Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1114: Leave it to her

I finally saw the dragon non-night!

Long Fei night has not yet reached the drug hole, Tang Yi flew to the past, standing in the medicine field, but also beckoning and shouting, "Brother! Here! Here!"

Tang was extremely excited and helpless. The dragon was driving directly from the side of the night and left him with dust.

Gu Beiyue stood beside the drug-seeking hole, Gu Qishao specially blocked the hole and wrapped his hands around his chest. The dragon was not a horse at night, and he did not speak. He reached out and pushed him.

Gu Qishao held down his hand, and the dragon didn't wave his hand to go straight to the side, and he strode to the cave.

Gu Qishao and Gu Beiyue looked at each other and did not say much, and quickly followed up. Tang left the last palace and kept up.

The authorities for the drug hole have long been closed by the old Dan furnace, and they soon arrived at the alchemy hole.

Long Fei stood faceless in the night, but other people were shocked by the scene in the cave.

There are only three people in this alchemy cave, the old man of Dan furnace, Ye Hao and the proprietress. The proprietress sat quietly on the side, hanging her bones, as if immersed in her own world, and all the people and things around her had nothing to do with her.

The old man of Dan furnace and Ye Hao stood on the top of the Tianhuo dry stove. Both of them were shirtless and sweaty. Their faces were reflected in the fire in the stove.

The old man of Dan furnace really took the heavy weight, and actually emptied all the medicinal herbs in the whole fire, and all the compartments of the whole stove were opened, and the sword was used to make the sword.

Through the hollowed-out small window of the Tianhuo Drying Furnace, it is faintly visible that a sword hangs in the raging fire in the furnace, seemingly waiting for the call of the master.

Looking at the raging fire of the sky, everyone is not consciously awe, this is the artifact! Only the artifact can recast a peerless sword in such a short world, carrying the ancient forces such as Moxie Soul.

It is no wonder that the old man of the Dan furnace and Ye Haode waited for the dragon and the night to attack them. In this situation, the two of them did not even call the sword to release the power.

Seeing the dragons and non-nights, all of them were here, and the old man and the Ye Hao are still very pleased.

Although it is very regrettable to see Han Han with them, at least the two of them have exhausted all their strength and finally found the sword before the deadline for the double repair.

This sword is cast out, and the double repair has more hope for success, isn't it?

This sword is cast out, and the dragon can go all out to find Han Han, right?

The old man’s gaze stayed on Gu Qishao for a moment, and seemed to want to say something to him. However, he did not say anything at all.

Gu Qi Shao came to ask him to use the Tianhuo dry furnace to help build the sword. He immediately agreed. The child has not personally admitted that he was a little madman of the year, and he is not obsessed.

As long as he knows that the little madman of that year was him, as long as he can see him occasionally, as long as he knows that he is doing well, then it is ok.

"Young people, come together! Let's summon the sword to the furnace!" said the old man of the furnace.

Gu Qishao was the first to go forward, but the dragon did not raise his hand to stop him.

Gu Qi Shao's eyebrows looked at the dragon from night, and the dragon didn't pay attention to it. He looked at the fire in the cold and suddenly flew up.

Gu Qixiao still has to go, Gu Beiyue stopped, "Let your Highness go, it is the sword he wants to give to the princess."

The old man of Dan furnace and Ye Yu see the dragon, who is not a night of seven, and sees him without saying a word.

Hey, both of them are acquainted with each other.

This guy wants to summon a sword with one person? It’s really arrogant! However, he has such a arrogant capital with his honest double internal strength.

He has collected all the swords, let alone summon this new casting sword? Although this newly-cast sword is stronger than the numerous swords in the world, it will be stronger than the king of Wanjian.

After the old man of the Dan furnace and the leaf scorpion retreat, the dragon stood alone on the towering typhoon. His expression was cold and the light was deserted. He lowered his eyes and clearly looked at the sword in the furnace, but gave it to people. One is above the nine, and the cold eyes ignore the feeling of the world.

The thin voice was particularly cold and lonely under the illumination of the fire.

Han Hao is not there, what can he still hold in his eyes?

He stood on the edge of the huge furnace, his eyes narrowed and his face was blank. He held his hand behind his back and raised his hand with his palm down.

It seems so difficult for others to see, it is really easy for him.

He took one hand and grabbed it with emptiness. There was a sound of "squeaky" in the furnace. It was the sword that was shaking and rising in the raging fire.

Seeing this scene, Gu Beiyue is convinced by oral administration, let alone Gu Qixiao?

However, Tang did not see the strength of the dragon and the night. He saw the silence and loneliness of the dragon and the night.

In the past three months, he has been looking for dragons and non-nights. He finally saw it today, but he would rather never see him today.

so similar!

No, it can be said that it is because there is nothing beyond it.

