Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1052: Blood, where did people go?

Even if the Kim Deacon can't stand it, he will be bitten by Mu Ling, and he will not make a sound.

Finally, Mu Linger put her own mouth, she said with a sigh, "Gold, I tell you, if I am not holding a child, I will not finish with you!"

"Do you know that you are holding your child? Go back and die?" asked the gold deacon.

He really didn't know how he was the fool of such a stupid woman. She didn't rejoice that she could take her children to escape the danger. Instead, she wanted to break back and save people.

Does she not understand at all, and do these four words?

Kim’s deacon asked such a question, Mu Linger finally realized that his current safety is the comfort of the child.

Even so, she still can't worry about her sister! Especially the quiet sister!

What if the child has a long and two short sisters? What about Tang? What should she do?

"Gold, can't you save them?" Mu Ling asked in a whimper.

"You ask me?" asked the gold deacon.

At this time, Mu Linger will not be able to control the bones of the bones, and the bones can not save people, but can not eat.

She nodded seriously. "I beg you, please!"

Who knows, Kim’s deacon has returned to her coldly, “It’s useless to ask me.”

"You!" Mu Ling's anger, can't wait to kick him off, "Damn!"

When the voice fell, there was a burst of tiger whistling around, and I was used to the whistling sound of the tiger prison. Mu Linger suddenly recognized that the tiger whistling sound at this time was completely different from the tiger whistling sound in the tiger prison. .

what happened?

The little doll seems to feel the danger around him, and suddenly he wows and cries.

Mu Linger quickly hugged the child, comforting, "Hey, don't cry, don't cry! The dry mother is, nothing! The mother protects you. Don't cry, oh oh..."

The gold deacon was particularly disdainful and looked around as he snorted.

Mu Linger didn't have a heart and thought that he was poor. She couldn't stop crying. The tears hadn't fallen yet. She still tried to laugh and laughed.

However, the little doll just doesn't laugh, but the cry is even worse.

Just when Mu Linger was at a loss, Kim’s deacon reached over and let the little doll contain his little finger. The little doll immediately did not cry, and carefully sucked it up.

"Dirty!" Mu Linger was in a hurry.

"When is it, you still pay so much attention? Dirty you go down!" Gold deacon said unhappy.

Mu Linger only shut up, and this time, the surrounding jungle actually ran out of a group of big tigers, not white tigers, but blue eyes and tigers.

Mu Linger looked dumbfounded. This group of big tigers said that there were more than a dozen heads. They were not hostile to them. They all ran to them.

Mu Linger realized that this group of big tigers might come to help them.

She was shocked and asked, "Gold, do you know the language of the beast like Jun?"

Kim’s deacon did not answer her, Mu Linger said, “Gold, my sister said in the letter that the Hei people wanted to speak the animal, you would not be a Hei national?”

Kim’s deacon was clearly stiff, but he quickly slowed down and said coldly, “Don’t talk nonsense!”

"Would you like, how can these tigers listen to you? Also, how can the tigers who are also raised by the monarchs listen to your words? Mu Linger asked," Bai Yuqiao said that Jun also spent a few years before the six big white tigers. You tamed in such a short time..."

Mu Linger said and said

I was shocked. "Gold, you are much more powerful than the king! You will not be a black family."

When Kim’s deacon was awkward, he didn’t know how to answer it. The two big white tigers carried white jade and they flew.

Bai Yuqiao and Su Xiaoyu’s face were hung on their bodies, and the silence was still unconscious. They were tightly guarded by Bai Yuqiao.

Seeing them, Kim’s deacon did not think too much, and said loudly, “Go to the right and go into the mountains!”

God knows how much defense and how many defenses are deployed around them. They only have one way to go, and that is to go into the mountains! Going to the old forests of the mountains, it is difficult to find people when the road is not complicated. Secondly, the forest is the site of tigers, and there are tigers to protect them. They will be safe.

The group quickly fled from the mountains, after a while, after the break, the three white tigers also caught up. However, when Dabaihu was going to chase the gold deacons, they both fell.

I don't know what happened. The heads of the three tigers suddenly shed hair, festered, and spread the whole body with lightning speed. After the fur was ulcerated, the bones began to fester. The three behemoths turned into three pools of blood, and the shape of the blood seemed to be three big tigers lying on the ground.

When the guards of the tiger prison chased over, they only saw the blood of the three big beaches on the ground.

"What is this? How stinking?"

"Don't touch, is this poisonous?"

"This... this will not be the three white tigers? You look like it?"

"Hurry up and search! Can't find anyone, everyone, don't want to live!"


Only a few of the remaining guards began to search separately. Not long after, a guard had found two different shapes of blood in the forest.

