Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1113: How to send a message

When Shimen closed, Han Han immediately looked back and let the four Misses fall down to the ground and their legs were soft.

It’s terrible. She has experienced countless life and death rescues, but she doesn’t have to be dangerous!

Han Xiao smiled, recalling that he had been internship at the medical school and the first time he rescued the poisoned person. The calmness of the doctor is always raised in the life and death.

Medical women, especially those who have achieved success and are experienced, will not be worse.

Quietly came over and served as Miss Four, whispered, "Good, don't be afraid!"

With someone holding her hand, she was relieved by Miss Four. She quickly came to Han Han. "Princess, His Royal Highness and the North Moon Dean are looking for you everywhere!"

Ms. Ren’s four almost said that the North Moon Dean knew the princess’s pregnancy, but fortunately she stopped in time.

Miss Ren Si did not know why the North Moon Dean wanted to conceal the matter. He only knew that if the Prince of the Crown knew that the North Moon Dean had concealed the matter, the trouble of the North Moon Dean was great.

"Can the dragon be safe in the night?" Han Hao asked quickly.

"I heard that His Royal Highness was in the army and killed the enemy alone. It took only three months for the army of Dongqin to surrender the rebels in the central and southern parts and repel the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Now in addition to the northern calendar. The world is too peaceful." Miss Ren Si answered seriously.

Han Wei asked the dragon to be the night, but the fourth lady answered the world.

However, isn't the dragon the night is the world? If the dragon is not good at night, can this world be good?

Han Yu mouth has a touch of helpless smile, she feels that she must be shut down, how can Miss Four know the specific situation of the dragon non-night. She asked questions as well.

"Three months ago, the medical city came with a lot of shadow guards and poison guards, and there were a group of Tianshan masters. They are still in potential poisonous sects, they should be looking for you." Miss Ren said.

"Miss Ren Si, just thanks to you." Han Yu opened the topic. What others asked in their mouths was not as good as what she saw with her own eyes.

I really want to see if the dragon is not night, so I want to know what he is doing now. I really want to take his hand and tie it, leaning on his shoulder and talking to him.

Some people are destined to have no way to miss, just want to cry when they miss, they must always be with them to be at ease.

Han Wei does not want to cry when she is pregnant, and she does not like to cry.

"Princess, I just sent the message out. Don't worry, the North Moon Dean will soon receive the news. They will soon come to the Medical City!" Miss Four pushed the voice to the lowest.

Han Yu and the serenity are very strange.

Han Yu knew that the prescription would be transferred to the maternity medical center for the doctor to check. The obstetricians around the cloud are all arranged by Miss Four, and there are only two obstetric medical centers in the medical city, one in the medical school and one in the obstetrics department attached to the obstetrics of the medical school.

The medical school is not everyone can go in, the prescription will be sent to the maternity hall, the people there are all the four ladies!

However, Han Hao couldn't figure out what, what did Miss Si write, can escape Bai Yanqing's eyes, and can spread the news?

"How did you write on the prescription?" Han asked.

Miss Ren, let the serenity come over and whisper to them.

Han Yu and the serenity were both admired and full of hope. As long as the prescription goes smoothly to the pharmacy, at least Gu Beiyue can confirm that they are in the medical city.

As long as the scope is determined, it is much easier to find people. Moreover, as long as they recognize the first prescription, they will pay special attention to the convenience of the latter medicine.

I don't know if there is any chance to speak alone after this. Han Han quickly told the exact address to Miss Four.

Bai Yanqing will not let Su Xiaoyu prescribe the prescription, and the heavy responsibility falls to the shoulder of Miss Ren.

After taking the time to explain everything clearly, Han Han still asked Ms. Ren to give her a detailed check to ensure that the little guy in the belly did not get in the way.

Ms. Ren was immediately nervous and her hands were a little trembling.

"Nothing, rest assured, Bai Yanqing will not come in." Han Yu whispered.

"Princess...this..." Miss Four was helpless and smiled. "This is the child of His Royal Highness, the common blood of the two kings of the East and the West! I... I am not afraid, I am nervous."

As soon as I heard this, Han Yu and the silence were silent.

The child’s identity is too honorable, so Miss Ren is nervous. However, for them, the words “the blood of the two kings of the East and the West” are full of too many words and sorrows. It’s not easy to be clear, but it’s helpless.

Han Hao gently stroked the slightly raised belly and couldn't help but ask, "I don't know if it is a boy or a girl."

"The princess, turning back to let the North Moon Dean take a pulse, maybe he will know." Miss Four said quickly.

"How come you know?" Han Yu said helplessly.

"In the obstetrics, there is a saying that the pulse can distinguish between men and women. But I have never seen it so big. The medical skills of the North Moon Dean are so powerful, maybe they can be put out!" Miss Ren Si laughed.

"That must be secretly looking for him, can not let others know." Han Yu also laughed.

In the past three months, I was locked up in a small black house. I didn’t even have a single speaker. I didn’t even dare to talk to the little guy. This joy can be shared today, and it can be discussed today.

