Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1037: It’s such overbearing

Jindong Hall of Donglai Palace is very stylish, saying that it is a meeting hall, it is better to say that it is a meeting hall.

At this moment, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are sitting high in the middle of the main seat of the golden silk wood, one left and one right, separated by a coffee table.

Tea smoke, tea is faint, and a room is quiet.

On both sides of the tall and distinguished main seat, there are two rows of seats. The dragon is only sitting on two sides at night. One is Tang and the other is Gu Beiyue. Han Han has seated more than a dozen people, followed by Ning Nuo, five elders of Wanshang Palace, three elders of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, and three deputy generals of the military.

Everyone is sitting down, and the dragon is not coming to the tea for the night, and Ning Noo has let the big elders next to him move their positions and vacate a position.

He jokingly told Gu Beiyue, "North Moon, sit here."

This "North Moon" word shouts as if he is familiar with Gu Beiyue. Although Ninguo said this, but the presence of smart people, know what he meant.

Gu Beiyue's movie family is an important member of the Xiqin camp. How can I sit on the dragon's night? Gu Beiyue did not deny it. He just smiled slightly and got up and walked over.

Ning Cheng was satisfied, and quickly got up to welcome, "Northern Moon, I want to be the first two people, but I have been looking for the descendants of the movie family. I really didn't think you were!"

Gu Beiyue did not answer, humbly made a gesture of asking, "No, young, sit."

"Sit!" Ninguo quickly returned.

When the two sat down at the same time, Ninguo would go over and whisper. "Northern Moon, when you took you as a hostage, it is..."

Gu Beiyue still did not respond, only faintly said, "There is no need to mention more things in the past. Today is important."

Such a weak person is like a wall of iron and stone, and it is invulnerable; such an easygoing person is extremely difficult to approach. Ning Nuo’s two relatives’ “North Moon” did not draw their distance.

When Gu Beiyue left, there was one Tang left in the dragon's night, and the last seat was left when the seat on Han's side was basically full.

Although Ning Nuo and Gu Beiyue did not have a complete success, the latter elders and Xue deputy were still very proud of them. They are holding the heart of the negotiations today. Gu Beiyue’s return to the position makes them feel that the negotiations have not yet begun, they will win the first game. They are many people, and the momentum is absolutely overwhelming the dragon and the night.

Vice-School Xue is particularly proud of knowing that most of the things to be discussed today are military matters.

The dragon didn't look at the people of the Di family at night, but he looked at an urgent piece in his hand.

Soon, the dragon watched the urgent thing at night, and the whispered in the past whispered Xu Donglin a few words, this is the beginning of this talk.

However, he has not yet opened his mouth, and an unspeakable laughter has been passed from outside the door. "This lively scene doesn't call me, poisonous girl, you are not kind!"

Everyone looked at the past, only to see Gu Qihao walked in. He dismissed Tang with a disdainful look and did not hesitate to come to the Di family and sit in the last position.

"Fortunately, if you come late, you will have no seat! Gu Qi Shao said to himself.

Han Xin’s heart smiled, she thought, she wouldn’t add chaos on the day, she would have felt that he was not normal.

In this way, the Di family is full of seats, and the dragon is sitting in a row of more than ten positions on the other side of the night.

Looking at the position of the opposite air, the two deputy generals behind Xue could not help but snicker. This made Tang

Specially embarrassed.

He looked around and there was an illusion that his brother was unpopular.

"Dragon is not night, still not tea? This is your way of valet?" Gu Qi asked.

With the help of Gu Qi, the Di people are undoubtedly more confident and more proud.

However, the dragon was not the night when he was the air. He looked at Ning Nuo and asked coldly, "Die now, who is the master?"

As soon as this was said, the expressions of the Di people were somewhat stiff. The Di people don't have one person at the moment.

Ning Nuo has the identity of being the master, but he does not have the authority and ability to be the master; the elders of Wanshang Palace have the authority and ability to be the masters, but the internals are very different; several elders of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce and several deputies of the military are not the masters. Authority, but the military is indeed a direct military participant and must participate in discussions.

The military is very tough. At such a critical moment, the military is not afraid that the Wanshang Palace will detain their military squadrons. Therefore, the differences with the Wanshang Palace are not small, and the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce is standing on the side of the military.

The first question of the dragon and the night made it difficult for the more than a dozen people of the Di family to answer.

The dragon is not reminded of the night, waiting patiently.

Ning Noo exchanged a look with the elders and replied, "My brother is not there. The Di people are going to be the masters of the Wanshang Palace Presbyterian Church."

Long Fei asked again, "Who is the Presbyterian?"

"Below!" The elders immediately replied that in the presence of outsiders, the authority of the head of the Presbyterian Church must be maintained. Although others have objections, they dare not speak out.

Everyone thinks that when we are negotiating, everyone has the power to speak.

Ning Nuo is about to ask why the people of the Baili Army did not come. The dragon is cold in the night, "all the unrelated people go out!"

