Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1014: Annoying guy

The old man of Dan furnace compromised and promised to retreat to Longdan, but Gu Qixiao was still not satisfied.

He smirked at the corner of his mouth, standing on the towering Great Dane, holding the evil spirit of the sword, like a manic god, despising the gods and despising everything.

Such a man, unlike the dragon and the night, will make people feel awe, but it will make people feel scared and shudder.

Han Yu looked up at Gu Qishao. At this moment, she suddenly realized that there is no small seven in this world. Gu Qihao has no small seven in his heart.

Xiaoqi, has grown up already!

"The old man, let Dan Fang take me first." Gu Qixiao is not a discussion, but an order.

The old man of Dan furnace passed a touch of dissatisfaction and asked aloud, "What do you want Dan to do? You don't understand!"

"Who told you that I can't understand?" Gu Qixiao asked.

"The old man only promised to help you alchemy, did not promise to Danfang!" Dan furnace old man was angry, looking back to see Han Han, "selling Dan does not give Dan, this is the rule!"

Han Yuzheng is going to answer, but the dragon who has always cherished the word like gold has opened his mouth first. He did not speak to the old man of Dan furnace, but said to Gu Qishao, "What are you still grinding?"

The old man of Dan furnace still didn't understand it. Han Han's mouth was full of smiles. There was a dragon and a night, and Gu Qi was in the middle of it. It seems that there is nothing about her. She can ask a chair for the elderly. I am watching.


The sharp voice bulged, and the old man of Dan furnace jerked back and looked at it. He saw that Gu Qishao was holding the Moxie sword spirit and slowly circled the Dan furnace.

"Gu Qi Shao!"

The old man of Dan furnace almost spurted blood, and he suddenly rushed up. As he approached, Gu Qishao’s movements became faster and faster, and the old man of Dan furnace had to stop.

He was extremely reluctant to take a prescription from his sleeve and throw it at Gu Qixiao.

After Gu Qixiao caught up, he immediately looked seriously. After watching it for a long time, he threw Dan Fang to Han Yu. "Poisonous girl, you are jealous."

Gu Qishao's pharmacy level can almost be regarded as the first in the sky. If he does not see any problems, Han Yu will not see it unless he has a poisonous scope.

Han Yu was alert in her heart. When she saw Dan Fang, she immediately asked the question, "What is the dose of snow wine?"

This Danfang mentioned the nineteen-flavored herbs. The first eighteen herbs have a clear dose, but they can be used for the nineteenth flavored snow wine. There is no clear dose, only the word "several" is marked.

When the words came out, the old man of Dan furnace was desperate for most of the time. He answered impatiently. "The water needed is replaced by snow wine. It is used on demand. There is no dose at all."

"Well, there are no other problems, start dispensing." Han Hao did not ask more questions and threw Dan Fang to the old man.

The old man of Dan furnace is ready to come to the 18-flavored medicine, and the weight is good. Han Yufei fell to the side of the old man in the Dan furnace and smiled. "Everyone else will retreat. I will personally give you a hand."

There are threats from Gu Qi, and the old man of Dan furnace has no room for refusal. He can only let the pharmacy children back.

All the eighteen herbs must be soaked in snow wine, then boiled, boiled to a certain extent, after the dregs and the juice are separated by filtration, keep spare.

Han Wei personally came to fight, not for anything else, just because the combination of Xuejiu and the two herbs in the eight-flavored herbs in a certain dose will produce a toxin called drunk addiction. Although the poison of addiction is not fatal, it will make people addicted to alcohol.

The poison is very special, can not completely detoxify, can only rely on a certain period of time to take antidote to relieve addiction. In order to prepare an antidote, it is necessary to have a raw material dregs that produces a poisonous addiction, and the antidote is taken for at least three years.

In other words, if Gu Qihao did not pay attention, he found this doubt and let Han Han discover this flaw. Once Gu Beiyue has returned to Longdan in the future, he will only be subject to the Dan furnace old man.

The old man of Dan furnace was involved in Gu Beiyue, nothing more than to leave Han Han.

Han Hao did not reveal the old man in the Dan furnace. After all, the old man of the Dan furnace did not indicate the dose. She also had no evidence to blame the humble means of the old man. The old man of Dan furnace can shirk responsibility only if he is stupid!

And she did not debunk, personally to fight for the elderly in the Dan furnace, Dan furnace old people have a lot of heart, naturally do not dare to touch the two hands.

Sure enough, under the "concern" of Han Han, the old man of Dan furnace is like a grass that has been sunburned in the summer. It is weak and has no interest.

It’s foolish to dare to make poison in front of Han Yu!

Gu Qi Shao did not have such good patience, he shouted, "Hurry!"

The old man of Dan furnace looked up at him. "It’s not going to be a quick job. If you are quick, just come out..."

After the words have not been finished, Gu Qishao interrupted. "Good, I will wait, I will wait!"

Gu Qi Shao sat cross-legged on the Dan furnace, and used the Mo Xie sword soul to take a ride and not to pick up the Dan furnace. He is not a threat, it is boring, nothing to knock on.

