Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1054: Not betrayal is persecution

The guards took Cheng Shu to the door of the dungeon, and Jun Yi also followed the past. He suddenly regretted it. Let the guard leave and let Cheng Shu walk in.

Instead of telling Ning Chengcheng that he is a traitor, it is better to let Cheng Shu continue to lie, perhaps this scene will be more exciting!

"You go in yourself! The king can't control your life and death, Ning Cheng can!" Jun also said evilly, one foot will enter Cheng Shu.

Cheng Shu does not understand the meaning of Jun Yi. He fell to the ground and quickly climbed up and walked in carefully.

Jun Yi evil has always been behind, he is invisible in the dark, quietly preparing to watch the show.

After a long entrance passage, it is a small space. The dungeon is very small, put a criminal stand, drop a prisoner, and then two or three people will be full.

At the beginning, Jun Yixie also considered that Mu Linger had to give birth. Su Xiaoyu had to raise a doctor and did not shut them down to the dungeon. Now I want to come, he really trusts Bai Yuqiao. Otherwise, it will not let so many hostages, and there will be no escape.

Some people are in the hands, even if the dragon is not the night and Han Han, he is not afraid. Nowadays, he has left one in his hand. He wants to resist the pressure in the south, but he still has to start from the Di.

When Cheng Shuyi came in, Ning Cheng knew it. However, he kept his head down and didn't say anything when he saw nothing.

Cheng Shu's eyes passed a timid, carefully leaning against the wall, did not dare to move and did not dare to speak.

His shoulders were almost cut off by Jun, and his chin was swollen. However, these skin pains were far from painful.

Looking at such a Ning master, watching his own look at the growing Ning Cheng now, he is heartbroken in addition to heartache.

The head of the Di family, the head of the Ning Jiajun, the head of the Wanshang Palace, he has military power and financial power. He should have been arrogant, calling for the rain, and he is a hegemonic one. Now he is so embarrassed, one-eyed, stunned and lost.

Where did you respect the unyielding, proud and unrelenting Ning Cheng, where did you go?

Cheng Shu looked at his eyes wet, and he was expecting that the Ning master could look up at him, but he was afraid that the Ning master would know about his rebellion.

He admitted that he was selfish in rebellion. If Mu Linger and Silence are saved, even if the silence does not pursue his responsibility, Mu Linger will absolutely not be able to spare him.

However, the real reason for his rebellion is nothing more than to destroy the cooperation between the Di and Dong Qin! Allegiance to the two generations of the Di family, witnessed how much the Di people sacrificed for the sake of revenge. He could not accept the cooperation between the Di and Dong Qin.

The cooperation between the Di and the Dong Qin can not be regarded as cooperation at all. It is said that the Di people are used by the Dong Qin! The brothers of the Di people are Dong Qin, and they fight for the dragon and the night.

Han Hao did not have the heart of rejuvenation. After the Northern Expedition, the Northern calendar was destroyed. The dragon and the night will certainly annex the Western Zhou Dynasty and Tian'an, together with the empty continent.

At that time, the dragon will not only be the East Qin Empire, but Han Yu, the Western Qin Princess, will become the queen of the Eastern Qin Empire. The Di people will become the slaves of the Eastern Qin Dynasty!

How can he swallow this breath?

It is better to be a chicken head, not a phoenix tail. It is not difficult to take advantage of the ability of Ning Cheng and the power of the Di nationality to take the place of the Western Qin Dynasty royal family to occupy a place on the Yunkong continent.

Ning Cheng even if the Tianning is based on the ground, and the soldiers are heavy, the dragon is not obsessed with the "Western Qin royal family", the face of Han Yu, can not be the Di!

How is Ning Cheng so stupid, has to fight for the dragon non-night rush, is not thankful?

Only by destroying the cooperation between Dong Qin and the Di people can Ning Cheng be forced to a dead end.

Either die, or sincerely cooperate with the monarch and the evil spirits, and seek for a place for the Di people.

During the time when Cheng Shu was locked up in the tiger prison, he kept thinking about these things while he was keeping himself in the room, hesitating about these things.

He is very certain that in today's situation, Jun Yixie has also reached a desperate situation, especially now that the hostages are running out. Jun Yixie has no way to go.

Jun Yixie can only cooperate with the Di people. Otherwise, once the dragon and the night and Han Han are rushing north, everything that he has worked hard in the Northern calendar will be swept clean.

In other words, nowadays the situation is that Jun and the evil seek for Ning Cheng, rather than relying on the pursuit of Jun and evil!

Cheng Shu stood for a while, and when he saw that Ning was not moving, he took a deep breath and walked over.

He stood in front of Ning Cheng, but Ning Cheng still hanged his head, silently, and people who didn't know thought he was unconscious.

"Ning master..."

Cheng Shu whispered openly, and was planning to analyze the situation of the current tiger prison with Ning Cheng, the situation of the two tribes and the monarch and the evil, and then surrendered and forced to make choices.

But who knows, he has not yet opened, Ning Cheng cold and not a foot to come over! God knows how much strength Ning has inherited, how much anger, this foot only, will fly Cheng Shufei out!

Cheng Shu slammed into the stone wall behind him, and when he fell to the ground, he immediately spurted a blood.

He raised his head inconceivably, "Ning master..."

"Don't think I don't know what you did?" Ning Cheng roared!

