Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1047: Quiet, good

Looking at the urgency of silence, Mu Linger can only say straight.

"Sister Jing, once I use the medicine, I can't regenerate my child for a lifetime."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yuqiao was shocked. "Is this drug so poisonous?"

Quiet and silent.

Upon seeing it, Mu Linger said in a hurry, "Sister Jing, you didn't say it when you didn't need it!"

Mu Linger can't wait to fan herself a few slaps, she feels that she is taking drugs.

However, the serenity was very calm. She asked, "How many days will the white girl, the prostitute who came from the sect of the sect?"

"It will be in two days." Bai Yuqiao answered truthfully.

"Good!" Quietly nodded and said seriously, "Linger, you can help me with a medicine, I will use it tonight."

"Don't!" Mu Linger refused immediately, and tears came out.

Quietly pulled her over and carefully wiped her tears, "Linger, obedient."

Mu Linger shook his head. "Sister Jing, what do you do in the future? You have to give birth to a girl. Tang will leave you with his aunt!"

Tang is a single pass! In the unlikely event that the serenity of the child is a girl, then no one inherits the position of the Tangmen. Tang’s parents, as well as so many elders in Tangmen, how could this happen.

It will be difficult to be quiet at that time, and it will definitely force the Tang to retreat.

Mu Linger’s gimmicks thought so far, and quietly screamed and laughed. “They don’t dare!”

Mu Linger did not believe, quietly said with a smile, "I am not a big deal, I will turn away from Tang. Anyway, I am not too rare."

Mu Linger cried out, "Quiet sister, don't laugh again, don't be kidding again!"

Why is she so calm when she is such a big thing?

Quietly took Mu Linger's hands and said seriously, "Only this way, my pregnancy is broken and not tight. Once the white girl is suspected, we will never go out. The plan of the Northern Expedition will also be revealed. Linger, now is not the time to play with children's temper. You should be sensible!"

Mu Linger is of course sensible, otherwise she will not be threatened by Kim Deacon.

"Hey, go and write the prescription, we don't have much time." Quietly urged.

Mu Linger bit his lip and did not move.

"Can't you go?" The silence suddenly became fierce.

Mu Linger was shocked, and suddenly stood up, tears screamed. Her serenity is so fierce, she will be afraid.

"Cry again?" Serenity is even more fierce.

"I am going to..." Mu Linger couldn't help, while wiping his tears, he went to write a prescription.

Quiet and vomiting, this is only to look at Bai Yuqiao. It was discovered that Bai Yuqiao was looking at her with a stunned look.

"White girl, trouble to let the maternity prepare to prepare." Quiet and faint.

Bai Yuqiao frowned and his heart was blocked. He only thought that there was a cavity to say, but he could watch the calm and calm, she didn’t know what to say.

Finally, Bai Yuqiao said, "Quiet, Tangmen can have a wife like you is their blessing! In the future they will dare to chase you away, you don't have to be rare!"

Quietly touched the raised belly and smiled, saying nothing.

Mu Linger soon wrote the prescription. The medicinal materials and weights in the prescription are very strange, but the medicines used are very common. The tiger prisons have prepared some, and there are a few flavors that can be taken from Baiyu Qiao today. Pick it out from the herbs.

Mu Linger reluctantly took the medicine

The party handed it to Bai Yuqiao.

"You are also ready to prepare, I will go to the medicine and arrange for the maternity to come over." Bai Yuqiao said seriously.

Quietness is very firm and the position is fixed. Since it is decided, it is necessary to act quickly.

After Bai Yuqiao left, Mu Linger stood still stupidly.

"Linger, go get ready. I will give you and my child's life tonight!" said quietly.

Mu Linger slowed down and realized that this matter could not be changed.

It is a big event to have children, and there are often accidents. What is the special medicine for tranquility?

The words of tranquility are deliberately said to Mu Linger to listen to, just want to let this girl awake, and work hard!

"Good! I am going to prepare!" Mu Linger hurried out.

When everyone left, quietly removed all the disguise, she has always been a decisive woman, once the big things decided, they are not afraid not to regret.

She just... wants Tang to leave.

Tang Li, you really have to be defamed, do you know?

Tang Li, when you are embarrassed, don’t hang on to the future, you have to give your child a good example. Do you know?

Bai Yuqiao and Mu Linger need to prepare a lot of things, and tranquility needs to be mentally prepared.

After an hour, everything is ready, the maternity is waiting in the house, Mu Linger personally carries the medicine soup and handed it to peace.

"Quiet sister, do you want to think about it again?" Mu Linger couldn't help but ask.

Quietness only did not hear, did not answer. She took the medicine soup and drank it in a tone.

This time, Mu Linger immediately tightened his nerves, and even Bai Yuqiao was nervous. There was silence in the room, and it seemed that I could hear the footsteps of time.

