

She will not force Gu seven to do anything for a Dan furnace.

After three days, Han Han went to the letter of the Wanshang Palace elders. There is indeed a hundred years of snow wine in the wine cellar of Ningcheng, and not only one altar, but three altars!

Although it was impossible to consult with Ning Cheng, this matter, whether Han Han or the elders, decided to play the game.

When Han Han told the old man of the Tang Dynasty that he had found a hundred years of snow wine, and he had to arrange for the person to send it, the old man of Dan furnace came with a letter.

, made an unexpected request.

The old man of Dan furnace wants Han to stay in Dan furnace for three years and wait for his big Dan furnace. Otherwise, he will not only alchemy, but will also ruin Dan.

At this time, everyone remembered the rules of seeking medicine holes. It is never easy to get medicine from the medicine hole.

"Damn!" Han Hao's good mood is gone.

When she asked the old man of the Dan furnace to find Longdan, she seriously asked the conditions again and again. The old madman can discuss it well, saying that old friends don't have to pay so much attention, and said that they will try their best to help them find the remedy. The dragon was not at ease with the night, and she asked her to write a letter and discuss the conditions.

Finally, the Dan furnace old man made two requests. One is to ask Han Han to investigate the full effect of Hui Longdan, and the second is to ask for some rare poisons.

Although there is no contractual agreement, but a few letters of communication, Han Hao is kept!

She knows that the old man's temperament is eccentric, and his temper is capricious. However, temper is not an excuse for not saying credit!

Who knows that the old madman actually raised this unreasonable request and asked her to wait for the big Dan furnace?

It’s hard to be the old madman still remembering that she was threatening to destroy the great Dan furnace in the cave of medicine.

"He can't think about it!" Long said coldly at night.

When they went to seek medicine, they still shunned the power of medicine and medicine. Now, the medicine city, medicine in the eyes of Long Feiye and Han Yu, is not unmovable.

The medical city has long been in the hands of Gu Beiyue. In the past two years, Long Feiye and Han Yu have joined forces in the drug city to cultivate some real powers. In the medicinal materials market, they are no longer non-pharmaceutical cities.

"Xu Donglin, you told the Dan furnace old man that he had already negotiated the conditions for him to find medicine. Now he is asking for any blackmail! The blackmailing of the Princess is a price! Let him refine the medicine in ten days. otherwise……"

Han Yongzheng pondered how to threaten the old talents of Dan furnace. There is a deterrent to the dragon, and the night is very simple. "Otherwise, the prince personally ruined his Dan furnace!"

The threat of the dragon and the night is the key to the old man of the Dan furnace!

"Yes!" Xu Donglin took the lead.

Gu Qi Shao sat on the roof and looked at them with an eyebrow.

Soon, Han Han and Long received a reply from the old man of the Dan furnace, and the old man of Dan furnace returned their words. "No way!"

Long Feiye has never received such a simple but full of provocative letters in his life. Han Yu looked at the two words in the letter, which were a bit dumbfounded.

She knew that they had to go to the Dan furnace in person.

The dragon is not cold in the night, "Xu Donglin, pen and ink serve!"

Xu Donglin quickly came to the pen and ink, and the dragon non-night pen slashed two words, "Look for death!"

After the letter was sent out, Long Fei night immediately ordered, "ready the car, go to the medicine."

He looked at Gu Qi Shao, Gu Qi Shao immediately expressed an indifferent expression, jumped off the roof, smiled and said, "I haven't been to Yaocheng for a long time, and I miss the scent of medicine there."

The dragon is cold at night, but his face is cold and whispering. "The old man does not talk about credit first, this matter, you better not to intervene!"

Gu Qishao passed a touch of complexity, but he continued to play stupid. "Oh, what about Guanzi? Look at Gu Beiyue's face, Lao Tzu walks with you, and said, I will go to the medicine." The ghost place in the medicine hole is too stinky, I will not go in!"

(End of this chapter)