Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1016: Most likely

When the furnace collapses, the Dan furnace will be burnt down by its own fire, and the fire will leak out, and the entire drug-seeking hole will be burned to ashes!

"No! You can't do this!"

The old man of the Dan furnace roared loudly, and he was so scared that his eyes were round.

He didn't expect that the dragon and the night that had never been shot were really terrible and truly stunned! Like him, he rushed to the ground and fell into the ground. He tried his best to support the fire. The lurking disciples all came out all over the place, and they made their internal efforts and gathered together to assist the elderly in the Dan furnace.

With their help, the slowly tilting ground fire was stabilized. However, this is just a drop in the bucket, and it will not last long with their strength.

The dragon is not looking cold at night, and the sword in his hand is already a masterpiece.

If it takes five years to refining the dragon, he does not mind looking elsewhere for the finished product.

As for the old man of the Dan furnace, Long Fei will tell him the next first sword, and the woman who plays with him is very heavy!

The land for the medicine hole has collapsed by more than half, and the ground fire furnace is crumbling under the hard support of the old man and the people.

The sword of the dragon and the night will be cut down again. This legendary drug-seeking hole will surely become a legend.

When the old man of Dan furnace felt the sharpness of Jianmang, he immediately looked back and saw that the sword of the dragon and the night had been cut down.

"no, do not want!"

If the old man is angry, then the old man is angry, then at this moment, he is no longer angry, and in his heart, all that remains is fear, full of fear!

The dragon is not the sword of the night. The Dan furnace that he has kept for a lifetime is completely gone. The hole for the whole medicine has been completely gone.

"No... you can't do it, don't!"

The old man of Dan furnace forgot to stop the Dan furnace from falling down. He turned around and rushed to the night to make two flames in the night. It was a pity that the dragon was easy to avoid.

Because the old man of Dan furnace let go, the people couldn't hold it anymore. The Dan furnace slammed and slammed, and immediately made a sound of metal impact.

This is the container that holds the medicinal herbs in the Dan furnace and dumps the sound of the wall.

The old man in the Dan furnace was in a hurry and immediately turned and continued to hold the Dan furnace. However, this time he could not hold back. The Dan furnace is so heavy that once it is tilted, it will inevitably produce inertia.

The inclination of the subsidence, coupled with the tilting inertia, can not support the stove if there is not enough power.

The old man of Dan furnace felt the ground he was stepping on and was sinking a little.

Finally, he admits defeat!

"Dragon is not the night, the old man has a way to refine the dragon in a month and a half! You stop! Stop!"

However, the dragon is not as good as the seven and Han Han, but he does not speak, and the sword in his hand does not stop.

He did not say anything, and Han Yu and Gu Qi Shao on the side were also silent, and did not dare to speak.

This man is really angry, and everyone is jealous.

The old man of Dan furnace did not dare to talk nonsense, and said bluntly, "As long as you can work together, use the power of the natural fire to dry the furnace, turn the fire into the furnace, and then you can raise the fire." The power of people, absolutely no problem for one and a half months!"

When I heard this, everyone was overjoyed, and Gu Beiyue was still saved!

Long is not going to collect the sword at night, but Han Han first stopped and took the opportunity to ask, "The old man, what is the fire oven this day?"

backing? Why can't you see the fire inside? ”

Although the old man of Dan furnace is very eager to wait for the gang to correct the stove first, and then return to their problems, but he has not dared to talk about the conditions.

He hurriedly explained, "This Dan furnace is a natural fire, that is, the stove, there is always a fire in the stove, burning in the old age, the bears are not extinguished! The fire is not visible, and with the power of the fire, the internal power can be turned into fire. The fire is a fire! Alchemy relies on people's fires, not the skyfire, but the skyfire can help people! As long as the power is fire, more people will be introduced, and more fires will be helped!

The old man of Dan furnace couldn’t stand it anymore, shouting, "Let’s come over and help, this stove is really down, you really can’t get back to Longdan!”

However, Han Han still refused to allow Long Fei and Gu Qi to move around. She continued to ask, "There is a stove in the sky, can there be a stove?"

Since they started looking for a poisonous fire, Han Wei pays special attention to all kinds of fire sources. The pothole furnace is very strange, but she was excluded from her very early. Once she came to see it, she did not find any traces of toxins. Second, if the fire of this stove is a poisonous fire, then The medicinal herbs that have been refined over the past few centuries are not poisonous? Three of them came to stay here for such a long time. If this place is suspicious, Gu Qi has already hinted at them.

Skyfire is not poisonous? What about the fire?

The old man of Dan furnace was forced to go to this, and he must know how much to say.

"There are some! The stove is called the ground fire Kun furnace, and the Tianhuo dry furnace is a pair of children. The fire helps the fire, the fire helps the wildfire, and the Dan who is trained by the fire is the medicine Dan, which can save people; Dan is a poisonous Dan, it is awesome!"

When this was said, Han Han was excited. She looked back at the dragon and looked at the night. "Is it a poisonous fire?"

