Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 108: Largest suspect

On the following day, Mu Qingwu had not come, Xia Guanjia sent a lot of tea, spring tea is mostly, autumn tea, winter tea is also a lot, are fresh preserved.

Who said that ancient preservation conditions are limited? Seeing what is in front of me, Han Yu can only feel that since ancient times, there is no such thing as money.

Looking at a jar of fragrant tea, she couldn't eat it for breakfast, and went to the study room to do the experiment.

She still decomposed and matched the tea and tea separately, and tried several times with green tea. Unfortunately, the result is very regrettable.

Once again, all failed, and there were no surprises.

According to the baking method, the types were separated, and the spring, autumn and winter were separated according to the picking season. Unfortunately, they were not successful.

Han Han walked out of the study, bowed his head and was somewhat discouraged.

Is she suspecting the wrong object, or is there something else she ignored?


Will it be the place of origin?

The classification of tea leaves, except for the baking method and the picking season, leaves the place of origin.

Thinking about this, Han Yu regained his spirit. Perhaps, today, going to Tianxiang Tea House will be rewarded!

"Wang Hao Niangniang, it is time to eat." Zhao Wei reminded.

Han Hao then slowed down, and just sat down, Zhao said again. "His Royal Highness got up early, making tea in the yard."

The chopsticks in the hands of Han Yu were a little bit, just for a moment, and nothing happened.

Zhao Wei looked at her for a long time, and said something quietly, "His Royal Highness likes Nanshan Red of Tianxiang Tea House."

Han Wei is still silent, self-concerned and eating, as if nothing has been heard.

When I was full, I saw that Zhao Wei was not there. Han Hao walked out of the yard, and his eyes unconsciously drifted into the big garden. Unfortunately, even a shadow was not seen.

Who knows, Zhao Wei suddenly emerged from behind, laughing and laughing, "Wang Hao Niangni..."

Han Yu was shocked and guilty of being a thief. When he turned back, he said, "What are you doing?"

Zhao Hao was wronged and said, "The waiter outside is always awkward, and the young general is waiting for you at the back door."

Han Hao’s anger was coming down, and he fled like a hurry...

Mu Qingwu saw Han Hao slamming out and knew that her foot was hurt.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, what happened to your feet?"

In fact, Han Han has been able to walk normally, but he is afraid of sequelae and is afraid to limping too hard.

She jumped into the carriage, "Twisted, nothing."

"Wang Hao Niangni, don't go back tomorrow, your feet..."

Although Jin Guijiao's body and this woman are not on the side, Mu Qingwu still hesitated.

"Nothing, hurry, let's go, there are not many days left, I don't want to lose." Han Yu smiled and reminded that today, she and Mu Haoyue have 12 days left.

Mu Qingwu did not know how to answer, only to get on the bus, but he did not dare to sit in the carriage with Wang Xiang Niangniang, but sitting next to the driver.

Han Biao wanted him to sit in, just, remembering the warning of the dragon and the night yesterday, she hesitated, or gave up.

Dragon is not a night of old antiques. However, in this world, whether it is a girl or a married woman, in short, as long as it is a woman, it has to be "checked". If it does not converge, it will be shackled by a small scorpion. Trouble.

When I arrived at Tianxiang Tea House, it was still early, and there were not many guests in the tea garden.

Surrounded by three tea mountains, this Tianxiang Tea House has a beautiful stream and a beautiful environment. The manor covers a very large area. There are more than 30 large and small courtyards in the park.

There is also a hot spring mountain in the corner, which is also the name of Tianxiang Tea Garden.

Not to mention the manpower and material resources of the construction of this tea garden, the land on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital alone is worth the price.

It is said that the owner of Tianxiang Tea House is extremely low-key, and his whereabouts are very mysterious. He is a rich and enemies. No one has ever seen his deity, and he does not know where it is.

Mu Qingwu had an appointment and saw the carriage of the General's House. The little sister at the door did not dare to stop, nor dared to sneak, and immediately led the carriage to an independent courtyard.

This courtyard is called Xinyuyuan. It is the yard that Mu Yuyue has long wrapped down. It happened that she didn’t come today.

Han Hao’s car was attracted by everything around him. The private courtyard of this independent courtyard is very high. It is surrounded by high walls and full of flowers. A teahouse is hidden in the flowers, burning incense and swearing.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, be careful."

Mu Qingwu looked at him, and the tea girl stood up and helped immediately. Han Han did not need it.

She limped along the stone path into the flowers, sitting cross-legged next to the teahouse, if not something, she really wants to stay here for a few days, relax!

This place should be placed in modern times, which is simply the highest level in the high-level clubhouse. It is suitable for meetings and secret talks, and is more suitable for a lover.

"It seems that Wang Hao Niangniang likes it very much." Mu Qingwu also sat down.

"If you can come to a pot of good tea, then it is better." Han Hao joked.

Today, I came to see and see this tea house, and the second is to inquire about Mu Xiyue’s consumption and meeting records.

Han Wei absolutely believes that Mu Haoyue will not murder his brother. If someone borrows her hand to poison the tea, then the snake venom is either from Tianxiang Tea House or from the tea given by her friends.

The tea cans of Tianxiang Tea House have labels. If it is poison under Tianxiang Tea House, it is too obvious, and the murderer will not be so stupid.

