Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1115: Dragon is not knowing the truth at night

Long is not open at night, can Gu Beiyue not hurry to read the letter?

In fact, this secret letter from the drug city is so urgent, he probably guessed something. At this moment, his mood is nervous and fearful.

The tension is that he must have any clues about the appointment of Miss Ren. The fear is that if there is a clue, he can no longer conceal the pregnancy of the dragon non-night princess.

Even if he is ready to be complained, he is still scared. After all, he is wrong.

Gu Beiyue rushed to open a secret letter and found that there were two letters in the secret letter, one for the missing of Miss Four, and the other for a prescription!

Today is the morning of the fifth day. Miss Four is missing in the third night. This secret letter was sent from the medical city to the medicine. It was less than two days, and the speed was really fast.

Less than two hours after Miss Mi’s disappearance, someone took this prescription to the maternity hall to check with the doctor.

The dragon was not the night, Gu Beiyue consciously handed the letter and the prescription to him, and Gu Qixiao and others quickly came over.

However, apart from Gu Beiyue, everyone can't see how this relates to the whereabouts of Han Han.

"Miss Ren Si is the doctor of obstetrics?" Gu Qixiao asked curiously.

Gu Beiyue took a look at the dragon, but he did not hesitate. He said, "Let's take a look at the prescription. Checked."

"And then?" Gu Qixiao still does not understand. The dragon is not locked at night, waiting, but it is basically like losing patience.

At this time, Tang broke his mouth. "This prescription has problems! Purple forest grass, horseshoe green and ten squares are all banned! Who is the prescription?"

The big man in the field, apart from Gu Beiyue, did not know the reform of the obstetrics in the medical school. Tang was clearly clear.

At the beginning, he prepared for the quiet baby, not only invited the most experienced mother, but also invited several obstetricians to Tangmen to wait.

In the notes recorded in his booklet, there is a class of pregnant women who banned drugs. He told Gu Beiyue that all the banned drugs that he had told him were thoroughly cooked!

The dragon was not ignorant of the Tang Dynasty, and looked coldly at Gu Beiyue. Obviously, Tang is only aware of its hair and does not know its roots.

"Yes, remove the three-flavored banned drugs. This is a prescription for pregnant women. It seems that the combination of medicinal materials and the use of doses is very professional. Those who can prescribe these prescriptions must be six products. The doctor on the." Gu Beiyue explained.

"Whether it is the doctor above the six products, why should we ban the drug?" The old man of Dan furnace could not help but ask.

"The obstetrician of more than six products, in addition to several elderly people in obstetrics, only four young ladies." Gu Beiyue said.

"Miss Ren Si is deliberately so open!" Tang was shocked.

"Yes, Miss Ren is in the hands of the robbers. She is afraid that she will be forced to open the fetus by the robbers. Therefore, she will use the prescription to send the news." Gu Beiyue is very sure.

Long night heard this, I haven’t heard any clues about Han Han’s relationship. He’s cold, “A good secret letter!”

The express letter is the letter that conveys the most urgent information in the shadow guard. If it is not important, it is very urgent, and the shadow guard will not abuse it. It’s not always a qualification to start a letter of this level!

Gu Beiyue quickly retired, hands squatting, and squatting down. "His Highness, there is something in the next, I dare not expect the temple to drop the sin, but ask the temple to calm down, to find the princess and then punish

Under. ”

When the words came out, everyone was quiet and did not dare to speak. Gu Beiyue’s mistake is a big deal.

Gu Beiyue did not stop, and then said, "His Royal Highness, the princess is pregnant, and now it has been around for five months."

When the words came out, everyone took a sigh of relief, and the dragon was not stable at night, and he took a few steps. He looked at Gu Beiyue incredulously and couldn't believe what he heard.

This news, fear is the most unexpected news of his life!

Come, it’s too sudden!

He always knew that Han Han was preparing for pregnancy, but the news was still an absolute accident for him.

The child has been missing for more than three months in about five months. In other words, Han Han has not been hijacked and is pregnant? Such a thing, isn’t that Han Han telling him himself?

Han Wei is a doctor, she should be very clear about her body! She should be the first to know!

Why didn't she tell him?

This is an accident and a blow, then it is a surprise.

The dragon is not a nightingale. He has an unexplained reason. He has a feeling of darkness. He can’t think about why Han Han didn’t tell him, and he didn’t want to blame her for being pregnant, but he was so adventurous and went with him. There is only that fetus in his mind. Is there anything wrong with Han Wei?

In the presence, whoever saw the dragon and the night, the top of the scene, he stood at any time, such as loose, when he saw his standing unstable?

This is the scene that Gu Beiyue is most reluctant to see.

However, things have developed to this point, he must face, and must tell the dragon everything.

When he was in the Tianshan Mountains, he checked the body temperature and pulse of the princess and showed signs that her body was pregnant, but he was not sure.