After taking the medicine, the quiet stomach will start in half an hour. Today, the thing to do is to wait.

Half an hour is not long, but for their three women, it seems to be suffering.

Mu Linger and Bai Yuqiao did not dare to leave the quiet, quiet and low head, motionless, the nerves of the whole body were tight, and it was deceptive to say that they were not nervous.

"Oh, can't you. Miss Jing, you have to get up and go, exercise, wait for the meeting to be born." The maternity couldn't help but open the mouth.

Mu Linger remembered this thing, "Yes!"

The tranquility is very big, and it’s quite difficult to walk. The maternity is busy coming over and helping. “It’s always good to go in the house and walk more.”

Mu Linger also came over to look at her, just like this, quiet in a space-limited room, a circle of non-stop.

This is the first time in her life that she has had children and the last time. This is unforgettable.

Go and go...


Ning still steps, shocked, "pain, began to hurt."

The faint pain, I feel very familiar, has appeared twice before. The maternity was said to be an illusion before, then this time is true.

Everyone was nervous, and Bai Yuqiao was helpless. He asked urgently, "Would you like to lie down?"

"Go! Go on! Go more and walk, and you will be born soon." The maternity said seriously.

None of the three of them have had children, even though Mu Ling has some medical knowledge, but the medical books seem to be different from the real situation. Moreover, the fact that children are born is the most different. At this time, they all had to listen to the mother-in-law.

Gradually, the pain of tranquility is more and more frequent, and it hurts more and more. She can't walk anymore.

"Stay on, Miss Jing, you listen to the old man. Now I have to suffer a bit, and I will suffer less when I wait."

"Go more, the children come out fast, and you are less guilty. Otherwise, this first child is not born so fast." "Further stick to it, take a few more laps..."

The midwife is also persuading, but also encouraging, quiet and brave, biting his teeth.

There are ten grades of pain, severe burns, severe lumbar disc herniation of eight to nine grades, and tenth grade is the pain of childbirth.

How much pain can be imagined. However, it is not the most painful time.


Quietly stopped, looking down and looking down, I only felt a stream of heat flowing down the thigh. Quiet and panicked, overwhelmed. Bai Yuqiao and Mu Linger face each other, except for nervousness and tension.

Fortunately, Bai Yuqiao’s midwife is still very reliable, and there is no fuss, but it is calm and calm, saying, “Breaking the water, hurry to lie, go live!”

The maternity and Mu Linger quickly and quietly went out to the next door, Bai Yuqiao helped open the door in front.

The next door is a special house prepared by Bai Yuqiao under the guidance of the maternity.

Different family conditions, maternal production conditions are different. Although the small production house of the tiger prison is not as good as Tang’s preparation in Tangmen, it is also a piece of mind of Bai Yuqiao.

The whole room was cleaned very cleanly, all the windows were closed tightly, and two prostitutes stood in the house. They were the assistants of the midwife and had already prepared the hot water.

There is a small table on the bed with candles, scissors, needlework, gauze and a few bowls of medicinal soup.

In the middle of February, the north also officially entered the spring, but the tiger prison is still very cool. Therefore, the maternity put two stoves in the house to ensure the warmth of the room.

Quietness was lying on the bed, and after the water broke, the pain was bursting for a while, and if it was replaced by someone else, it would have been screaming. However, she has not slammed so far.

Bai Yuqiao was guarded by the outside, and she said to the serenity, "You can rest assured that the outside is handed over to me!"

"Good!" Quietly answered very hard.

Bai Yuqiao kept at the door for a while, and he heard the silence of the pain and the birth of the mother-in-law to let her cooperate with the breathing and the force of the force.

Bai Yuqiao listened to his heart and looked at the prostitute who came in and out of the heat exchange water. She almost followed up to find out what happened.

"Come on! Come on! See the child's head! Plus it!"

Suddenly, the sound of the mother-in-law’s surprise came from inside the house. Bai Yuqiao was relieved. In fact, she is only responsible for sending letters, quiet life and death, the child's peace or not has nothing to do with her. She didn't know how, and a heart followed the shouts.

At this time, the prostitute came out with dirty hot water. Bai Yuqiao quickly got up and was about to ask about the situation inside the house. Who knows, a waiter rushed over. "White girl, it's not good!"

Bai Yuqiao dares to dare to imagine what bad news the attendant will bring to her at this time.

Be aware that if it is not a very urgent matter, the attendant is not allowed to come here.

Bai Yuqiao, I dare not ask, it seems that she does not ask, there will be no bad news.

Unfortunately, the attendant said anxiously, "White girl, Kang Wang sent someone to inspect, and also brought two maternity! This time should be in the front yard."

Bai Yuqiao scared his heartbeat and almost stopped! How to do?

The maid was panicked, and a large basin of blood fell on the ground and sprinkled on the ground...

(End of this chapter)