Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 109: Common hope

Seeing that Mu Qingwu and Han Yu are silent, the tea girl has long noticed that something is wrong. However, these things that the generals asked, Zhuangli will have a record of consumption, and she dare not lie.

Not long ago, Miss Han Er also left a can of fine spring tea here. Many of them have the right to drink tea, they will leave the tea, and they have not come back to find it. So she got a thief and hid the can of tea.

Who knows, there are people coming to find the Korean family every other day, and she is not good enough to come out, only to lie and not see.

The tea sent by Miss Han Er is a good tea of ​​good quality. Many of them are better than those in the tea house. If they can be sold in the tea market, they will certainly be able to sell a good price.

The tea girl was going to find a time to sneak it out and sell it, but who knows today has encountered such a thing.

She was frightened, and she dared to sell tea. She only asked her not to find her head. If the deacon of the tea house knew that she had hidden the tea of ​​the guest, she would only have a dead end.

Seeing that Mu Qingwu was also silent, Han Han’s heart sighed softly and faintly said, “You can make me feel relieved, I can naturally make you believe, rest assured!”

In this case, the tea girl could not understand, but Mu Qingwu understood.

When investigating Mu Yiyue, he promised that he must not be selfish. Now, the biggest suspect falls to the Han family. This is the same promise.

I did not expect that Wang Xiang Niangniang was just a female stream, but she also had this ambiguity. Mu Qingwu arched his fists and looked respectful and trustful.

It is this kind of trust that makes Han Hao more stressed and at the same time has made greater determination, no matter who the murderer is, as long as it is a real murderer, she will definitely find out.

"Is the tea sent by Miss Han Er, have you ever been here?" She finally opened her mouth.

The tea girl shook her head. "Most of the two teas brought by Miss Han has been left to us after the opening of the tea. It is unopened to Miss Mu."

"Is the same tea?" Han Yu asked again.

"Sometimes, sometimes it is not, this is not necessarily." The tea girl answered truthfully.

"Is there still left?" Han Wei continued to ask.

The tea girl immediately got up and took two cans of tea in a short time. "This is the last time Miss Han II left."

Han Wei checked the tea and found no toxins. Everything was normal.

Mu Qingwu hesitated for a moment, personally soaked the tea to drink, and when he smelled the tea, he was intoxicated.

"What's wrong?" Han Yu asked curiously.

The reason why Mu Haoyue will always receive the tea sent by Han Ruoxue, at least this tea will not be the best.

"This taste... This tea is the first batch of spring tea in southern Xinjiang, the top grade in green tea." Mu Qingwu is very positive.

The same tea tree, planted in different places, must have different tea leaves. The climate, soil, and irrigation water source determine the difference of trace elements in tea, which causes the taste of tea to be different.

The average person can't taste it, but the senior tea ghost knows it.

"This is indeed the first batch of spring tea from southern Xinjiang. Only the red soil of southern Xinjiang can produce this kind of green tea. The generals are very good!" The tea girl looked up.

In fact, she would like to say that the tank that Miss Han did not send out is better than this can, but unfortunately, she did not dare.

"Is this tea very rare?" Han Yu asked inexplicably.

"Wang Xiiang Niangniang, tea in southern Xinjiang is the most sought-after, especially spring tea, produced less and fine, often not picked, it was booked." Tea girl answered truthfully.

If you don’t drink this tea, and add a tea girl’s reminder, Mu Qingwu didn’t pay attention to the green tea he drinks the most.

The place of origin.

He looked at Han Han with dignity and seriously said, "I have been fascinated by this taste of tea for the past two or three years. Many of the teas sent in the month are the green tea in southern Xinjiang."

South Xinjiang green tea?

Han Wei slightly closes his eyebrows, screaming at Mu Qingwu and the tea girl, paying attention to it, taking a few pieces of tea into the medical kit that he carried with him, taking a golden needle and putting some tea into it, in fact, it is put Decompose in the detoxification system.

This decomposition, immediately came to a different conclusion from the previous, these tea and tea water is extremely high!

Before she broke down two batches of tea, matching the various ingredients in the tea with the venom, it has always failed.

The first analysis was the variety of tea, and the second time was the three seasons of tea. As for the place of origin, it has not been analyzed.

South Xinjiang spring tea green tea, will it be it?

Han Hao can't wait, and once she analyzes the ingredients in these teas, she immediately deploys intelligently in the detoxification system.

Her brow was tightly locked, her face was serious, she was engrossed, and she hoped to get a precise answer.

Mu Qingwu and the tea girl looked at it and thought she was wrong.

"Wang Hao Niangni, are you okay?" Mu Qingwu asked with concern.

But for a moment, Han Han slowed down and sighed, "Nothing."

Ok, it failed again!

Nanjiang spring tea green tea failed, not it.

Did they misunderstand Han Ruoxue, or is it different from the tea that Han Ruoxue brought and the tea that was given to Mu Juyue?

If there is, the tea ghosts at the level of Mu Qingwu, so often drink, and how much to drink.

Han Yu hesitated for a moment, waved his hand and let the tea girl and the maids around him retreat.