The tone of the dragon is not only a rush, but more like an order.

Ning Nuo stunned, and a group of people behind him were even more unexpected. They didn’t understand the meaning of dragon non-night. However, they quickly slowed down and became annoyed.

Xue deputy got up and asked, "Dong Qin Prince, are you sincerely wanting to join forces with my Di?"

"What qualifications do you have to talk to this prince?" Long is cold and cold.

Xue will take a look at his heart and realize his identity. Long Fei Ye is the prince of Dong Qin, the master of Dong Qin, and he is but a deputy of the Di military. He really is not qualified to talk to the dragon non-night.

In fact, he did not have such a big heart. He had to talk directly to the dragon. He was here today for the people of the Baili Army. God knows why the people of the Baili Army have not yet appeared.

Xue will stand there, neither advance nor retreat, especially shameful, hehe. Fortunately, Ninguo started in time and gave him the steps.

"Xie, the deputy, can't be rude." When the words came out, Vice Xue returned to hate.

If the dragon is not the night, let the people of the Di people realize their respective identities and make everyone very confused. Today’s meeting, what is the plan for Long Fei’s night? What are you talking about? How much is it going to talk about?

Ning Nuo played round the field and said politely, "His Royal Highness, Deputy General Xue is now in charge of Ning Jiajun. He has been stationed in the three-way battlefield for many years and has a good understanding of the Three Ways. Today, all the matters to be discussed are military affairs. General Baili discussed together."

"The specific cooperation matters will be negotiated by the military itself." Long Fei said coldly.

Now, everyone knows that this meeting, Long Feiye did not intend to discuss specific cooperation, but only before cooperation.

One of the two masters meets.

Although not reconciled, several elders and several deputy generals of the military retired and waited outside.

They know that they have no identity to speak with the dragon, and can only wait for the next meeting. They thought that after the two masters had negotiated, the people of the Baili Junfu and even Kanggan Qianzhuang should show up. After all, time is tight, and specific cooperation matters must be negotiated as soon as possible so that preparation can begin as soon as possible.

Here, there are two people left on the side of the Di family. The great elders of Ninguo and Wanshang Palace, Gu Beiyue and Gu Qi are less.

Gu Beiyue is still as calm and peaceful, and Gu Qixiao seems to be a bit of a disappointment. When people are gone, naturally there will be no quarrels. He had to face the fact that not everyone has the qualifications and opportunities to quarrel with the dragon.

At this time, the dragon is not the only one to offer tea.

Ning Nuo and the elders did not make a sound first, and they all wondered what the dragon would have to talk to them.

The dragon didn't delay the time, and he opened the door and said, "What is the intention of the two after the delay of the Northern Expedition to three months?"

Ning Noo and the elders were shocked.

Ningnu is no longer polite, and he is furious. "Dragon is not night, what do you mean?"

The elders of the elders revealed their gaze.

Ning Cheng and quiet wait for them to save, if the Northern Expedition is postponed, then the rescue must be postponed.

I said before that after the spring, I immediately saved people, and the Northern Expedition, how suddenly changed now?

"This year's heavy snow, there have been many blizzards in the northern calendar, and there is a lot of snowstorms. Once the snowstorm breaks out, the spring is the worst climate. If you take action, you will be trapped in the northern calendar, the variables are unpredictable. ""

The dragon's non-night expression is cold, and no one can see it. What kind of inner suffering he experienced when he made this choice.

"In today's climate, with the experience of the old man for many years, it is impossible to have a snowstorm!" The elders immediately retorted.

"Even if there is no snowstorm, when the spring is over, the ice and snow will melt, and the road will be difficult. Secondly, the spring is cold and the march is difficult. The two should be very clear." Han Yu opened his mouth.

"Princess, my brother and quiet life are in danger, and I will be delayed for a day. They will be dangerous for more than one day!" Ninguo sighed and looked at the silent Tang, and asked, "Tang, you don't worry about me." Sister, can't you even worry about your own flesh and blood? Are you still a man?"

In fact, today, my brother’s nephew does not let him come, but he insists on coming forward.

He is very calm and earnest. "The overall situation is heavy. I believe that Ning Cheng and Jing Er will not be willing to take this risk."

Climate is a big risk, but not the biggest. The failure of Long Feiye and Han Yu’s double repair is the biggest risk. The climate problem, they can expect the worst results to be prepared, but the consequences of the failure of Long Fei Ye and Han Yu double repair, no one knows so far. If at the time of the Northern Expedition, what happened to them, it would really be that the dragons had no heads and the world was in chaos.

Of course, this risk, Tang Yi will not tell Ninguo them.

"Shit!" Ning Nou is thick.

Tang was very calm and did not answer.

The elders knew that they couldn’t convince the dragon to be the night. He looked at the Koreans. "Princess, Mu Linger is also in the hands of Jun Yi."

The elders attempted to convince Han Yu with Mu Linger, but it was a pity that Han Yu had persuaded him.

she says……

(End of this chapter)