Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1036: Embarassing result

The big things that Han Yu thought of were really big, and they were so big that they were related to the future of the dragon and the night.

This is nothing else, it is the matter of the child.

She sneaked out of the bedding and carefully held her pulse and took the pulse. She has been secretly preparing, not drinking tea is afraid of affecting the absorption of iron, aggravating anemia. These days are so busy, her blood is not too much.

In these few days, she was busy with the time of the Northern Expedition. She did not notice that her good friend had not been visiting until now.

It’s hard to be...

Han Hao, with a sly and nervous mood, gave himself the pulse. Who knows, the pulse quickly made her even more embarrassed, she did not touch the joy.

In the early stages of pregnancy, let alone the pulse, that is, the test strips of modern professional tests may not give the correct answer. Blood and ultrasound are the most accurate. Therefore, Han Xi is not disappointed, but it is even more embarrassing and nervous.

This kind of thing, really can't predict the result, can only wait.

Retracting his hand, Han Han carefully turned over to face the dragon and the night, and the dragon was only slightly loosed by the night, and did not let go.

Han Yulie, she was so close, her nose almost touched his nose. Looking at his handsome and unparalleled look, she couldn't help but imagine the future child, whether it would be a boy or a girl, would be like him more, or would like her more.

He will love you very much and love their children. The more Han Yu thinks, the more he wants to look at the look of the dragon.

Han Yu hopes that their first child is a girl. She wants to see what a little lover looks like in the night, and if the first child is a girl, they will have more relaxed and happy times. If it is a boy, it is the eldest son. The responsibility in the future is important. If you want to solve problems for your father, can you easily get it?

Children born in the emperor's family are born with more than others, and are destined to bear more than others! Han Yu is not childish enough to avoid these realities for her children. She hopes her children will work hard and have wisdom and responsibility.

What she can help them to avoid is the cruelty of the emperor's family. Thinking of this, Han Hao suddenly found that she seemed to think too much, too far.

Nowadays, the world is still undecided, and her uncontested stomach has no news at all! If the dragon is blinking at night, I will definitely see the annoyed expression of Han, especially stupid.

Han Han really couldn't sleep, so he carefully pondered how to talk to several people in the Diet about the delay of the Northern Expedition.

Since Long Feiye has clearly told Tang that he is away from the Northern Expedition, this matter must be fixed and will not change.

The next meeting with the Di people must be a hard battle. After all, the Di people have already made very good preparations for the Spring Festival. They have been waiting for Long Feiye and Han Yu to return to the black market, and discuss the Northern Expedition as soon as possible. A few big things were finalized.

Seeing that it is about the New Year, I will tell them at this time that the time for the Northern Expedition will be postponed and it will be delayed for at least two months. What do they think?

At this moment, in the Wanshang Palace, the representatives of the military, chambers of commerce, and the Presbyterian Church of the Wanshang Palace are summoning secret meetings. This secret meeting has been carried out from the morning to the present.

When the dragons retired from the night, they met at the time of the meeting. They knew nothing about the things in the East Palace. Only when the people of the Baili Army were blocked by the heavy snow, they had not arrived yet.

In fact, before this, they held several secret meetings to discuss

It is impossible to cooperate with Dongqin, and to insist on the interests of the Di people, which party is active in the war, which side is auxiliary and so on.

These problems are quite complicated, and the opinions within the Di people are not uniform, so they must urgently discuss a conclusion when Long Fei meets them at night.

They certainly hope to be able to contact Ning Cheng directly. These problems are decided by Ning Cheng, they must be obeyed, and they don't have to fight for so long. Unfortunately, they could not directly contact Ning Cheng. The news they received about Ning Cheng was quietly conveyed.

The news that Tranquility knows is that Bai Yuqiao's masterpieces were explored in the Junyi and the evil army. Since Ning Cheng was taken away by Jun Yixie, even Bai Yuqiao was extremely difficult to contact him directly.

Bai Yuqiao is a cautious person. The more people involved in this kind of communication, the more dangerous it is. Therefore, if it is not necessary, she will not send a letter to the army, nor will she allow her cronies to help Ning Cheng send a letter.

According to Bai Yuqiao's opinion, Han Wei is here, the Di people are going to listen to Han Yu, and Ning Cheng only needs to stabilize the Jun and evil!

Many people in the Di ethnic group, especially the military, are wary of tranquility. After all, peace is the water that the married daughter has poured out, and the peace is still married to Tang.

In this way, the military, chamber of commerce and the Presbyterian Church no longer ask for silence on the issue of the Northern Expedition. They adopted the method of negotiation and voting.

It is precisely because of this that there are few secret letters coming from the Wanshang Palace to the Tigers. Hao San stayed in the tiger for a few days and could only go back after nothing.

Cheng Shu couldn't crack the intercepted letter. The quiet use of the digital ciphertext dedicated to the Di family, in addition to Ning Cheng, can also understand.

Hao San gave this to the king and the evil, and Jun was extremely disappointed. He couldn't break the secret letter, and it didn't make much sense to intercept it in the future.