Han Yu is more inclined to be a friend of Mu Yuyue. If the tea sent by a friend is poisonous, it must be a person who frequently gives tea.

Throughout the ages, gifts are commonplace. However, this gift is not randomly sent, and it is also not randomly collected.

Mu Haoyue, the big lady who wears a lot of clothes and is not greedy, does not lack a few cans of tea.

Being able to accept other people's tea ceremony frequently must be justified.

Either this tea is particularly good, can catch the taste of Mu Yiyue, or the person who sent the tea, and Mu Yuyue is a very good tea ceremony.

Mulu Yuelai Tianxiang Tea House is not only to buy tea, but also to come to friends to drink tea. Of course, Han Han must first check Tianxiang Tea House.

Mu Qingwu ordered green tea, and the tea girl’s tea level is very professional. The procedures of washing, taking, brewing, cooking, drinking, and clearing are very particular.

Han Yu made a few cups, and then he asked questions. "Is this tea all grown by the tea house?"

"The king of the goddess, the tea provided by the tea house is from the back three tea hills, which are baked by the tea house. However, the guests can bring their own tea." The tea girl answered truthfully.

Han Hao nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Miss Mu, often bring tea with me?"

When the words came out, the tea girl did not answer immediately, but was embarrassed.

The tea girls in the independent courtyards of Tianxiang Tea House are fixed, and many independent courtyards are used by guests all the year round. These tea girls become private tea girls and only serve fixed people.

If today is not because of Mu Qingwu, Han Yu wants to enter this new rain garden, and may not come in.

The tea girl waits for the guests and sees the most things they hear. Their first priority is to keep secrets for the guests.

"Wang Hao Niangniang asked, despite the answer, I have already greeted you with your deacon." Mu Qingwu faint.

To investigate Mu Haoyue, in fact, just ask her if she can. However, Mu Qingwu knows the temperament of her own sister. She does not ask for it. Once she asks, she will not answer it truthfully, but will make it out. A lot of lies, interference with the investigation.

Therefore, he can only bring the Princess Wang to the Tianxiang Tea House to check.

Mu Qingwu is, after all, a relative brother of Mu Yuyue. With his words, the tea girl is more relieved, and immediately he replied, "Mr. Wang Yu, Ms. Mu Da, does not bring tea every time, when she comes. Drink tea from the manor. When I came with friends, most of my friends came with tea."

When this was said, Han Yu and Mu Qingwu were immediately alert. Undoubtedly, this situation is in line with what they speculated.

"What do Missy often drink tea with?" Mu Qingwu asked quickly.

The tea girl thought about it and replied, "There are several people who come often, Princess Changping, Miss San of the Prime Minister, Miss Das in the Book of Books, Miss Seven of the Lin Family, Miss Miss of the Han..."

The tea girl said a lot of names, even Mu Qingwu was surprised, did not expect their sisters to be so wide.

At the end of the tea girl’s speech, she added, “Missy recently came with the second lady of the Korean family.”

"Which Han family?" Han Yu couldn't help but ask, although the Han family who had a relationship with the Emperor and Mu Haoyue had only her mother, she still wanted to make sure.

"It is the family of the medical family Han, the mother of Wang Xiang Niang." The tea girl whispered.

Miss Han Jia, the daughter of Li’s daughter Han Ruoxue?

Han Yu’s eyes flashed a hesitation, although she was more certain of Li’s suspicion, but she was still very calm. After all, these are speculations and there is no real evidence.

If she is now targeting Lee, it is very likely that she will miss other clues and miss the real murderer.

Han Hao has never checked the case. However, she thinks that the investigation and diagnosis should be the same. It can't be subjective. There are too many similar illnesses. It must be excluded and there are clear symptoms to support. diagnosis. Otherwise, it will only be a doctor's disease and harm people.

Han Han did not say anything more, and it was not clear that Mu Qingwu, who was suspected of Li’s suspicion, seemed more just. He seriously asked, "Which of these people most often drink tea with Missy?"

The tea girl thought for a moment and shook her head. "This slave has not been seriously counted. Several young ladies often come, and the slaves have no special impression."

“Which people often send tea?” Mu Qingwu asked again.

This time, the tea girl didn't even think about it, and did not hesitate to answer, "Miss Han Jia."

Upon hearing this, Han Han’s heartbeat slammed, and suddenly there was a very bad feeling.

Mu Qingwu did not ask immediately. He looked at Han Han and his eyes gradually became more complicated.

Miss Han Jia, who is the wife of Wang Xi’s mother-in-law, is the half-sister of Wang Hao’s mother.

If Han Ruoxue is the murderer, then the Han family is facing the disaster!

"Do you think about it, is there anyone else?" Mu Qingwu asked seriously.

"The young lady of the bookstore and the Shangshu of the Ministry of Military Affairs also often sent tea to Missy. However, there is no such thing as Miss Han Er. Miss Han has to send it every time. Miss Mu wants Miss Han’s tea."

The tea girl replied, thinking for a moment, and again, "In the past two or three years, Miss Han has sent the most, especially last year, one or two months."

When this was said, even Mu Qingwu was silent and did not continue to ask.

Undoubtedly, Han Ruoxue’s suspicion is the biggest!

(End of this chapter)