Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1049: Don't deny us in the future

There was silence in the yard, leaving a tiger and two bodies.

The two birthwomen were not only killed but also poisoned, and the wound on the neck soon turned blue-black.

The tiger was very strange. It was just fierce. After biting two people, it was smooth, and he was kneeling at the door of the room, holding huge claws.

The maid didn't know where to go, and all the soldiers were hiding on the roof. They were all panicked and undecided. They were the first ones, and they have been stunned and have a short breath.

You know, just if you are running slow, the body lying in the yard is probably your own.

Everyone has extra thoughts and scruples to the people in the house!

And when everyone gradually calmed down, it was impossible to find that entering the house. As soon as the rest of the people are male, it is not easy to go in; secondly, the poisonous tiger is blocking, who dares to approach?

These poisonous tigers can be described as one person under the 10,000 people, who dares to provoke?

"Big brother, this... what's going on?"

"Big Brother, do you want to sue Lord Kang, this tiger... won't go crazy?"

The headed soldiers were wondering. The Tigers of the Tigers had long been tamed by the Royal Highness of King Kang. Even if King Kang’s Highness is not here, they are very psychic and never attack their own people!

Is it true that this tiger is really crazy?

The soldiers who were headed were also unable to figure out, and hurriedly said, "Hurry and write to the Kangkang Wang Dian!"

The soldiers under his hands did not have anyone to rush off the roof. When he was angry, he slammed one down. Of course, it is going to the other direction.

The tiger blocked the door and the soldiers could only wait on the roof.

The backyard was so big that it shocked everyone in the tiger prison. When one of the tigers in the backyard heard that they were out of control, they killed two people and everyone would not dare to go to the backyard. The guards even shut all the doors and windows in the yard.

Many people climbed to the wall, guarded on the roof and looked. Cheng Shu also jumped on the roof. He looked around and didn't see the gold deacon. He didn't feel relieved. Instead, he looked anxiously into the backyard, hoping to see what happened.

The backyard became the focus of the entire tiger prison, and within a short while, the limited roof and walls were completely enclosed. Even if there are many people, there is still no sound at all. Everyone is afraid of alarming poisonous tigers and causing them to kill themselves.

In the silence, suddenly, there was a crisp cry from the delivery room.

For a time, most people are jealous.

"gave birth?"

"Mulling is born?"

"Mu Linger, she...she is having a baby?"


After all, everyone does not know that Mu Linger is producing tonight, and the soldiers who know this matter are all facing each other. His Royal Highness King Kang confessed that the child would immediately go to the military camp when he was born, and he could not delay for a moment.

But now the tiger is blocking the door. Who dares to approach it?

In desperation, everyone can only wait.

In the delivery room, the midwife is holding the child to look at the serenity, "Miss Jing, is a daughter."

Tranquility is exhausted. She is not disappointed because she is a daughter. She smiles lightly and wants to hold her daughter, but unfortunately she has no strength.

The midwife did not dare to delay, handing the child to the maid, and he took the time to help the quiet treatment of the wound.

Fortunately, the follow-up things went well. The quiet blood stopped and the wounds were cleaned. The maid cleaned the child and wrapped it in the shackles before putting it to the quiet side.

When a baby is born, the hair is so long and black. In addition to the darker skin, the skin can be said to be very clean. Small face is small,

The little hand is also small, so people dare not touch her, for fear of hurting her. After crying, I slept very quietly at this time.

Bai Yuqiao has already picked up Mu Linger. The two men supported each other and looked at the scene of the mother and daughter on the bed. They couldn’t help but cry.

"Like a quiet sister, the nose is like a mouth." Mu Linger said with a smile.

"Like Tang, let's not say that my daughter is to my father, my son is like a mother?" Bai Yuqiao asked wonderingly.

The two men got together on the bed and watched it carefully.

Serenity and the maternity are a hard fight, and the two of them still don’t know what happened outside.

Serene looking at the daughter in the arms, she murmured, "I finally waited for you."

Did not wait for her, but finally waited for her.

Peace thought that I could live with it, but unfortunately, she overestimated herself. At this moment, how much she hopes that Tang will stay away from their mother and daughter!

How much she hopes her daughter to open her eyes and see the first person is her unreasonable embarrassment!

Quietly sucking the nose, it is hard to hold back the tears of the surplus.

When Mu Linger saw her eyes wet, she quickly said, "Sister Jing, you can't cry! You must bear it, crying in the moon will hurt your eyes! You can't recover in the future!"

The midwife also quickly advised, "Miss Jing, I have to endure the big things."

Quietly sucked his nose and smiled. "What are you crying? I am happy, I have a daughter! I will be like me!"

She thought that Tang could not leave, let her daughter call him with her in the future!

At this time, Bai Yuqiao slowed down from the joy and realized that there were big things outside the door.

She rushed to the door and looked out through the cracks. She saw the tiger and the body at the door, and then saw that the roof was full of people. She is not scared.