The expression of the old man in the Dan furnace is so innocent.

His movements finally came to the fore, and the movements were so fast that Han Hao could not see clearly. He could only start the detoxification system to detect the dose of snow wine.

Peony, filter, boil, then filter, mash the dregs, pinch, look at the color, smell, taste... some of the movements are repeated, changing order, almost half an hour, the hands of the old man There is no stop.

Although the quality of the old man in the Dan furnace is very disdainful, Han Hao still admired the five-body investment in the pharmacy alchemy skills of the elderly.

After half an hour, a muddy dregs and a thick, pulpy medicinal juice were placed in front of Han Han.

Alchemy is certainly not that simple, otherwise Han Yu and Gu Qi Shao took Dan Fang, and they can refine themselves.

This dregs and medicinal juice are only raw materials, and alchemy has not really begun.

The old man of Dan furnace has been tossed by Gu Shaohao. Without him urging, he immediately opened the second and third floors of the Dan furnace and prepared to put the raw materials.

However, at this time, Gu Qixiao stopped, "and slow!"

It’s all here, what do you want to do with this annoying guy? What else can you ask for?

"What?" The old man of Dan furnace shouted in resentment.

Gu Qixiao asked with a smile, "The old man, your amount of medicine and dregs, are you going to refine a few dragons?"

Everyone is a smart person. Gu Qishao asks this question. The old man of Dan furnace knows what he means.

He was angry. "You only need one, how many do you want to train the old man!"

“No, no!” Gu Qi Shao shook his fingers. “The old man, I asked you how much snow wine we used, how many rounds can I make? Long eight other herbs, my medicine is everywhere. Yes, if you like it, I will give you a few cars to get there. But this snow wine is very rare, can't just send it!"

This is the meaning of remarks, refining the Huilong

They all have to!

"You!" The old man of Dan furnace has to be blown up!

He has never been so arrogant in his life, he is gloomy, and he wants them to get out of the way, but he still resists the temper, he bears!

"Five! All for you!"

The old man of Dan furnace snorted and threw all the juice and dregs into the stove, and slammed the door.


Han Yu’s heart was full of emotions. If she did not remind her, she did not really notice this problem. If Gu Qi Shao is not an apprentice of the Dan furnace old man, it would be strange. Gu Qixiao is too familiar with this old man.

Five back dragons! What is this concept, which means that after giving one to Gu Beiyue, they still have four reserves, and they can save four masters who have lost their strengths! ”

How can such a good thing be cheaper than the old man?

If the old man of Dan furnace speaks credit, Han Yu will also consider sharing the remaining four medicinal herbs with the old man of Dan furnace. After all, from looking for Danfang to looking for raw materials, everyone has to pay.

However, the actions of the old man of the Dan furnace have made Han Han’s heart have to settle for the remaining four drugs. She thought, this is the price of the old man in the Dan furnace!

Seeing the closed door, Han Han whispered. "Take this opportunity to see how this big stove is alchemy."

The last time I saw this big Dan furnace, Han Hao they were very curious.

This big Dan furnace has three floors and a total of nine floors. Each floor has six furnace doors. Although the furnace door is hollow, there is no fire inside, and there is no black paint. So you can't see what the stove looks like. .

The peculiarity of the Dan furnace is that there is no open flame in the furnace, but the whole furnace is constantly emitting heat. If it is not a big winter, it is estimated that Gu seven can't hold back the heat wave.

Alchemy is not the same as pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals only need to have medicinal materials, and they can be prepared. Even some drugs with more complicated procedures will last for two or three days.

However, alchemy takes a long time, from two to three months, and two or three years. According to Han Yu, the old man of Dan furnace is different from the other ones of the alchemists. It is not able to refine the magical medicine, but he has the ability to greatly shorten the time of alchemy. Many medicinal herbs that take two or three years to practice can be done in just two or three months.

Therefore, many people who are in urgent need of medication will seek medicinal herbs at all costs.

Before Han Han received the letter from the old man of Dan furnace, the old man of Dan furnace mentioned that if he found the prescription, he would be able to refine the dragon in the slowest two months. Han Yu grinds the slowest two months, that is to say that if you are quick, you should be able to make it for one and a half months.

Staying here while staring at the Dan furnace old man alchemy, while looking for the whereabouts of the poisonous fire, by the way to pay attention to the situation in the northern calendar, it is a good choice. At least, people all over the world can't guess they will be here. Like the Han Han, Long Fei Ye is curious as to how this alchemy has no open fire.

The old man of Dan furnace should reveal the secret of Dan furnace.

The old man of Dan furnace looked at Gu Qi less and said nothing. He suddenly grabbed a piece of emptiness and burned a flame in his hand.

The old man of Dan furnace had the ability to take fire from the air. Han Hao had seen it before.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are not moving, Gu Qi Shao's eyes pass a touch of complexity, seems to want to jump off the stove, but after all, did not move.

He has been mixing here for so long, of course, knowing what the old man of Dan furnace wants to do...

(End of this chapter)