Signs of conception do not represent a successful pregnancy, may not be successful in pregnancy, may also be successful in pregnancy, but it is unconsciously shed for a few days. Early pregnancy is full of uncertain factors, and even some people will shed after successful pregnancy. There is no feeling at all, or some blood mistakes are thought to be good friends.

Gu Beiyue just inadvertently put the pulse into the pulse, and everything was too early, so he said nothing, that is, he opened some medicines to nourish the body and not affect pregnancy.

When Gu Beiyue took the pulse for the second time, he was very clear that the princess was pregnant, but he still had no more mouths. Because at that time, it was still early in pregnancy, even the most powerful doctor in the obstetrics and gynaecology could not give the pulse, and the princess himself could not even come out.

Gu Beiyue knows that if he waits for more than half a month, the princess will be able to detect his own body and can also bring out the joy. For half a month, he didn't want to talk too much. These things, the Princess himself went to discover, the Princess himself went to share with His Royal Highness. He is, after all, an outsider. If it is not his medical skills, he is not the first one to know.

At that time, it happened to go to the tiger to save people, he hesitated. However, after weighing the relationship, I chose to hide. He gave the princess a good fetus, and he also took care of him along the way.

At that time, Jun also wanted the princess to go to the tiger prison. He prepared everything and would not let the princess be in danger anyway.

After the tiger was out of danger, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his mind. He hoped that the princess would find good news and share good news with everyone. But who knows, the tigers were out of danger for only a few days, and the students from the Mu family were armed everywhere. They went to the middle and were threatened by the Mu Yuanbo massacre.

They are almost non-stop

Running around, busy. In fact, he did not know that the princess was busy neglecting his body during this time, or he had already found himself pregnant, but he was afraid that he would be under house arrest and did not say it. He can only give her a fake medicine on the grounds of nursed back to the body.

In fact, at that time, he would rather not know the princess. Because of the face of Bai Yanqing, in the face of double repairs, in just a few months, they must fight with Bai Yanqing anyway. In other words, if the princess knows that she is pregnant, she still has to choose to go to the Tianan Imperial City for danger.

Instead of letting the princess come to risk choices, it is better to let her know nothing about it. This cruel choice, he will do it.

Helpless, they lost their hands in the Tianan Imperial City, planted in Bai Yanqing's formation.

From that moment on, he knew that he had to hide it as much as possible. Because, if let His Royal Highness know that the princess is pregnant, he estimates that even the final calm can not hold. He endured and groaned, giving the message to Miss Four.

Gu Beiyue did not explain so much with the dragon and the night, he only said two things. First, the early pregnancy, the princess does not know that she is pregnant; second, he is worried that because the princess's pregnancy has affected Bai Yanqing, he privately concealed the matter.

Gu Beiyue is taking this bad guy to the end.

When he had just finished speaking, the dragon hit a fist with his fist on the face, and the punch was so great that the people around him instinctively dispersed.

Gu Beiyue did not move. When he gave the order to Miss Mi, he was already ready to punch.

This fist will go down, his face will collapse! Gu Beiyue recognized, and he closed his eyes.

However, the dragon's fist was stopped in front of Gu Beiyue, and it was a little bit worse. Just a little bit of his nose collapsed.

An angry force condenses on the dragon's non-night fist, and he punches fast, and this power will not be beaten again. If there is nowhere to vent, then it will turn back to himself!

Gu Beiyue quickly opened his eyes. However, at this time, the strength of the dragon's non-night fist bounced back along his arm and hit him hard. The dragon spurted a blood out of the night.

No one knows, this blood is actually hurt by the power of counter-attacking, still angry, anxious?

In short, he did not hurt the North Moon, but he hurt himself.

"Brother!" Tang shouted.

He can understand his brother's mood at this moment, because he has experienced it and experienced it for himself. Therefore, after the nephew fell into the hands of Bai Yanqing, he has never mentioned tranquility so far, and has not urged them to save people.

He knows that there is no need.

Gu Qishang stood aside, his fists were tightly held, but he never said anything. God knows what he wants. The old man of Dan furnace and Ye Hao are very worried, just seeing the cold expression of the dragon and the night, they dare not speak.

Gu Beiyue really wants to give His Royal Highness some time, and the wound in his heart, but time is tight, he is not willing to delay.

"Miss Ren Si disappeared less than two hours, this prescription was sent to the maternity hall, which means that Miss Ren is in the medical city to open this prescription. Under the can not guarantee that Miss Ren is hijacked by Bai Yanqing However, this is a clue! If it is really Bai Yanqing's robbery, then the prescription of the fetus, the princess should not be a big problem!" This is the only comfort that Gu Beiyue can say.

The dragon's eye is a little scarlet, and he will tie the sword with the new Moxie sword and carry his back.

The two swords are heavy, and his back is still quite straight. I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth. He said coldly, "Go to the medical city!"

(End of this chapter)