The more powerful people, the mood after pregnancy is fearful, what is more exciting than giving birth to a new life?

Although I can only talk a few words, Han Hao’s mood is much better. She said, “Boys and girls, dragons will love the night.”

Quietly inadvertently left the god, she thought, Tang Li must also love small sugar. That is the only child in their life!

After a serious examination by Ms. Ren, she gave Han Hao a diagnosis of peace of mind. She said, "Princess, before she comes to the medicine, she will not have anything to do as long as she stays in bed."

"Good!" Han Yu nodded seriously.

Miss Ren and Seren did not dare to delay for too long, and Miss Si took out the needle sleeve in Han Han’s medical kit and pretended to be in the needle, quietly knocking on the door.

Bai Yanqing personally came in and looked at it. Seeing Han Han still staring blankly at the ceiling, he slammed a swear word. He said, "Shantou, your child's life can be worth a few people's lives, huh, huh, Don't let your child die when you are not born, you can't live!"

Han Han turned his head and glared over, Bai Yanqing was very satisfied, and laughed and left. Bai Yanqing left Miss Si to leave the quiet and Su Xiaoyu in two secret rooms.

Bai Yanqing is waiting, waiting for these few months to pass.

Han Wei, they are waiting, waiting for the attendants to send the medicine, let the four ladies open the medicine, the medical city, the wild can not find it!

In this area of ​​the medical city, large areas of grassland are occupied by poisonous sects, and all the medicinal materials are toxic. Therefore, the attendant must catch the medicine in the shortest time and can only go to the pharmacy.

As long as the medicine comes, it means that the prescription was examined by the doctor of obstetrics and gynaecology.

Waiting is always so long.

Han Han hesitated for a moment, let Miss Four to remind.

The attendant took the prescription to the pharmacy and learned that the prescription had to be checked by the obstetrician. Will it be folded back to ask Bai Yanqing?

If so, they are more dangerous.

"You told him that my situation has changed and I have to take the medicine as soon as possible." Han Yu whispered.

Miss Four took a deep breath and quickly knocked on the door.

It’s not Bai Yanqing who opened the door, but the guard. The four Miss Miss looked worried. “I want to see the whites!”

At this time, Hao San just passed by, he has already recovered Su Xiaoyu's prescription, and is coming over from Bai Yanqing.

“What?” Hao San did not ask.

"Why haven't the medicines I opened yet? I am tired of telling the white predecessors that the situation of the princess has deteriorated. I must take the medicine as soon as possible! Can someone urge me to take the medicine?"

"What are you in a hurry! Wait!" Hao San said dissatisfied.

"The princess is not in a hurry, but...but we don't want to die! The child can't keep it..." Miss Four said, and she cried.

"Put her in!" Hao San impatiently ordered.

Although impatient, but after the door was closed, Hao San did not ask Bai Yanqing again, and quickly ordered the guards to rush to arrest the drug. "No matter how to get the medicine back as soon as possible, annoyed the master, no one has a good fruit to eat!"

Hao San only when the master and his son examined the prescription and ordered the person to copy, there will be no more problems. He didn't know that it was because he sent people to urge him to let the attendants who were hesitating to take the prescription to the obstetric medical examination no longer hesitate and sent the prescription directly to the maternity hall.

After a while, Ms. Ren was called out of the secret room and taken to another stone room. When she saw the medicinal herbs at the table, she almost called out. Of course, she still endured very well.

She knew that this prescription must be sent to the North Moon Dean.

At this time, Gu Beiyue is no longer in the Tianan Emperor, he is seeking the entrance to the drug cave. Gu Qixiao, who had not seen for a long time, stood beside him, and Tang was away.

Gu Qixiao received a secret letter from the old man of the Dan furnace, saying that the Moxie sword has been basically cast, waiting for the sword man to personally open the edge. The edge is to sharpen the impurities of the knife edge and expose the sharp blade.

If the sword is used to personally open the blade, the person and the sword will have a better understanding. Moreover, the sword created by the earth fire Kun furnace is not ordinary, and the power of the old man and the leafhopper of Dan furnace cannot be opened at all.

When Gu Qixiao received the news, he told Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue, Gu Beiyue told Tang. Gu Beiyue is a kind-hearted person. He knows that Tang has been looking for His Royal Highness for a full three months. By taking this opportunity, Tang should be able to see His Royal Highness.

"Don't the night come, will it not come?" Gu Qi was angry and asked, during this time, he was crazy and ran around the world, his temper was not particularly violent. He didn't know how long he hadn't laughed.

"Yes! My brother will definitely come!" Tang is very sure.

He believes that his brother is not a retreating person, not a weak person! In the past three months, although he did not say a word, the secret letter to the film guard has not been broken. He has been arranging the shadow guard to find the whereabouts of the blind man. He also went to the battlefield alone.

He is strong, how can he back down?

Sure enough, the horseshoe snoring, I saw the dragon and the night horse galloping, a black dress, the face is thin and cold, the whole person is very quiet and quiet...

(End of this chapter)