Suddenly intercepting these secret letters, he will be amazed, so after he hesitated again, he decided to let Bai Yuqiao continue to be a messenger.

"Can you talk to that old Cheng?" Jun Yixie asked coldly.

Bai Yuqiao’s secret letter proves that Cheng Shu did not lie, but why did Cheng Shu sell Ning Cheng, which he never thought of.

"The master, he does not talk to the minions, he let the slaves bring you a sentence." Xue San answered truthfully.

"Say." Jun is also curious.

"He asked the master to look at the face of his exposing merits, and then gave the Di people a chance to persuade Ning Cheng to cooperate with them. He said that if you would rather be willing, just control Bai Yuqiao, and you must deal with Han Yu and Long Fei. Then," Xue San replied.

Jun Yixie first was Emei, then he laughed. "This king is not a fool!"

Ning Cheng is very poisonous in the body, and he dared to hang him like this. It is clear that he is not even a life. How can he still cooperate with him?

"Master, can you strengthen the defense of the tiger prison?" Xue San asked.

"Of course!" Jun also evil spirits set off a pair of shackles, cold and cold, "This king is the abolition of the three armed forces, both Han Han and Long Fei died in the tiger prison!"

As for the current situation in the Northern calendar, and the strength of his hand, even if he knows that the East and the West should join forces with the Northern Expedition, there is nothing they can do and they can't guard.

Therefore, the only thing he can do is to kill their masters, Long Feiye and Han Wei, before the Eastern and Western Army troops marched north!

Once these two people are killed, the East and the West will be chaotic, and the Northern Expedition must not be completed.

Compared to the previous impulse, this

At this moment, the monarch is also extremely calm, not because he is too suffocating, but because of the situation, he has to temporarily hold his breath.

He seriously confessed to Xue San, "If the order is passed, no one will be allowed to stun the snake. Also, send someone to keep an eye on the surname Cheng Shu!"

"Yes!" Xue San took the lead.

Jun Yishen sat down, and this murmured a name, "White jade Joe... Bai Yuqiao...!"

He didn't want to understand, why did he admire him when he was a big white jade Joe, but was he threatened, or did he have another picture?

He is not in a hurry, waiting for Long Fei Ye and Han Han, he does not mind slowly reviewing the monk!

Just a few days after Jun Yixie learned that Bai Yuqiao was careful, Bai Yanqing also knew about it. Bai Yanqing did not go anywhere, and lived in a residential building in Tianhe City.

After receiving the secret letter, he was also very surprised. "It is actually the girl!"

"Master, is this news wrong? Yu Qiao girl has always liked Jun Yi, this thing is known to all the poisonous doors." The servant is incredible.

"Quirks! Quirk!" With Bai Yanqing's understanding of the female apprentice, he really couldn't understand the reason. "Because of the reason for the investigation, there must be a flaw in the head."

Bai Yuqiao sat alone on the tatami and cooked the plum wine slowly.

Seeing that the servant is going to retire, he shouted, "Do another gamble, how?"

The servant feared, "The slaves don't dare, don't dare."

"The old man said that if you dare, you dare! Let's gamble, can you be able to catch Han Han and Long Fei?" Bai Yanqing asked.

There are tigers and beasts in the tiger prison, and the organs are heavy, and the monarchs are also guilty of shackles, and there will be ambushes. Jun Yixie still has a chance of winning.

The servant said what he wanted to do, and provoked Bai Yanqing to laugh. "The old man gambling is also evil!"

The servant didn't understand, didn't dare to ask, and took a horse before retreating.

This servant followed Bai Yanqing for a long time. However, he still can't knock out what the master wants to do. He has no heart to fight for the world, and he does not seem to want to face the dragon and the night. He has an undead body. It is really easy to deal with Han Han and Long Fei night. However, he has not gone to revenge.

The snow is flying, the weather is getting colder and colder. In the twinkling of an eye, it is already twenty-nine in the twelfth lunar month, and tomorrow is New Year's Eve.

The time between the dragon and the night and the Di ethnic group is exactly this morning, in the Jindong Hall in Donglai Palace.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are present at present, except for Gu Beiyue and Tang Li, but there are many people from the Di family. Ning Nuo is the head. The five elders of Wanshang Palace are all there. For the first time, three people came to the scene. The Yunkong Chamber of Commerce was headed by Chen, and there were also three people, a total of twelve.

Whoever saw the situation of the Di people, they all guessed that this group of people had no heads, and did not reach a unified opinion before coming to discuss.

The dragons have always hated people at night, and when he saw Xu Donglin bringing the twelve people into the lobby, he raised his brow.

I have to say that although he is very reluctant to see Ning Cheng, at this moment, he particularly hopes that Ning Cheng is there.

Gu Qishao was not interested in today's business, but he heard that there were many people, and he immediately rushed over.

It’s rare to have a chance to see the dragon and the night and so many people quarreling. How can he miss it?

Yes, today’s meeting, as long as the dragon is not delayed by the Northern Expedition, the two sides will definitely quarrel!

(End of this chapter)