Everyone was shocked when they rushed over. I saw that the blood of these two beaches is as stinking as the blood of the three beaches. The shape of one of the beaches looks like a tiger lying on the ground, and the other beach is even more strange. It is not just like a tiger, but it seems to be awkward on the back of the tiger. A person.

The guards looked at each other and didn't know what was going on?

Is this blood water really made of white tigers? If so, what about the group of people?

There are six white tigers, why are there only five pools of blood? Mu Linger, a group of people counted the baby of the cockroach, obviously five people, why the blood on the ground only shows the shape of a person?

What happened to them?

"Isn't it poisonous?" a guard asked in a panic.

"Who is the poison?" another person asked quickly.

"In my opinion, this is a curse!" someone said slyly.

For a time, everyone was nervous.

The guards couldn’t discuss why they came. Seeing those weird blood, they became more and more afraid. In the end, they did not dare to go to the depths of the forest to find someone. They immediately rushed back to the tiger prison and saw everything. Give the king and the evil in the army.

When Jun Yixie received the news of the tiger prison incident, he had just imprisoned Ning Cheng and had not yet tried it.

"What!" He jerked up, incredible.

If someone can make him into the triple, Lishan is encircling the circle and saving the people in the tiger prison, he will still believe. However, the guards told him that there were black people who controlled six poisonous tigers, even tigers in the mountains, and rescued the hostages.

How does this make him believe?

After he was a black man, he still had a lot of effort to tame the white tigers. How could someone control it?

Are some white tigers betrayed?

It is better to say that the animal language is the secret of the Hei nationality. Every generation, each person's talent is different, and the black family is the most talented.

The talent is low, only the insects can be called birds, and the talented person can understand the sound of large animals. The mystery of the Hei is the sacred beast. In fact, it is the ability to control the beasts by borrowing the talent of the animal.

Jun Yixie remembers very clearly that his father does not have any brothers and sisters. He is a single pass and he is also an only child. His talent is the highest among the Hei people. The other Hei people who know the language of the beast, most of them can only understand the language of lower animals, and did not help him much. And a few people who know the horse language have been lurking in the North Racecourse, and it is precisely because of this that he has control of many horse farms in the North.

Even with him, it is still impossible to completely tame the royal family of the tiger. What is the black man, what is it? What is the relationship with the Hei?

"The master, the black man may also be..."

After the words of Hao San have not been finished, Jun Yi will stop, and he is very positively denied, "There is no such possibility!"

He certainly knows what Hao San wants to say. What Hao San wants to say is, will the black man be a black family?

He doesn't think there is such a possibility, even if it is, he definitely doesn't recognize it! He is the most distinguished person of the Hei nationality, the highest talent!

In the face of the violent master, Hao San did not dare to say more.

"To prepare, the king wants to go to the tiger prison in person!" Jun also evil cold.

"Yes!" Hao San quickly retired, and he lowered his head, but his eyes were full of disdainful sneers.

After Hao San left, Jun Yixie walked back and forth in the military camp, sitting uneasy, and finally, he could not help but rushed to the prison.

Ning Cheng has just been brought into the prison of the military, at this time is being **** on the criminal frame by Wuhuada.

He never imagined that he and Bai Yuqiao would be exposed at this festival. He thought about it and couldn’t figure out how to find out that Bai Yuqiao was a traitor.

Bai Yuqiao is the person who knows the most about Jun and evil. Her every move must be well thought out. Moreover, they have been working together for so long. They have never had any troubles. Why are they exposed at this festival?

What he is most worried about is that the quiet pregnancy is a suspicion of causing Jun and evil. However, it is still not peaceful to be pregnant, but rather quiet.

Ning Cheng thought again and again, and finally locked the suspect in Jin and Cheng Shu. Although Cheng Shu was closer to him, he did not hesitate to doubt Cheng Shu.

In fact, at this point of the day, I suspect that no one is useless. The only thing he is fortunate is that Han Han and Long Fei have delayed the time to save people and the Northern Expedition.

As for the recent actions of Jun Yixie, it should not be known about the delay of the Northern Expedition.

Ning Cheng’s hands were hanged high and old. He lowered his head, his brows were locked, and his eyes were already stunned. The other eye was in the dark, and the candle was bright and dark. There is a glimpse of this in the eyes, a touch of killing.

The gentleman on the gas head stepped on the big step, and he took a long whip at his fingertips.

"咻" screamed fiercely, and Ning Cheng’s body was immediately opened.

Jun Yixie was pitted like this, and forbearance has not been taken now, it is the limit.

"Say! Who is the black man who saved Mu Linger!" Jun also asked loudly.

Mu Linger and quiet were saved? Ning Cheng was very surprised and suddenly raised his head...

(End of this chapter)