Jun Yi, who was hidden in the dark, was shocked. He did not expect that Ning Cheng had guessed that Cheng Shu had betrayed him.

I have to say that Jun Yi is very disappointed. However, he waited patiently.

Cheng Shu climbed up hard. After all, he was old, and he was smashed several times in a short half-hour. He had some unsteady feet.

He was even more shocked than Jun Yi. He did not say anything, and Ning’s master suspected him.

"Cheng Guanmin, you are not betraying me, it is the Di! It is your vow to loyalty to my father!" Ning Chengyuan thought he could stand it, but at this moment, he was furious!

"Ning master, you can cooperate with the monarch and evil spirits! Only with the cooperation of the king and the evil, you can hold the land of Tianning! Otherwise, the Di people will eventually become slaves of the East Qin!" Cheng Shu said loudly.

Jun Yi’s eyes passed through a complicated complex, and there was no sound. He has always disliked Cheng Shu, and now it seems that Cheng Shu is his noble.

If Cheng Shu can convince Ning Cheng, he does not mind giving Ning Cheng another chance.

Ning Cheng waited for Cheng Shu to look at the evil, saying, "Cheng title, you, is the first and only betrayal of my family! You are not qualified to talk to the owner! You get out!"

"Ning master! Why are you still obsessed?" Cheng Shu was also angry, and asked, "What is good about Han Han, what is good? Ning master, what you are doing now, whether it is allegiance to Xi Qin, or allegiance to Han Han alone ?"

"Han Wei is Xi Qin, Xi Qin is Han Hao!" Ning Cheng roared.

Cheng Shu sneered, "Ning master, waiting for the dragon to level the Northern calendar, until the dragon is not luminous in the East Qin, there will be no more Western Qin, and no longer Han Han! Only the East Qin Queen!"

"Enough!" Ning Cheng angry.

"Ning master, you have to think about it. Jun Yixie is now in a dilemma, and there is no room for you to talk about conditions. As long as you sincerely cooperate with him, you can use his strength to win a place for the Di people in the sky! "Cheng Shu said again."

The hidden secret is that Jun Yi also listened to this sentence, first of all, then the whole person is not good! He clearly came to see the good show, but he hasn't seen the good show yet, but he has been defeated by Cheng Shu!

This **** Cheng Guanmin, the city is so deep, it turns out that his betrayal is not really betrayal, but good intentions!

Jun Yi also set off his eyes, and his face became thicker. He almost rushed out, but he had to convince himself to hold back.

Cheng Shu is abhorrent, but he has just analyzed it. His situation is far worse than that of the Di. He has no retreat except for cooperation with Ning Cheng. Moreover, with Ning Cheng's cooperation, he can't find it well.

If he is here, Mu Linger, he has a bargaining chip with Han Han; if he is quiet here, he can ask for Tangmen’s support.

However, it is Ning Cheng who is being held here. How can Han Han and Long Fei night be subject to him for the head of the Di?

These two guys, I wish to take the opportunity to sacrifice Ning Cheng, so that the Di people can collapse!

If the dragon loses the strength of the tribe in the night, the same can be levied in the north; however, if he loses the support of the tribe, he will not be able to resist the army of the dragon and the night, whether it is financial or military support.

Thinking about this, Jun Yixin's whole heart is blocked.

And this matter, Ning Cheng has already bowed his head, not looking at Cheng Shu, not much nonsense.

"Ning master..."

"Ning master, the betrayal is Miss Jing, who has never betrayed you."


Seeing Ning Cheng ignores it, Cheng Shu can only wait, he groaned with a painful heart and sighed, "Ning master, you should consider it, if you insist on it... only one dead road. Long non-night and Han Yu I will cherish this life."

After Cheng Shu finished, he was about to retreat to the side. Who knows, Ning Cheng once again lifted his feet and kicked Cheng Shu.

This time, Cheng Shu crashed down on the wall and did not stand up again, coma.

Ning Cheng’s body was greatly shaken on the criminal frame because of excessive force. He didn't look at Cheng Shu, he always looked down and didn't know what he was thinking.

Jun Yixie originally wanted to be close, but suddenly stopped. He noticed the feet of Ning Cheng. He did not expect that Ning Cheng was so hung, and the explosive power of his feet was still so strong.

If this is not discovered today, if he is close to Ning Cheng, he is afraid that there will be danger.

Jun Yi and evil turned and left silently. When he reached the door of the prison, he whispered aloud, "Lock Ning Cheng's feet!"

Jun Yixie walked alone into the jungle. He wondered if he would cooperate with him. How should he deal with Long Fei Ye and Han Wei?

Seeing that the Di and Dong Qin troops are going to be enlisted in the north, he is in jeopardy.

Who is the person who robbed Mu Linger? What is the purpose? Is it a group of people who are directed at Mu Linger, or is it directed at him?

Jun is also sorrowful and irritated, and there is no way to do it. Long Fei Ye and Han Yu have arrived at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains.

In the early hours of the night, they rested in a hidden cave at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains.

This cave is the place where the dragons and the nights used to go to the top of the mountain, and it was also the place where they used to avoid Duanmu Yao.

Knowing that this place is in addition to Xu Donglin, there is only Chuxifeng.

Just as they had just finished eating dry food and were ready to discuss mountaineering, there was a sudden scream of noise outside the cave.

"Who!" Long did not chase after the night.

(End of this chapter)