Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1015: Is the stove a pair?

The old man of Dan furnace was chilling, and suddenly he rushed over to the side of Gu Qi.

"Old man, you will play with fire!" Gu Qishao was shocked and shouted and thrilled.

And Gu Qixiao jumped off, and the Dan furnace old man flew up. Seeing that Qi Shao was shocked by the flame, the old man of Dan furnace determined that this young man was not his apprentice.

He passed a bitter bitterness in his eyes, and he squatted in the place where Gu Qihao stood, and he was very distressed to check the scratches of the Dan furnace.

That looks like people feel that he is not stroking the Dan furnace, but is stroking the most loved child.

Gu Qi Shao looked coldly, and the smile of his mouth was gradually indifferent, but he did not remove his eyes, still watching.

After all the scratches were lightly stroked, the old Danhua talents looked up. He looked at Han Hao, Long Fei Ye, and Gu Qi Shao three people one by one. He said one word at a time, "After one time, you three, don't come back to ask for an old man in the future!"

The implication is that in the future, Han Yu, they still need alchemy, he is absolutely unreasonable.

"Old man, first refine this Dan. Otherwise... I promise that you and this broken Dan furnace will not wait until the next time!" Gu Qixiao smiled and threatened.

In addition to anger and ignorance, the old man of Dan furnace has not wanted to say anything to him. No, to be exact, the old man of Dan furnace is even not seeing Gu seven, don't want to! ! !

He stood at the top of the Dan furnace, his hands raised, and the top of the furnace rose slowly, and the volley was in midair. He took a step. Make knots with both hands and bite your teeth.

Gradually, I saw him under his hands, burning a raging fire from the air. As he exerted more skill, the fire under his arm burned more enthusiastically.

Gradually, the dragon and the night and Han Han on the side can clearly feel the heat of the fire of the old man in the Dan furnace.

"Weird..." The dragon whispered at night.

Han Wei also felt strange, "What is this martial arts?"

The sky is empty and the odds are not the same. The dragon is not the old man. This is the martial arts, or the singularity. He is curious. "The internal strength of this old guy is generally, how can it be a fire?"

According to the martial arts practiced, the way of showing internal strength is different. Just like the sword technique that Long is not good at night, the internal power shows the sword. If it is boxing, then what is shown in the internal work is the boxing style.

However, no matter what kind of form of internal power is expressed, the premise needs to be very effective, but the old man of Dan furnace is not a trainer, and the internal work is very ordinary. How did he turn his power into fire? Moreover, the flames under his hand are not weak, and at this moment, they are still strengthening.

The dragon is not smashed at night, and the secret of the old man of Dan furnace must be on the Dan furnace.

He looked at Gu Qishao and saw that Gu Qi Shao was interested in the flames of the old man of the Dan furnace. There was nothing unusual. If you don't know the truth, Long Feiye feels that he can't see that Gu Shaochao is an apprentice of the Dan furnace old man.

The secret of Dan furnace, how much does Gu Qi know?

As the elderly in the Dan furnace continue to exert their strength, the flame continues to increase. Just when everyone saw it, the old man of Dan furnace suddenly jumped into the air. In an instant, the flames of his men’s flames were swollen, and they expanded into a huge fireball. The fireball was like a gas, and it swelled continuously. People feel like they are going back to the explosion at any time!

How strong is the killing power of such fireballs?

The dragon was not alert at night, and he took Han Han’s hand, but Gu Qixiao’s hangs on the side.

On the wall, looking up, like enjoying a fireworks.

He actually smiled slightly.

Although the performance of Gu Qixiao is not dangerous, the dragon is still cautious and does not let go of Han Han’s hand.

Sure enough, the fireball did not explode, but under the traction of the old man of the Dan furnace, it slowly turned into a fire dragon, from top to bottom, back into the Dan furnace.

When all the flames flowed into the Dan furnace, the lid of the furnace suspended in the air suddenly covered, and a loud noise was heard, which made people feel pain in the ears.

Han Hao has been staring at the stove and looking into it from the hollowed door and the furnace window. I have never seen a trace of fire. In other words, after the huge fireball is in the furnace, the fire is gone. What?

"Dragon is not night, fire?" asked Han Han.

The dragon watched the second and third layers of the Dan furnace at night. The former juice and dregs were placed on these two layers. He clearly felt that the fire had just turned into a force and flowed to the second floor. the third floor.

There seems to be a force in the second and third layers that is gradually activated and gradually becomes stronger.

"Fire...should be there!"

When the dragon was not finished, the second and third layers of the Dan furnace suddenly became bright and bright. Through the carved gaps, the furnace was faintly visible.

However, this scene is nothing more than a must, Han Han and Long Fei are still able to see the fire in the future, and the fire on the second and third floors will be wiped out!

The old man of Dan furnace jumped from the top of Dan furnace and said coldly.

"To wait here, or go out and wait, with you! Only five years later, you can open the furnace, huh, huh, that is to say that there are five back dragons, but in the end can be practiced a few, the old man does not dare to pack tickets, the old man only Can guarantee at least one to bring you back to save people."