Today's dragon is not the night, and the dragon and the night that was silent for a year is so similar, but the similarity is far more than a man's loneliness, a kind of sadness without words.

Is it a kind of sorrow if he is as strong as him, but he can't protect his most beloved person?

Just when Tang left the gods, suddenly there was a big shock, and the fire in the sky fired violently. The large furnace seemed to be shaking and would be dumped at any time. And the fire in the stove seems to overflow at any time, burning everything here.

Let the Tianhuo dry furnace shake, the dragon is not like the Taishan, and it doesn't move.

I saw his big hand slammed into a fist, and in a flash, the sword would be like a savage sword, flying from the huge stove and flying straight out!

Sword, it's out!

The sword has not yet been opened, it seems to have spirituality, the momentum is like a rainbow, very aggressive and strong, straight into the headspace, as if to please comfort, escape this place, not let anyone surrender.

How can dragons and nights allow this to happen?

This is the sword he wants to send to Han Han!

He flew up and spread out with one hand. Gu Qixiao only felt that the sword behind him had trembled, but he had not slowed down. He had been flying behind the camouflage box from the back of his sword, and he fell on the hands of Long Fei.

The dragon is not holding the sword at night, but he does not use any force. He only uses the purest strength to smash the sword of the newly-cast sword.

The two swords hit each other, and the sound of "铿" shook everyone's ears, and even the heart had a feeling of being shattered.

You must know that although the dragon does not exert strength in the night, but the power of the sword alone is indispensable, and there is basically no weapon in the world that can withstand the sword. However, the newly cast sword was hard to bear and there was no damage.

At this time, everyone knows the original dragon.

It is a test of the sword at night.

Only such a sword can withstand the evil spirits of the sword, only such a sword can be worthy of the sword, and only such a sword can be worthy of Han Han!

The newly cast sword seems to have been shaken by the sword, and dare not escape. The volley is under the sword and surrender.

The dragon held the hilt in the night and it fell. He carefully looked at the sword and saw that the color of the sword was like frost and snow, and the cold light was shining. The hilt was a faint fire, and it seemed to be the fire.

Looking at the expression of the dragon's non-night, I can't see if he is satisfied, but he is both in his hand and must be recognized. Everyone flew down to him, and the old man of Dan furnace said quickly, "His Royal Highness, you are going to open the edge!"

"Diamond is already ready, just beside it!" Ye Hao said seriously.

Diamond is the hardest thing in the world and the best thing to use for cutting. There are only a handful of diamonds, and Ye Jian, the swordsman, counts one.

The dragon didn't make a sound at night, he held the sword with one hand and looked at it silently.

Everyone around you, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do. When Han Wei was there, this guy was very ignorant, and he couldn’t say a few words all day long. Now that Han Han is not there, who else can let him open his mouth?

Everyone was helpless. When I didn't know what to do, Long Fei night opened his mouth. He said faintly, "Leave it for yourself."

When he finished, he turned and left, leaving everyone to look at each other. This guy does not seem to answer the questions of the old man and the Ye Hao, but just talks to himself.

Where is he going?

After the middle and the south were settled, he left the army. He could only know his whereabouts from the shadow guards occasionally. He seemed to be the same as Gu Qi, running around the world, looking for the world.

There wasn't a little clue. I almost searched the places I could find. Even the most suspected poisonous ban, he found it, and went to the collapsed underground palace. He was almost trapped inside. However, there is still no whereabouts of that woman.

Another panic hidden in his heart, Gu Beiyue, they will never know. Ever since I knew that Han Han came from the future, he would be uneasy if he didn't see her in a day.

This world is not a living thought that everyone can bear. Some people are destined to abide by it, and they can be safe.


Tang was slowed down from the first one and chased out. Gu Beiyue soon surpassed him and chased after Long Fei.

Since he saw the dragon and the night, he would not let the dragon leave his sight again.

Is it a guardian for the princess, but also a guardian?

Temporarily unable to guard the princess, at least he can guard her happiness.

The dragon was turned over at night, and Tang chased it out. "Brother, don't do this! My nephew knows it will be uncomfortable! Brother, I actually..."

Tang Lizheng wanted to confess that he told Han Hao what they were when they were young, and at this time, Xu Donglin suddenly arrived.

During this time, he could not find the master, only to follow Gu Beiyue. He couldn't care for the master and son who had not seen him for a long time. He hurriedly presented a letter to Gu Beiyue. "The medical city has just sent it, saying that it is a special secret letter, so that you must see it yourself and reply as soon as possible. !"

What can I do in a medical city? Is it true that there is news of Han Yu?

The dragon that was about to leave immediately looked at it, cold, "What?"

Sure enough, only things related to Han Han can let him open the mouth...

(End of this chapter)