As soon as the person left, Mu Qingwu quickly asked, "Wang Hao Niangni, what did you find?"

"What is the difference between the tea that is given to you in the next month and other teas?" Han Yu asked seriously.

Mu Qingwu knew that Wang Hao’s mother had asked this question, but he did not know how to give her a clear answer.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, this is hard to say, the same origin, season, variety of tea, as long as the normal baking preservation, the taste will not be much different, and the slight difference, there are many."

Mu Qingwu spent a moment before continuing. "The same batch of tea from the same place of origin, sent by someone else in the next month, will be better than the other month, mainly in the baking and preservation skills, of course, sometimes There is a relationship between all the water, utensils and time of making tea. These are hard to say."

In the words of Mu Qingwu, Han Yu understands that it is obviously impossible to find answers from these uncertain factors.

With a single baking technique, the subtle differences are very big. Where do they go to find out one by one?

Han Wei originally wanted to find out how to prepare poisoned tea, and then looked for evidence according to the formula. Now it seems that it is necessary to follow this clue and the monkeys may not be able to find anything again.

She sorted out the ideas, opened up various influencing factors, and returned to the doubtful point of tea.

If you are sure that the suspect is on the tea, they have only one way to go now, and that is to find the poisoned tea.

However, at this juncture, the murderer may have been prepared for it. To find the poisonous tea, is it so simple?

If you give up this suspect, then they can only start from the suspect.

Han Yu considered it, and it was exactly what Mu Qingwu considered. Seeing Mu Qingwu’s face was dignified, she smiled.

"The Major General

The army, this cockroach is still rewarding, the tea has not progressed, at least ... identified the suspect. ”

In fact, as for these clues today, Han Ruoxue’s suspicion is not small, and her discovery in Sancha Niang is even more suspect.

Han Wei did not say that the dragon had to intervene in the night. After all, this incident involved the traitors of the northern calendar country. The dragon and the night have always been secret investigations. She is silently looking forward to seeing other dragons in the night.

Mu Qingwu did not expect that this time he would find Miss Han Jia Er, after returning, he must have the first time to sue to Qin Wang. He thought that it would not be difficult for Qin Wangdian to investigate the background of Han Jiasanfang Li and Miss II.

This matter is related to the case of the northern calendar of domestic rape, and it is not appropriate to disclose it. He is also not good enough to disclose it with Wang Xiang.

Both of them undoubtedly focused on the suspects, and they all pin their hopes on Long Fei night, but they did not know each other.

Mu Qingwu clicked on it. "Wang Hao is reassuring, this matter, the general will definitely take time to investigate, and any news will tell you the first time."

"I have progress and will tell you." Han Yute is frank.

Mu Qingwu stunned, is it difficult for this master to personally check the Korean family? We must know that she is a daughter married to a Korean family. It is not good to return to her family frequently. Secondly, she is a must for Qin Wang. Some things must be scrupulous.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, according to the official, you still..."

Mu Qingwu’s words have not been persuaded, and Han Han is lazy to stand up. “Let’s go, let’s buy some tea!”

Her brain is a little messy, I want to let go of it, I don't want to talk about it for the time being.

Mu Qingwu was not good enough to persuade him and asked, "What kind of tea does Wang Xi’s maiden like, so that the tea girl can be sent over."

"I heard that the Nanshan Red is good here. I have to pick it up in the mountains." Han Yu thought, she had to bribe the bribe to stay in the night, let him seize the time to check the Han family.

With the efficiency of the guy, there must be news on the 3rd and 4th. If the error is checked, she still has a few days to adjust.

"Wang Hao Niangniu really knows the goods, Nanshan Red of Tianxiang Tea House is the royal family's exclusive supply, not for sale." Mu Qingwu laughed.

Han Wei is somewhat lost. "So you can't buy it?"

"Under the official can not buy, but Wang Xiang is a royal family, naturally bought. Is not knowing whether the lower official can touch the light of Wang Xiiang Niang?" Mu Qingwu asked jokingly.

After getting along several times, unconsciously, he became a lot more relaxed, not as respectful and restrained as before, but he did not notice himself.

Han Yuli was in a good mood. "That's going."

Under the guidance of the tea girl, Mu Qingwu and Han Yu went up to the mountainside of Houshan. This is the planting area of ​​Nanshanhong. The rows and rows are close together. The passage can only pass one person. The tea tree is not high, but it is not. Short, one stop inside, it was covered half a body.

Under the guidance of the tea master, Han Hao soon mastered the technique of tea picking, and went to the tea tree with Mu Qingwu.

After all, it is a mountain road. Han Han’s foot is hurt again. Mu Qingwu can’t take tea, and he has been guarding Han Han’s body. She is afraid that she will fall and twist.

See a lot of tea leaves have traces of insect bites, Han Han said to himself, "a lot of pests, must not spray?"

In modern times, tea spraying pesticides is a normal thing. Even a lot of black tea farmers are using pesticides or using pesticides that are prohibited by the state.

"Pesticide?" Mu Qingwu did not understand.

Who knows, Han Hao suddenly turned back, shocked, "poison!"

If you put the venom on the tea tree?

(End of this chapter)