"What happened?" Quietly asked.

Bai Yuqiao quickly came back and whispered to everyone about what happened outside.

Quietly heard the pale face was completely white, she was afraid of it, and unconsciously put the child into the arms.

"Linger, hurry up!" Bai Yuqiao urged the Tao. When the tiger left, they would send people to come and hold the children.

The maternity is dead, no matter if they will come in, they must be dressed up like some.

Quiet to stay, everyone stopped. Mu Linger said seriously, "Sister Jing, you are not allowed to fall. Your wounds are still not good, and you will hurt your knees!"

Peace is not a fight, she is really weak, and the wounds hurt.

Bai Yuqiao and several of them joined forces to lift the silence to the warmth of the side. Mu Linger lay in the ** and covered the bedding. Of course, the child is still lying on the side of the quiet.

"Pharmaceutical, drink the medicine first." Mu Linger said urgently.

The maid rushed to bring the two bowls of medicine on the side, a bowl for Mu Linger, and a bowl for peace.

The midwife stopped the silence, but said helplessly, "Miss Jing, hungry, eat something to fill the stomach and drink medicine."

They couldn't get out, and the people outside couldn't enter. Fortunately, the maternity had already made the waitress cook a bowl of lean porridge and set it aside.

Listening to the mother-in-law said that quietness only feels hungry, really hungry, only that the whole stomach is empty.

"Sister Jing, I will feed you!"

Mu Linger was in a hurry to stay, Bai Yuqiao gave her a look, "Hey lying!"

Bai Yuqiao personally came to lean meat porridge, sitting next to the quiet side.

"No, I can do it myself." Quietly refused.

"And when I send the Buddha to the West! In the future, you will escape, you must remember my good, to my sister.

better! Bai Yuqiao said seriously.

"You don't go?" Quietly asked.

Bai Yuqiao gave her a spoon and didn't answer her.

Quiet did not ask again, Bai Yuqiao gave it a bite, she stuttered. Looking at Bai Yuqiao's serious look, she felt a lot of emotions.

At the beginning, why did he think that he would be fed by Bai Yuqiao today?

After eating the porridge, the silence finally had some strength. She drank the medicine after drinking it. I was so tired that I wanted to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep for a moment, but I watched my daughter sleep silently.

She said to herself, "It’s still like Tang’s more, the nose is very similar, and the mouth is like. The daughter’s family can’t be like her mouth in the future, and the mouth is nowhere to stop.”

She struggled sideways and kissed her daughter gently.

Everyone did not dare to persuade her to rest, because they all know that they can't keep this child for too long.

Quietly and quietly looking at her daughter, she couldn’t help but reach out and touch her little face and pull her little hand.

Perhaps, the silence is too tired, and finally she slept unconsciously.

Bai Yuqiao and Mu Linger face each other and don't know how to be good. Don't talk about tranquility, that is, they can't bear this child!

After an hour, peace is still asleep. The mother-in-law is hard to wake her up, "Miss Jing, feed the baby."

The maternity does not say that the quiet mother of this early age does not understand. Under the guidance of the maternity, quietly holding her daughter to feed, she quickly got started.

She murmured, "Children, eat more, eat full. You are sorry for you. You must remember your mother. Mother is quiet, you are called Tang. You... you can blame us, However, you will not recognize us in the future."

Speaking of the back, the quiet sobbing can not say, she looked up, is not letting her tears.

In front of her daughter, how can she cry when she is a mother?

Mu Linger, no one dared to speak out, Mu Linger cried his eyes were red, Bai Yuqiao did not look over.

If time can be slower, how good it should be.

However, time never waits for people. After dawn, the tiger at the door left.

Watching the tiger return to the forest, the soldiers and the guards approached.

After the body was disposed of, the headed soldier personally knocked on the door. "White girl! White girl, safe, you can come out."

No one moved in the house.

Quiet as if I didn't hear the sound outside the door, holding the daughter in the middle of it tightly, her face gently touching her little face.

Mu Linger lay in the **, his hands licking the sheets, biting and dying.

Bai Yuqiao sat on the side and did not answer.


The knocking on the door is getting more and more awkward. "White girl, are you inside? Should you say it?"

"White girl, what happened inside? Child?"

"White girl, you don't come out again, we went in!"

Bai Yuqiao finally looked up. She cast a sorry look at the silence. Unfortunately, she did not look at her.

She resolutely got up. If she didn't go out, the soldiers would come in and the situation would be even worse.

She deliberately walked to the side of the quiet, whispered, "Quiet, sorry, I can't help you."

When she finished, she strode to open the door.

"What? What should the mother have to rest, don't she understand?" She screamed at the soldiers.

The soldiers groaned, "White girl, Kang Wang has orders, we want to bring the children back. We are not convenient for a few big men, and you have to take the children out."

(End of this chapter)