"It is very possible!" Long is not happy at night, looking for a clue that the drug can find the poison of the poison, this time is not a loss.

Gu Qishao was also very excited. He immediately asked the old man of the Dan furnace. "How old is the old man, how does the wildfire refine the poison? Is it refining with poison, or is there another way?"

The old man's feet were trapped in the pit. His face was hot red by the heat of the stove. He cried. "The old man didn't know! The old man had never seen the fire. The old man knew so much. The old man begged you, hurry and come and help!"

Han Yuxin believes that if the old man of Dan furnace knows where the fire is, he must have gone there.

"Remember this matter, turn back and let Xu Donglin immediately send someone to inquire!"

Han Han’s hand was put down, and the sword that the dragon stopped at night did not recover, but continued to sway!

He... how is he?

Everyone is stunned, except for Han Han.

Han Wei looked calmly, watching the dragon and the night a sword like a rainbow, Jianqi rushing to the sea, did not hurt a person, did not hit the ground, but shocked the furnace of the Tianhuo dry furnace.

This earthquake actually bounced the slanting fire in the sky. Then, the dragon flew up at night, took out a long whip and wrapped it around the stove, and slammed it, so that the weight of the whole stove was all sunk.

The Tianhuo dry furnace was righted up and sunk. Although the whole piece of land under the foot was collapsed, the ground was trapped three feet, and the Tianhuo Kun furnace finally stood firm.

The dragon is not expressionless at night, closes the whip and returns to Han Han.

However, everyone is still worried, just can't understand what Long Fei wants to do, but now it is shocked by the deep inner strength of the dragon.

Gu Qishao’s heart is a capitalization of the dragon and the night.

The word "service", is the strength of Long Fei night now able to compete with the three nobles of Tianshan Jianzong? If they wait for their double repairs, what is the height of the dragon's internal strength?

He couldn't help but secretly ponder it. After the dragon and the night combined the power of the love of the heart and the power of the Brahma, he would no longer be a night, would he be screamed?

Of course, Gu Qixiao’s thoughts are all hidden in his heart. His heart is obedient, but his mouth is not killed.

After the Tianhuo dry furnace was stabilized, the Dan furnace old man and the next people were relieved.

Han Yu and Long Fei didn't give the old man a chance to breathe. The dragon was asked by the night. "How do you turn the power into fire? With the power of the Prince and Gu Shao, from now on, how many days do you need to work together? Prince Edward has a clear answer!"

If it takes about one and a half months, then it will be spring. At the same time as alchemy, they must arrange a plan to save people in the tiger, and they should also collude with Ning Cheng and Ning Jiajun, how to formally openly join forces and send troops to the north!

When you are on the north, there is one more important thing, that is, how to beware of Bai Yanqing!

Nowadays, the situation of Yunkong, as long as the East and West Qin cooperated sincerely, Long Feiye believes that Bai Yanqing can't afford any big storms. For Bai Yanqing's defense, only on their personal safety.

This one and a half months is very crucial, and the dragon must have a precise time plan for the night!

The old man of Dan furnace was deeply threatened by Gu Shao, but he was deeply impressed by the dragon and the night. Although he and Han Hao had several letters, he knew that their current strength and power were completely different from when they came to seek medicine. However, he never imagined that the martial arts of the dragon and the night were so fast!

The old man of Dan furnace answered honestly, "As far as your internal strength is concerned, it is superfluous to cooperate with Gu Qi. You come up with the old man."

The dragon was not in the night and the old man flew to the top of the Dan furnace, and Gu Qi had no expression for a long time. The eyeballs slowly turned and looked up at the top of Dan furnace.

Gu Qixiao’s expression of squinting eyes, Han Yu, who was on the side of the watch, almost laughed.

Han Hao has always only made Wugong when he was repaired with the dragon and the night. From Qingchuan Shuicheng to Yaocheng, they did not stop practicing. She also doesn't know what level of internal strength she is today.

However, she has a feeling of faintness, and she always feels that she is very likely to play poorly.

Han Wei did not know that even if she had no martial arts, she would not be able to fight for her.

Han Yu and Long Fei have been repaired for two months, and she has only hoped that in less than a month, everything will go smoothly.

On the Dan furnace, the old man of Dan furnace explained it while demonstrating how dragons and nights borrowed the power of Tianhuo and turned them into fire. The dragon genius and other martial arts geniuses, the Dan furnace old man only demonstrated once, he will, with a gentle press of his hands, the top of the stove will fly.

The fireball under the dragon's night is gradually losing money, and the heat wave of the fireball is far more hot than that of the old man.

For the first time, the old man of Dan furnace saw these martial arts geniuses. He forgot his unpleasant moments and laughed madly. "It’s not bad. You can stay for three days and three nights, never stop, otherwise..."

The words behind the old man of the Dan furnace have not been said, Han Han was shocked, "uninterrupted, why?"

Uninterrupted, what should they do if they double repair?

(End of this chapter)