When the old man of Dan furnace said, he went to the side and sat down on the futon.

Han Hao looked at the dragon and the night, and looked at Gu Qishao, they were a little dumbfounded.

Five years?

What kind of joke?

Didn't the previous letter say that it was the slowest and only took two months? If it takes five years, they might as well continue to look for Chengdan to return to Longdan! Why do you spend so much time thinking about alchemy?

"Old man, you don't see the coffin, don't you shed tears?" Gu Qixiao came over step by step, "I have to wait for so long, what are you looking for?"

Although Longdan is rare, it is five years according to the ordinary refining method. It takes five years to refine it with the big stove of Dan furnace.

Are the old people in the Dan furnace really a layman?

The old man of Dan furnace ignored him, but looked at the Han dynasty and seriously said, "Shantou, according to the amount of snow wine you control, it takes ten years to refine it into a dragon, and the strength of the old man is at least It’s been five years. Today, if you ruin the old man’s treasure, the old man will guarantee that no one in the world can refine the dragon in five years!”

The attitude of the old man of Dan furnace is not like lying.

Han Han was shocked. She had thought that the old man of Dan furnace wanted to take the opportunity to contain Gu Beiyue and wanted to marry them, but did not expect that the snow wine metering would affect the time of alchemy. Therefore, she just came to personally give the drug to the elderly. In fact, the old man of the drug has set up a good game, let her jump?

“If you measure by yours?” asked Han Han.

"According to the old man's measurement, it only takes one and a half months. However, those who take this medicine will have alcohol addiction and must take antidote regularly for three consecutive years.

In order to relieve alcohol addiction. "The old man of Dan furnace seriously said, "Returning Longdan can help people recover their internal strength. This is a trip against the sky, and naturally there will be containment. Even if you find the finished product, you will be poisoned if you take it! ”

The result of this poisoning is the same as that of Han Yu’s judgment. Han Han immediately became angry. “Old guy, why don’t you say it earlier?”

Once Gu Beiyue's internal strength is restored, the vitality will surely recover with it. As long as the vitality is restored, the Yuan can be solidified, and there is no harm to Gu Beiyue's body.

Although the poison of alcohol addiction can damage the body, but how to damage it is not as good as five years, the strength is bad!

How to calculate it is also a good deal to restore internal strength and then add alcohol!

"You have not asked, huh, huh, the dose of snow wine is your match, who is it?" Dan furnace old man sneered.

"You!" Han Yu gas knot.

If she had just asked, would the old Dan furnace tell her so much? Will you tell the truth?

The old man of Dan furnace is clearly expected to see that she is poisonous, so she deliberately.

If the old man of Dan furnace wants to tell them this thing, she should have made a sound when she adjusted the dose of snow wine. She should tell the truth and let them make choices, right?

The face of the dragon and the night has already sunk, and Gu Qixiao has slowly picked up his eyes.

"I still have snow wine, I will reconstitute the ingredients right away!" Han Yu said seriously.

The old man of Dan furnace laughed happily. "When the furnace is closed, if the furnace is not finished, no one can change it!"

"Change to other furnaces!" Gu seven less angry.

"Oh, the other layers are all full, and the straight layer has to be three years. You will wait."

Finally, I retaliated, and the old man of Dan furnace laughed so hard.

"Do you play us?" The dragon is not cold at night.

Gu Qi Shao immediately volleyed up and sacrificed the evil spirits of the sword. He went to the Dan furnace, who knows that Jianmang was not close to the Dan furnace and was shaken by a hot force.

The old man of Dan furnace laughs even more arrogantly and arbitrarily. "When the fire is dry, once you are full of layers, don't say that you are a sword of evil spirits. It is a sword, and you want to hurt it! Oh, you are waiting!"

Tianhuo dry furnace?

When Han Hao heard the name, the first reaction was that the stove was a pair.

Dry is the meaning of heaven, Kun is the heaven, and the world is the best. If the fire in front of this stove is a fire, is there still a stove with a fire? If there is, it must be called the ground fire Kun furnace.

Gu Qishao did not believe in evil, sacrificed the evil spirits of the sword, and slashed and slashed, but no matter how much he spent, he couldn’t help but blaze.

At this time, the dragon that had been silent for a long time suddenly pulled out the Xuan Han sword, and the old man of the Dan furnace saw it, and he was very disdainful and sneered. He glanced at it and he converges on his mind.


However, the dragon's non-night sword did not rush to the ground, but smashed it down to the ground, and actually smashed it on the ground and cut a seam!

The old man of Dan furnace looked over and immediately smashed.

Gu Qixiao laughed, "Dragon is not night, count you!"

He said, all of them added a sword to the ground, and the seam was enlarged. The half of the ground was completely tilted and lowered, and the original stable furnace was tilted.

The world's treasures are not to be poured, the treasure furnace is ruined!

(End of this chapter)